Chapter 23

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When we got back to the office I went straight to Hattie's office.
"Agent Morgan, is something the matter?" Hattie asked as I approached.
"I was going to ask to take the rest of the day off," I said fiddling with my fingers.
"Of course," she gets up, "but can I ask why?"
"I just want to see my husband and family," I say honestly.
"Very well, I already let Mrs Morgan know that you'll be home early." I blink quickly surprised she did that.
"But how did-"
"Just go see that family of yours agent," she said waving me out. I leave her office and gather my stuff up from my desk.
"Going home?"
"Yes, I-" I'm pulled into a tight hug. I immediately recognized who's embrace I'm in, "JJ."
"What is it Krista?" She asked with a small smile.
"Nothing, I didn't know at first who you were, I thought you might be my dad or grandpa."
"Well you aren't leaving for nothing, what's wrong?"
I sigh, "this case was strange, it made no sense to me. Why would she pretend to be pregnant? Why would she kill those people? Why couldn't she just love her husband?"
"Those are actually some pretty good questions, some that could really clear up why she did this," she rubbed my arm, "but I know you well enough to know that after her blaming her husband on losing her baby, you need to just be with your husband."
"Thank you JJ," I hug her again, "and I want you guys to come over for dinner tonight."
"Of course."
"Bye JJ, I love you."
"Love you too." I walk out of the building to my car. I drive through the McDonald's drive through and make my way to the SWAT building.
I soon arrive and make my way to the front desk.
"Where can I find Hank Morgan?" I ask. She points me in the direction of the locker room, I quickly thank her and go in that direction. "Hank?" I call out.
"Krista?" I hear to my left, I walk that way and see Hank in a sitting area with a couple other guys. He gets up and comes over to me, "what are you doing here baby?"
"I needed to see you," I look up at him.
"What happened?" He pulled me into his chest, stroking my hair.
"The wife called a hit on her husband and faked her pregnancy." Tears started rolling down my cheeks.
"You couldn't have known baby, you can't see everything." He pulls back and walks back to the couch, pulling me with him. He sets me on his lap and lays my head on his chest.
"He loved her, he didn't make the smartest choices yet he still protected her. That doesn't matter to her, she looked at what she didn't have and used that to literally ruin his life!"
"Baby, I need you to calm down, there must be another reason why that hit was ordered, feeling lonely isn't necessarily a reason to kill someone." I try to calm my breathing.
"You're right, that doesn't make sense." He kissed the side of my head and rubbed my back.
"Hey man, take the rest of the day off, the Mrs. looks like she just needs her husband." A guy said, assuming it's Hanks boss.
"Thanks boss, I appreciate it."
"No problem."
"Let's go home, you've had a rough day." I nod and get up, he quickly wraps his arm around my waist and we head out.

When we arrive home, Savannah immediately hands me a plate of food.
"Eat," she commanded.
"Hello to you too," I said taking the food from her.
"If your pregnancy is anything like mine you're going to inhale food more than air, I'd like you to start early." I look to Derek standing in the corner, smirking at me.
"Derek why are you smirking like that?" I ask taking a step closer to Hank.
"I just find it funny that I saw you grow up and now you'll be watching your own grow up," he said crossing his arms.
"You find it funny? Derek can I please point out to you that-"
"Sh, baby that's not needed," Hank said as I start crying into Hank's shoulder.
"Krista what's wrong baby?"
"I'm fine I just have an increase in the production of estrogen."
"Ok and?"
"My reason for it to be ok that I cry! And for you to listen to me," I smile sweetly with glossy eyes, "so I want thai for dinner, ice cream after."
"That's how it's done!" Derek exclaimed. Hank looked at Savannah and Derek in confusion.
"Hank, your wife just told you that we're having thai for dinner and you're buying her ice cream too."
"Not the best food choice but I'm not complaining," Savannah said.
"Ook?" He's confused about the mood swings, I thought.
"Hank, son, don't worry about it, it's just mood swings. I'd say you'll get used to them, but you probably won't." I glare at Derek and as Savannah said earlier, inhaled the food.
"How about I call the fam and we can meet them for thai?"
"Ok, I already invited them here so we can just tell them there's a change of plans," they all nod, "but also I wanna know if they talked to Joanna yet," I said.
"The wife? I thought you caught the guy?"
"She, the wife ordered a hit. The question now is, what about the other victims? Why'd she order a hit on them too?"
"What if she ran the whole thing? She's in charge of the gambling ring."
"But there's no signs of it in the bank accounts."
"If you were obtaining money from an illegal gambling ring, would you put the money in a bank account you share with your spouse? Probably not, you'd create an account under another name."
"I'll ask Eric tomorrow." With that Derek and Savannah left us to go get ready to go out for dinner.

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