Chapter 19

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Walking into work the next day, I noticed Hettie standing in front of her office. "Good morning Hettie, how are you?" I ask her.
"I'm well, how are you feeling this morning?" She asked me.
"Ok, I feel like I ate sketchy Chinese food but it's fine, I'm getting used to it."
"Well at least you didn't have Chinese, this is a much happier situation."
"What's a happier situation?" Deeks asked as he and Kensi walked in.
"Krista was just telling me that her father is coming down for a few days." My eyes widen and I nod my head, panicking in the inside.
"Do we get to meet him?" Kensi asked.
"Of course, why wouldn't you?"
"Well maybe you're embarrassed by us." Deeks said. "Though I don't understand why you would ever."
"Oh Martin, how wrong you are." Heddie said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Now, I need to talk to Krista for a moment. You have a case to solve, go." With that they nodded and went back to their desks to work.
"Hettie please tell me my dad is not actually coming."
"He is, so is the rest of his team. Unfortunately we found that there were other victims before our Leutenit."
"And that's the case my family has been working on."
"When are they coming?"
"They should be here by the end of the day."
"Great." We were silent for a moment before Hettie made any movement or sound.
"On more of a personal note, are you going to be keeping this from your family or are you going to tell them?" I thought about it for a moment before the most obvious answer came to mind.
"I'll need to talk to Hank but I think we might wait, but if they actually pay attention to my behavior, they'll know something's up so they'll find out anyways."
"What about this team?"
"I'm not sure, I want to tell them but I want to know that I can make it till the second trimester."
"If you say so."
"Thanks Hettie, I appreciate it."
"No problem, but I do think you have a case to build before the feds get here."
"Got it." I walked out and up to where the rest of my team was.
"Where were you?" Sam asked me as I walked into the room.
"Well my dad and team are going to be here by tonight, there were murders before our Leutenit. Just so happens to be the case they were working on." I say.
"Well that's great, extra help." Eric said.
"No, Penelope is not coming, she's staying in Quantico."
"Oh well." He sighed.
"Hettie said to get as much as we can before feds get here."
"We can do that, what do we have so far on the victim?" Callen asked.
"Family man, hard worker, but still kept secrets from his wife and left late at night arriving early in the morning." Nell said.
"He would sneak out to a bar at those hours to sing, he confided into one of the bandmates Joey." I say.
"The question is, what happened that he became paranoid? Why did he feel he needed to keep close eye on his wife?" Sam said.
"Could it be that he owed money to someone?" Kensi asked.
"It could but if it was for drugs or for gambling, the wife would've noticed. I'm thinking it might be something something along the lines of getting mixed up into somethinf he shouldn't have."
"Gang related?" Callen asked.
"Maybe, I'm not sure. We can check it out and see what the place is like."
"Good idea, Sam and I will do that tonight."
"Well I'm going to need to take an early lunch today, I need to prepare my house for a bunch of profilers. And I do warn you guys, they can't turn it off." They nod, Sam giving me a pointed look saying that we're taking a ride.
"Hey Morgan, why don't we go talk with the wife again?" Sam asked more towards Callen than towards myself.
"I thought we talked to her already?"
"We did, but we can narrow down our options on his sudden paranoia."
"Alright, go." Sam leads the way to his car and we head to Joannah's house.
"So, what do you think you're going to do when the profilers come?" He asked.
"Honestly, hoping they stay in a hotel. I love them and all, but I can't have them knowing yet. If anyone were to find out, JJ would be the first to know. She's been like a mom to me since I was little, she's the one that kept my dad sane when Hank and I were dating."
"I'm guessing he tried to break you two up?"
"Not at all, no, he'd always tell me all the things that can go wrong in a relationship. JJ had to remind him that he was in a relationship with my mom, that I'm dating the son of Derek Morgan, a guy who would practically forbid Hank from ever harming a woman. Though my dad's argument was always that Derek was always a heartbreaker, JJ easily reminded him that he's happily married and have him resight what he had told Derek once before, 'when Derek Morgan says "I do," it'll be a national day of mourning for single woman everywhere', practically happened and that reminder worked like a charm every time."
"You got off track."
"Well at least we're pulling into Joanna's drive way." He shakes his head and I get out of the car. Walking up to the house, I see Joanna sitting on the steps, covering her face with her hands.
"Joanna?" I ask softly. She quickly looks up and wipes her eyes, that when we look into them, you saw fear. "Are you alright?"
"I don't know," she said looking past me, "I don't know what to think."
"Did something happen?"
"Someone actually."
"Yes, they stopped by here and demanded to speak with my husband, that they had a few things to discuss. When I told him he died, the man nearly fainted. I asked him who he was, and he lashed out on me. He yelled at me, telling me that I'd never understand and he left."
"Can you describe him?" Sam asked.
"A few inches taller than me, light brown hair, uh-freckles, a pointed nose, brown eyes, and he had a peculiar tattoo on his neck, it was a rose with a sword going through it. It didn't make sense to me."
"Do you think you can sit down with a sketch artist and give us a picture?"
"I already have a picture of him, video actually, we have a video camera in the doorbell."
"Great, we'll look into those." She easily handed to drive to us and we headed out.
On our way to the office, I got a call from Hank, "Hello?" 
"Hello beautiful one." Hank said.
"Why thank you."
"So do you want to meet at home for lunch?"
"Hank, if you want to know something just ask, don't sugar coat it." He sighed.
"Fine, I just got a call from my dad, he and my mom are coming down for a visit, they're halfway here."
"Hank, this isn't going to go well, just warning you."
"I knew that, but you sound like there's another reason."
"There is, the team is coming down here." He sighed again.
"This is going to be harder than I thought."
"Well we can have your parents stay at our house and send the rest of the loons to a hotel, better deal with a rusty profiler rather than a group of a bunch of current."
"You think your dad is a loon?"
"In a way he is."
"Can't argue you there. Well Baby I need to go, I'll meet you at home, we can prepare for my parents and we'll go from there."
"Sounds great, love you."
"Love you too." He hangs up and Sam looks at me.
"In-laws." He nods understanding. We soon arrive to the office, Sam goes to get me a water bottle and I sit down at my desk. I close my eyes and lean back in my chair, ready for lunch already.
"Krista!" I hear a familiar voice call. My eyes shoot open and I see five familiar faces and two not so much, staring at me.
"Dad?" I ask in surprise. I get up and go hug them all. "I thought you were going to be in by tonight, it's not night."
"You've always been so observant." My grandpa said.
"We want this case over with." JJ said.
"You and me both." I grumble.
"Looks like the family arrived." I could hear Deeks say from behind me. I look back and see Kensi and Deeks walk up.
"Yes they did, Deeks, Kensi, these loons are my family. That's my dad Spencer, grandpa Rossi, JJ, Emily, and I don't think I've met these two yet." I introduce.
"I'm Lee Fredrickson, pleasure to meet you, I've heard so much." He said shaking my hand.
"Matt Simmons." I shake his hand as well.
"Well this is Kensi Bye, Martin Deeks, and here comes my boss Hennrietta." She discusses the case with them while I zone out into my thoughts,  this is great, what a wonderful time to keep something from a group of profilers.

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