Chapter 12

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"See you soon... Gabriella" are the words that keep wondering in my head. Who could he be and how could he have known my name? As freaked out as I'm supposed to be I'm partly emotionless because I don't know how to soak it all in, his touch wasn't all life threatening but his voice, there was some sort of feeling I felt from it. This feeling was very unknown to me, I can't even explain it but what I can say is that I'm not safe.

It couldn't be anyone from back home because according to all of them I died in that car crash not so long ago and it cannot be anyone from here because well I haven't spoken to anyone besides that moron I bumped into.
Could he have found out my name? Nahhh I doubt.
What if it really is someone from back home? What if nobody knows about the death of Gabriella and Amelia Montez – my thoughts were interrupted by Toby barging into my room behind him was a posse of huge armed cops, for what reason I don't know.

"Emily it's no secret that there's a possibility of you not being safe here and your cover might be in jeopardy. We need to act now and fast. Do you have any idea of who might have paid you a visit today?" He says with a firm yet calm tone.

"Toby do you have your phone on you by any chance?" I say and without hesitation he takes out his phone and hands it to me, as I reach for it he pulls it back making it almost impossible for me to reach it. "What do you want with it?" he asks, "Just trust me okay!"

I get ahold of his phone and do something that I've been meaning to do. I go to safari and type in the unbearable.

Death of Gabriella And Amelia Montez

To my surprise, there was a couple of articles by various magazines and newspapers but the one that caught my attention was the DailyMail. They interviewed my Dad, a few friends of mine, Charlie and a person that I didn't quite recognize, a supposed brother to Charlie named, Chester. He looks quite familiar maybe it's because he resembles Charlie so much and I say that with a huge amount of emphasis. The only difference is that Charlie is well-known and highly respected and Chester seems like a sick, lost maybe even a misunderstood guy. I can't help but find it funny how Charlie doesn't speak about his 'brother' whom I haven't met before, so why is he saying meaningful things about my mother and I?

"Mom!" I exclaim and without any time wasted she's in my room with a worried facial expression. Now I have both mom and Toby in the room and possibly the only people that can help me understand who Chester is.

"Who's Chester Smith?" I ask and suddenly moms facial expression changes from worried to terrified and scared, I wonder why.
"How do you know him?" she asks
"Just answer the question mom!" I seriously don't have room for anymore lies at this point and as mom is about to open up her mouth, Toby beat her to it and says, " Chester Henry Smith is a mad man to be exact, a psychiatric killer. He killed his parents at a young age with the help of Charlie of course but he wanted to make his older brother proud so, he took the fall for it one man. He was later admitted to a mental hospital and was released this year but went into hiding and no one has seen him ever since."

Before I could digest what was just said my mom added some more information, "Well, I've met him. I'd accompany Charlie when he'd go visit him. He seemed so innocent and sweet, he had a good way of using his words. The words he used could easily make one befriend him so as any friend I started visiting more often at times without Charlie and that made him angry, it even seemed as if he was getting jealous. To be honest I really enjoyed his company until Charlie hit me and ordered me to stop seeing him, afraid of his abusive tendencies I stopped seeing Chester immediately. I just left him, no goodbyes, nothing. That was the last I heard of Chester, well that's what I thought until I was proven wrong. He sent me sweet letters which I couldn't respond to, sweet short letters turned out to be long angry creepy letters to death threats that always said See you soon at the end of each letter. It could be possible that he was the one that was in your room earlier on..." she finishes off as her eyes water.

Wow. That was quite a lot to take in.

Through the stories I heard about Chester, I gathered that he is very dangerous and extremely lowkey. He can look like a lost angel that just needs a friend to stay with him but once you leave him he'll turn out to be the devil himself. Seems as if Chester is just as worse as Charlie. Great, we have two bloodthirsty brothers both crazy need I remind you, that are looking for us.

All I can do is hope and pray that that wasn't Chester but hope is a very dangerous thing, it drives mankind insane.

Authors Note:
Chester Henry Smith, the younger brother to the well-known Charlie Smith is now a potential threat to both Amelia and Gabriella. Do you think that he indeed was the Masked Figure? Drop comments on what you think and don't forget to vote and share. xx

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