Chapter 3

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Love can be code for hate too...

"Charl-" stunned from what she had just seen mom can barely get her words out. There it is ladies and gentlemen, she has seen her daughter being raped by the man she loves or should I say loved.

As her eyes came across my blood red eyes I could just see how this has hurt her and how angry she is.

"Amelia, I can ex- " before he could finish his sentence my mom silenced with that stank eye of hers.

She walks up to him, stops and looks at me then back at him.

"Baby, we can sort this out"

"Don't you dare 'baby' me! All this time Gabriella has been has been telling me the fucking truth! Char- for heaven sakes I can't even say your name. You know what, you're just a sick materialistic bastard -"

She pauses then gazed down his body and I know exactly what she's looking at.. the blood stain on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Gosh after that rant she still cares.. smh

"Your slut of a daughter stabbed me"
She looks at the knife-like object then grabs it and holds it in her hands, at this point I don't know what to expect because a couple of minutes ago she was full of hatred and rage then just a few seconds ago she showed me that she still cares...

"Gabriella, go fix yourself my baby then wait for me downstairs"

As I wipe my tears, I get up.
I'm about to pass my mom she then grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug, little did I know it wasn't just a hug she was actually mumbling something in my ear but all I could make out was "I'm sorry, get all the money. I was going to leave this bastard months ago but I was too scared. Get the keys for the Merc our bags are in the car already, wait for me inside."

GabriellaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя