Chapter 20

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I regained consciousness from Charlie's beating and to my surprise I didn't feel any sort of pain down there and what was more surprising is that my lower body was covered with a thin blanket, although it didn't keep the cold out, it still managed to hide my lady parts.

I cannot get over the fact that Charlie didn't do what he came to do. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that nothing happened but he wouldn't go to such lengths to capture me and not do  anything. A man like Charlie certainly has reasons for everything that he does.

Did he wait for me to gain consciousness so that this moment will be with me until the day I die? Now that definitely sounds like something Charlie would do.

The loud sound of locks unlocking brought nothing but fear. I started whispering prayers hoping that God could hear me. I wasn't ready for Charlie to finish what he started.

The door opened and I immediately shut my eyes and my prayers started getting louder as the sound of his boots started coming my way.

The footsteps stopped and I knew he was now in front of me waiting for me to open my eyes and when I did, I was completely shocked.

It wasn't Charlie, it was Jeff.

He came in holding a bottle of water and a bowl of porridge, he placed it in front of me and the next part just shocked me further.

Instead of unchaining the shackles, he kneeled in front of me, rolled his sleeves and attempted to feed me.

I know, you would've thought that in such a situation I'd drop this "tough guy" act but I don't know if I can trust him. What if he poisoned the food? Besides, I'm not even that hungry.

"I'm not hungry," I said and in that moment my stomach betrayed me and started growling causing him to raise an eyebrow and continued to hold the spoon in front of me until I opened my mouth.

Swallowing was difficult but he was patient with me and if he was bothered by my pace he certainly didn't show it. After feeding me, he held my face gently and shoved a dissolving pill in my mouth and looked at me with eyes that practically yelled "if you dare spit it out". As it was in the process of dissolving he got up from the ground and started making his way towards the door but then stopped within his tracks and mumbled something along the lines of, "its to numb the pain," knowing Charlie, he wouldn't care if the pain was unbearable, he just wanted me to be alive and fuck-able.

So this must mean that Jeff did this out of his own freewill? Did he care? Of course not, don't be silly now Gabriella! my conscious yelled but I had to be sure, I had to ask. He might just be my only shot at freedom.

"Why do you even care? It won't even help numb a fraction of the pain that's to come! Do you even know what he's going to do to me?" a stray tear falls down my cheek as silence is his only answer, which only angers me more causing me to fight against the shackles holding me in place, "answer me Jeff ! Do you? Do you know that he's planning on raping me? You probably don't even care as long as you get your damn cheque at the end of it all." No answer just more silence.

"Tell me Jeff, do you have children? Let me guess you won't answ-"

"A little boy and a girl on the way," he said as he cut me off. After hearing him answer, I'll have to admit I was left speechless because I truly wasn't expecting that let alone an answer.

"So tell me, is this your way of teaching your little boy how men are supposed be? Kill in cold blood and just allow girls to be raped? You just told me that you're expecting a girl, what if this was her? Kidnapped by the men in blue, the people that are supposed to protect her but instead her life doesn't matter as long as money is involved. What kind of a father are-" before i could finish my sentence Jeff was once again kneeled in front of me with his hand around my neck.

He was mad, oh he was mad mad. He was breathing heavy, it almost looked like he was about to start foaming in the mouth and don't get me started on the look in his eyes--that was definitely the visual representation of the saying 'if looks could kill'. I really struck a nerve.

His grip around my neck started to tighten and I could feel my face redden at the lack of air. I started tearing up and mouthing my words, with the hope that I'd somehow be heard but its like he heard my unspoken words and loosened his hold on me just so that I wouldn't die.

His stare intensified and sent shivers down my spine.

"You don't know shit about me! Don't you ever and I mean ever speak on my fathering skills, I love my family. Do you think I want to fucking do this?" this time it was my turn to return the silent treatment, not because I wanted to but because I really didn't have anything to say.

He completely let go of my neck but not without jerking my head back in the process then he got up and started to pace up and down, pulling his hair and mumbling something under his breath. From where I was sitting it looked like he was fighting his demons. Hopefully this fight was in my favour, this cannot be how my story ends. I simply refuse.

If it means that I must fight to stay alive then so be it but first but first things first, I need to get out of these shackles and I cannot do it without him.

I need Jeff on my side.


A/N: Its been a whileeeeeee but thats only because school has been hectic and don't get me started on the amount of pressure and stress this pandemic has caused :| but nonetheless I hope you enjoy this long overdue chapter. Please don't forget to vote (click the little star) and share this with your friends and/or family.

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