Chapter 9

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      When we were clear to take airplane mode off, I texted my boss to see if she wanted me to call now, she responded and said that they'll call me, and that I should open my computer.
      Sure enough, a few seconds later I got a Skype call on my laptop, I put some headphones in and answered.
"Hello, Mrs. Morgan, I'm Henrietta your boss." She said. Your short! I thought. I saw a male to her right and another short female to her left, but still taller than Henrietta. "This is Eric and Mel, they're our tech people." They waved at me. The doors slide open and 4 more people enter talking to each other. They look at the screen and see me, and were silent. "Well this is Sam Hanna on the very end," she said pointing to the tall buff guy, kinda intimidating. "Next to him is Mr. Callen, then is Marty Deeks, finally is Kensi Blye."
"Hi, nice to meet you guys." I said oddly preppy. "Sorry, that was oddly preppy-ugh."
"This is Mrs. Krista Morgan, she's on this team now." They all looked at each other.
"Hold on your married?" Kensi asked. I nudged Hank to get in view, he smiled and I gave him one of my earbuds. "Sam, you got some competition there."
"I doubt that, my father-in-law is a bit buffer than Hank." Hank laughed then sat up straight, getting out of view.
"When do you land?" Hetty asked.
"30 minutes or so, is there anything you want to know about me right now?"
"What's your family like?" Sam asked.
"Um, my whole family is in the FBI-BAU, my grandpa is also an author, and my aunt."
"Your grandfather is in the FBI?"
"Yup, he was there since the beginning."
"Who is he?"
"David Rossi."
"She can tell us more when we help her move into her house." Hetty said.
"Oh you don't have to, besides Hank has an interview with SWAT."
"He's going into SWAT? The only team with an opening is the one that normally works with us." Callen said.
"But we'll still be there when you land and help you move in."
"I mean we have a case but we haven't gotten anything. I think if we come over and help, I'd actually be helpful-and we can catch you up." Mel said.
"Ok, sounds good. I'll talk to you later, they're saying we land in 10 minutes."
"We'll be there." They hung up and I rested my head on Hanks shoulder.
"When you get the job, you need to know I love you but if you stank in anyway, you don't come near me, you don't even try to kiss me, you go straight to that shower!"
"Come on, that's just cruel!" He said.
"Eh, I'm a cruel person, besides you're the one that decided to marry me!"
"But you're the one that said yes!"
"And you're the one taking a shower after the gym and work, as cute as you are, you can't change my mind." He shook his head, then it was said over the speakers to buckle up, we're landing soon.
As soon as we landed and got our luggage, I saw Kensi and Deeks standing there with our name on a sign. "Whoa, you're a bigger boulder then I thought." Deeks said looking at Hank.
"Hey, Kensi, Deeks, what's up with the sign?" I asked.
"I don't know actually, I didn't think you would recognize us, so why not?" Deeks said as we started walking to the car.
"Small fact, I found out that I have an eidetic memory at 16."
"Is it genetic or did you just develop it?"
"I don't know, my dad has it, but he found out much younger then me."
"Geez, a family of genius'!"
"Sure, you could say that." We arrived to the car and they drove us to the car dealership. We knew exactly what we wanted so we got it, once all the paperwork was filled out Hank was the one that took it to his interview and I went with Kensi and Deeks. "So, how long have you guys been together?" I asked. They looked at each other surprised.
"We didn't do anything to indicate we were?" Kensi said.
"Ya you did."
"The way you look at each other, how you become less tense when he touches your shoulder, how his heart races when he's with you. It was quite easy to tell." It was silent for a moment, then they burst out laughing.
"I didn't know you were a profiler."
"Well I grew up around profiling, you couldn't get anything past my family. It started becoming so natural, I got bullied about it in high school."
"It's a real talent, it could really be helpful for our team."
"Can you tell me a bit about the case?"
"Well first we should take you home, what's the address?" I told them the address and they started laughing again. "Why are you laughing?"
"The house across the street from us has been for sale, Kensi has been threatening if I don't leave her alone about her being a slob then she'll throw me in that house. When she found out it was sold she told me that it has to be good people, since she can't threaten me with that anymore." Deeks said clearly picking on Kensi.
"Well I hope we're good enough for you."
"I barely fly."
"Wait you're telling me that your wings aren't fully functional? Mine have been ever since I got closer!" We pulled in and they just looked at me.
"Who was it?" Kensi asked sweetly.
"My mom, I was in the car with her when she died. 10 years later it was ruled as an accidental death, but I looked at the case files when I was 8, and from there on I knew that my mom was murdered. I couldn't tell my dad, or anyone else that worked with him, so I texted my uncle-my father in law-long story. They found him and found out my high school bully was his daughter, and named her after my moms middle name. They couldn't arrest him, so they tried to find a recent victim, and with my aunts help they did. In the end, the guy killed himself."
"Wow, that sounds tough. You're dad must be strong."
"Only when my brother and I are around. You know, throughout middle school and high school I had all honors classes because of him, and graduated a year early."
"Well ok Mrs. Smarty Pants, don't give us lectures about something that would relate to a case. I might just go insane."
"Don't worry, I can hold certain facts back. Also, Kensi you might need to help me with running. In the academy, I basically failed the physical part of the job."
"Most definitely." We got out and I pulled the key out, I went to unlock it but it was already unlocked. "Hmm, that's weird."
"What?" Deeks asked.
"The door's unlocked." They pulled their guns out and I stood in between them.
"Stand behind me, you shouldn't be in the middle."
