Chapter 6

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After a week we were allowed to go back home and I had my date with Hank Friday night, it's just Tuesday.
Testing is in a week and I'm studying with my dad, but studying with him just means he's teaching it to me. "What's the next topic?" He asks erasing the whiteboard.
"Holocaust." I said half asleep.
"Are you going to fall asleep on me?"
"Not now, but soon that's a fact. It should be recorded in the history books."
"Go get some coffee."
"Dad I'm not like you, it never wakes me up."
"Add sugar."
"But first, the Holocaust, 1933-1945, 20th century. Hitler was in the dictatorship in Nazi Germany, great public speaker-"
"Dad, can we pick up tomorrow I'm tired?"
"Fine but you need to do good."
"I'm already passing all my classes, I haven't gotten anything below a 97% in any class, I'll be fine if I skip a night of the lesson."
"Fine I won't push you, but tomorrow night you're bringing Henry."
"Ya, that boy needs it."
"I want you to know, you don't just need to come to me for school help. Krista come to me if you need anything else."
"Thanks dad. You know that one day when you picked me up from school to go to a safe house?"
"Um yaaa, it was a week ago."
"Well before school I kinda told Daisy that I'm here for her if she ever wanted to talk, I'm now thinking-I'm REALLY smart."
"Why are you so nice?"
"Why are you so smart?" He was about to explain everything but then his phone went of.
"Dr. Reid........Wait really?........I'll be right there Emily.......The kids will be fine...ok bye."
"What was that?"
"They found them."
"As in the guy that threatened-wait did you say them?"
"I don't know, but they're the people that took her from us." My eyes teared up and I actually smiled to him.
"How did they determine that he's the one that killed her?"
"The rearview camera."
"How did they not find that last time?"
"They thought that it was an accident so they didn't even try."
"I'll get Lucas ready for bed, dad it's ok if you kill him-actually that would be great!"
"I'll pretend I did not just hear that, for future reference."
"Ok, can I invite over a couple friends?"
"That's fine, I think distracting your mind will help."
"Also the fact that Henry will come anyways, if it was just the two of us we would go crazy worrying about you guys out there."
"Krista, just remember that Will's home as well. He's getting home early so he can be with his sons."
"Ok, Amy, Joy, and Hank can come over."
"That's fine-now I need to go, have fun and stay safe."
"I should be saying the same, I love you."
"Love you too." He left and I texted them in the group chat, Amy said she's going to bring her friend from her previous school Anna. As soon as I got snacks and such, I heard the door bell. I open it and see a smirking Hank.
"Well Hank, nice to see you scaring me-I mean....exactly what I said." I said inviting him in.
"Apparently I have that effect on people." He said stepping closer to me.
"You know what I noticed?" I said as he got closer. "You're surprisingly mature for you."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"You're not like your dad."
"Of course, I'm better looking."
"Hmm, let me think."
"Whoa really you have to think?"
"I'm debating if you're right or you're completely wrong, it might be that you're right." I said as he was inches from my face. We were about to kiss when the door bell went off again. I die laughing and answered the door, the three girls were standing there with goodies. I turn around and look at Hank, I could tell Hank didn't think it was very funny, he seems more irritated than anything.
"Hi, you must be Krista, and you clearly must be Hank." Anna said shaking our hands.
"Where do you live and what brings you to Quantico?" I ask.
"Well I live in Miami, and I just needed a break from home. What better way is to come see my close friend and meet her newer friends."
"Well, just to let you all know, my dad isn't here he's going to be home later. They found the guy that threatened us and killed my mom, my dad was called in so...I needed the distraction."
"Wait what now? What happened?" Amy and Joy agreed with Anna.
"Well, I missed school last week when my dad received a threat on mine and Hanks family. Both our dads decided that we should go to a safe house just to be safe, and I pointed out something I'm not really supposed to talk about. Long story short, I brought up the fact that my mom was possibly murdered 10 years ago, they found that to be true."
"Wow, so your dad is a cop?"
"FBI, both my parents, and Hanks dad worked with them for a period of time-actually he worked with my dad WAY longer then my mom."
"So that's how you two know each other? Ok, I'm learning things now."
"Good, I was just doing that with my dad before he left." I pulled the big whiteboard around so they can actually see it, and all of their mouths dropped. "Though he wasn't saying it all, all of what he was going through his head  is on the board. He likes to act like he's explaining it to someone new each time. "
"From the looks of it, you don't review, you learn it."
"Yup, he thinks that new material that we haven't learned will help me on my tests."
"Man, why go to school when you have a dad like that? My dad left my family years ago. It's been my brother, mom, and I."
"I'm so sorry for that."
"It's nothing really." She said and right after the door opened, and in came my dad. My dads face had no emotion in it. The three girls noticed his expression and told me that it was time for them to go, but Hank stayed.
"Dad? Is everything alright? You seem a bit-not you." He snapped whatever trace he was in and rushed over to me and hugged me tight. "Love you too? But in all seriousness, what's going on?"
"You have to be good friends to Daisy. The arrest didn't go as planed, he ended up shooting himself, JJ was the one talking him down." He said with his chin on my head.
"So it was her dad?"
"It was, I'm sorry that you were carrying this on you for so long."
"I'm sorry I never said anything. Dad, you need to go read a pile of books and relax. If you don't relax, you'll be stressed tomorrow and you'll easily snap at everyone." He nodded and went upstairs, which left me with Hank....alone. I shook my head and crossed my arms.
"You're too much like a mom." He said and I grunted and fell onto him. "Oh and now you're to exhausted for looking out for him?"
"No, I just wish it was my dad who killed him." I said pouting.
"Normal people would feel bad for them, you wish it was your dad who killed him not him."
"I'm far from normal."
"Ohh trust me I know, and that's what I like about you."
"Thanks but I do feel like a weight was lifted from my chest, I got to aquatinted with that feeling-the feeling of uselessness. After all these years, it's finally gone."
"What do you mean by uselessness?"
"Well I didn't know what do, I didn't know if I should tell anyone. When I found out that it was you, I knew that if I could talk to Uncle Morgan about it he would listen. After I talked to him and started talking to you more, I knew that burden I have been carrying will be lifted, and it did." He pulled me into a hug and I just cried, not of sadness but of relief.

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