Chapter 7

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It's been more than an hour and we're still here stranded, I can't help but think that this is it. The end of the road for us because if we sit here any longer Charlie will sure as hell find us and do Lord knows what to us.

It's dark out and still no sign of Charlie and mom's unknown caller. And all of a sudden a black SUV and my nerves are hitting the sky. I'm starting to think about what Charlie would do to us and that simply made me panic, causing drowsiness and hyperventilating.

The car was coming in pretty fast and behind it were two other cars. You know what's funny? Mom is just chilling not even breaking a sweat. The three cars right in front of us and last thing I remember is me fainting and falling on the hard sandy ground.


I wake up with a stiff neck and to my surprise I'm in the car. Before I could say a word my mom looks at me and smiles, let's just hope that smile is a I'll-tell-you-everything-smile because I just can't take the secrecy any longer. It simply just irritating, I mean I have the right to act like this, right? This is about my wellbeing and safety, right?

You know at this point I just can't anymore. I can't and I won't just leave it to mom to handle all by herself because I feel guilty and so lost right now. I look to the driver and I can't help myself but just analyze his body, he's wearing a normal top that hugs his muscles, looks like he is in his mid-forties, he has great brown hair with a touch of grey, nothing like Charlie.

A/N: The next couple of chapters will be quite short aannnndddddd I won't be posting regularly but please be patient with me. I'll try to post as many as I can. Please comment and vote xx.

Thanks to @cluelessfoodie and vee_vwoww  for editing.

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