Chapter 5

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SING mom.

This is the first time I see Amelia, my mother cry in such a way. It's been like 20 minutes and I can't take it anymore.

"Mom! Wipe those tears. This is a problem that we both got ourselves into and we'll go through it together! Now go fix yourself. We have to hit the road." I say confidently standing up and leading the way.. knowing that she's behind me I don't worry much, she starts walking behind me but suddenly stops.

I turn to see what's happening and you certainly won't believe who it was, it was....


"You thought you'd leave without saying goodbye babes? How rude" he said with that evil-ish deep voice of his. He then took my mom, held her in a submission hold slowly choking the life out of her, which caused her not to breathe.

Right there, at that precise moment I froze and it felt like my whole body just shut down.

Just like when I was being raped.
Yup just like that exact moment.

The only difference is that the anger has taken over me but why am I still stuck in this frozen state just staring at my mother?

Red... blue.. purple. The colours of her face.
Tears running down her cheeks.
The look in her face was the look of help on steroids. I know I was no competition compared to Charlie but I had to, I just had to help my mom. I wouldn't forgive myself if my cowardice ways was the cause of my mothers death. I just couldn't take upon the guilt.

I could only think of one thing that could help in this situation which was the S.I.N.G. (Solar plexus, Instep, Nose, Groin) technique, I knew those self defense classes we took would help us in the mere future. I just hope Mom remembers it.

"SING MOM, SING!" I scream, she looks at me which clarified that she knew what I was talking about. As she was about to start her attack she was stopped by Charlie's laughter.

"What could your mom possibly sing at this moment? There's no song in this world that could save her. Not even a gospel" he continues laughing.

That's when his guard was down and his grip a little less tightened. That's when mom striked as she elbowed him in the solar plexus cause him to crouch and completely let go of her, she then kicked him in the shin with her six inch heels, she turned and faced Charlie as he was about to slap her through the face she blocked the slap and punched him on the nose causing him to bleed with a little bit of help from her huge diamond ring, lastly she kicked him in his groin in other words in his genitals.

He then fell to the ground and groaned in pain. As he fell we ran as fast as our legs could take us and immediately got into the car. Mom was in no state of driving the car but I couldn't help her there simply because I don't have a license.


We've been driving for quite some time now and I'm really hungry but mom refuses to stop. She won't stop till we're really far from that bastard. During the drive I fell asleep for awhile but was shortly woken up by the conversation my mom was having with someone on the other side. It was probably one of her FBI friends, I couldn't really make out the words coming from the other line which really frustrated me. I guess there's nothing I can do at this point, so I drifted off back to sleep, thinking that it'll help me forget what had happened today.

Or was I wrong?
Could I really forget what happened today?

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