"It's fine, trust me." He shrugged, then continued. We walked in and I saw boxes in the house and heard laughter. We walk into the kitchen and I see Sam, Callen, Hetty, Mel, and Eric standing in the kitchen drinking. "How did you guys get in?"
"Oh, I picked the lock." Callen said.
"How did you know where I lived?"
"It was in the database!" Eric said simply.
"Well ok then, is there anything you want to know?"
"Please explain this family situation!" Deeks asked. I sighed and jumped up on the counter to sit.
"Well, my dad, Dr. Spencer Reid, is like the brains of the team, he has an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words a minute, and an eidetic memory. Facts come easy to him. My mom was also part of the team, when she applied for the job she didn't know that the father she never met worked for that team. So my grandpa is a writer and a special agent."
"I think I saw that article about your mom." Mel said.
"Well I was with her when she was started dying, I was the one that called the ambulance and my dad. She didn't necessarily die in the car crash but on the operating table."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. Anyways, since I grew up with their team, it became a thing where I'd actually called them my aunts and uncles, then their kids my cousins."
"Ok, that makes more sense now. But please do carry on."
"Well JJ, she's like the mom of team, she was the mother figure to me growing up. Her son Henry and I have been best friends since we were little, as weird my brother Lucas and Micheal are best friends as well. Emily is the team leader, she hasn't always been there, she was there for a long time then left then came back then left for Interpol in London, and came back when my uncle Hotch had to go into hiding....I still haven't seen him in how many years now?  Tara was there for awhile, but just left. Luke was there but was hit by a semi truck, and died(Maybe if I keep yelling at Luke on the TV he'll leave?). Luke and I never got along to well, I missed picking on him but as mean as this sounds I didn't care as much."
"I think that's what most people say about G." Sam said.
"Heh, then there's the QUEEN of the BAU, my aunt Penelope Garcia. She had many nicknames but all left with one team member, I spent a lot of time with her while my dad was on cases. My dads best friend- my favorite uncle left after his wife had there son."
"What was his name?"
"Heh heh, Derek M-Morgan!" I gave an awkward smile, and I saw a couple wide eyes.
"As in your father in law?" Callen asked pressing his eye brows together.
"Ya, I knew them my whole life. When we were little Hank and I would play wedding, Derek would be the caterer."
"So you would have a fake wedding then, a year ago you got married for real?" Sam asked.
"Yup, funny how that worked out."
"Very much so!"
"Ok, to change the subject. What's this case about?"
"Well our victim Sargent Jessica Walsh, was found shot in the head-execution style. Everyone loved her, no signs of any assault." Sam said.
"Where was she found?"
"She was in her home, the basement."
"Ok, was she married? Any sort of family?"
"Married with three kids, two sons, one daughter, parents deceased. Also the husband is her first and last boyfriend."
"Ok, that rules out obsessive ex."
"That's what we thought, I'll take you to work tomorrow."
"Ok, anything else I should know?" Just then I heard the door open and in came Hank.
"I have something, I love you-and I've also got a job." He said proudly. I jumped down and hugged him. "Well I could see a lot got done here."
"Shut up, there's a box unpacked, it's a start." I look at Hank for a moment then thought about how her husband wouldn't be coming home to her anymore, her children coming home from school without their mother there. "Ok, why don't we start unpacking and I can order us a pizza?"
"That would be great, where do you want me to start?" Mel asked.
"It would be great if you did the guest room. Sam, Hank, and Callen you guys move the furniture where you're told. Eric, if you don't mind can you set up the wifi?" He nodded and I continued, "Deeks, dining room and kitchen, Kensi, you and I are doing master bedroom-" I was cut off by Hatty.
"And I'll be telling you where to put the furniture boys. Let's go, we're wasting daylight!" I laughed then Kensi and I went to the master. We start unpacking and I reach the box with all my moms clothes in it, I stare at it for awhile, not doing anything.
"Hey, you good?" Kensi asked me.
"Um-y-ya, I'm good, it's just all of my moms old clothes. Surprisingly we're almost the same size, I'm like a size smaller than these, but I keep them anyways."
"Did she leave you anything?"
"Yes, she left me a diary, the whole thing is basically a letter to me telling me how to deal with certain situations. My dad told me right before I left that Emily will be coming down here it personally give me the last gift she left me. My mom left me a gift for when I move away, my dad has the same thing for my brother-the whole death part has nothing to do with it."
"Do you have any idea of what it is?"
"Not really, but-" I was cut off by my phone ringing, I look at the caller ID....Emily Prentiss. "Hello, this is an invalid number for an Emily Prentiss." I said with no emotion.
"Well hello to you too!" She said happily.
"What can I do for you?"
"Well I wanted to know if I could have our jet back." I looked at Kensi and shook my head.
"No, we do not. Are you going to be coming up here?"
"Yup, Garcia is coming too. She told me that she needs to come hug Kensi." Emily said, clearly confused.
"Ok, I'll tell her. Is that the only reason she's coming?"
"You know Garcia when it comes to you, you're like her younger best friend."
"Right, when are you coming?"
"We should be there in a few days."
"Oh! We're doing a dinner when you come, but we'll need to do it here, but that if it's all good."
"Sounds good, we'll see you then."
"Bye." She hung up.
"What was that all about?" Kensi asked.
"Emily wanted their jet back." I said.
"Jet? What jet?"
"The one we took to get here."
"You used the FBI's private jet to get here?" She asked trying to sort this all out.
"Yup, there's no way my grandpa would've not let us, besides we get decent coffee." We laughed, then we continued unpacking till we had a few more boxes left. Everyone left after 11:30 at night. Our bed wasn't set up, I had no problem sleeping on the floor.

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