Chapter 18

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Falling asleep is one of the hardest things at the moment because as soon as I close my eyes all I ever see is Charlie. My dreams have become more realistic to the point where I can literally feel his touch and smell his scent and that scares me.

What if he really was in my room doing those things to me? Could that actually have happened or is it just a fragment of my imagination taking a toll on me? I guess we'll never know because the night time is our most vulnerable time of day. It's a gateway for evil to take place, when we're resting and our guard is down. Come to think of it, it'll be very easy for either one of the brothers to come into the house because Toby doesn't stay with us and the agents that he placed outside only come in the morning when it's time for me to be escorted to school.

Speaking of school, due to the recent events that have been happening to me have resulted in my marks dropping drastically. I cannot study at home because there's something new about Charlie every-damn-day and it's not like I can stay and do my work in the school library because it goes against one of Toby's rules, "No staying late at school" so all in all I'm basically screwed. I honestly feel like I'm being remotely controlled and it's driving me insane. I guess this is what I get for trying to be a superhero.

Sometimes when I'm all alone in my room, I often run my hands past my defibrillator burns and wonder to myself if only I didn't make it, perhaps the people around me wouldn't have to suffer as much as they are right now. My mom would live a normal life with her actual name and who knows maybe even find herself a man without having to explain why she's on the run because without me she wouldn't have to be on the run anymore. She would be living her best life but at the same time who am I kidding—she would have lost her heart and soul, me. I'm no longer living for myself. I'm living for us and besides if I choose to end my life then it will seem as if mom threw away her life for nothing, that us being on the run searching for safety was for nothing.

* * *

Its yet another day of not going to school and not receiving any life-threating messages from either one of the Smith Brothers and quite frankly I don't know how to feel about it, they could be waiting for me to put my guard down and then strike. I just wish I could have a normal life but the word "normal" is now foreign to me and its about time I accept it and adjust to my new life.

Just when I finally accept what my life has become, I hear a loud knock from the front door and I know its not mom or Toby because they have their own set of keys, its not the agents that guard the house because they have access to back door and I sure as hell know its not anyone from school because no one and I mean absolutely no one knows me let alone where I live—so who could it be?

As I go down the stairs drawing nearer and nearer towards the door, I come to a halt at the end of the staircase and the knocking becomes louder and louder to a point whereby it is no longer knocks but vicious bangs that could possibly break the door down but then it stops. I release the breath that I wasn't aware I was holding. I turn around and make my way upstairs thinking that it was over but it had only just begun. The person that had been knocking now threw a brick through the window, decorating the floor with shattered glass, which caused me to turn almost immediately.

From the hole in the window I could see that all three agents were knocked out and laid unconsciously on the floor with blood oozing from the side of their foreheads not being fully sure if they were really unconscious or ...

Suddenly, a gloved hand makes its way through window and heads straight for the door twisting the key, unlocking the door then removes his hand. The room is filled with a deafening silence.

Unlike all the past incidents where I was frozen to the spot, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife I could find and made my way to my mothers room, straight into her walk-in-closet and reached in my pocket to call Toby but after feeling my empty pockets I remembered that, that bastard said I don't need a phone.

"Gabriella you'll never be in such a situation where you will need a phone because you're surrounded by specialized agents" he said but where are those agents now, Toby?

I can't hear footsteps or any sudden sounds. Did this person leave or is he trying to catch me out by thinking he's gone?

Why am I always in this kind of situation? I don't even feel like I should call myself a teenager because wow this really isn't it chief. I wouldn't wish this kind of fear upon my worst enemy but then again my worst enemy is causing this.

My suicidal thoughts re-emerged and I'm at ease with them because I'm tired of living under constant fear, I'm tired of jeopardizing the lives of the people I love and lastly I'm tired, man.

It's a little too quiet and I'll have to admit that my curiosity got the best of me and I got up making my way down the stairs.

What I saw no longer resembled a safe home let alone a home in general. What I saw resembled the place in which I'll take my last breath, it wasn't safe and I was all alone patiently waiting for Charlie to creep out of his hiding spot to spare me anymore pain but he was a no show.

He wasn't here.

I made my way to the special agents that appeared unconscious but as I crept closer towards their bodies, one could tell they took a blow to the head followed by a bullet wound to the heart and unfortunately they weren't unconscious. They were dead and probably on their way to the afterlife.

Oh how I wish I was them.

I have added blood onto my hands and I don't think I can handle the stress of someone's child growing up without a father and someone living without their soulmate—this is only happening because I didn't kill Charlie when I had the chance. Now bad things happen around me as if I was an evil omen.

The absurd and sudden flashing of blue and red lights brought me back to reality. Here I am thinking that the men in blue were apart of Toby's agents and were here to console me so I stood up and wiped a few tears of relief but they came out running and tackled me to the ground, handing me a few blows to my stomach.

Laying on the ground screaming and crying but with every cry came a punch. The pain was unbearable but a part of me thought this was just what I deserved. As the cops finally got off of me they handcuffed me without reading me my rights or at least letting me know what I was being charged with but did I really need to know what I was being charged with? I mean I don't look innocent, I am surrounded by dead bodies after all.

As they led me to the car, one of them opened the door for me and the officer whispered and said "this is it, you were a tough one but it was worth it because that bounty on your head was one hell of a price but perhaps we can have a little fun before we drop you off. I'm sure you wouldn't mind, now would you Sweetheart?" he said as he leaned forward trying to kiss me whilst sliding his filthy hands between my thighs but before he could get any further I spat in his face only infuriating him, which resulting in him slapping me.

"Now sit tight you dumb bitch" and just like that he slammed the door and we were off to our unknown destination with nothing but pain in my heart and tears filling my eyes.

Where are you mom?

Where are you mom?

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Authors note: More crooked cops? What will they do with Gabriella and who put the bounty on her head? Don't be afraid to place your thought down in the comment section and don't forget to tell a friend and press the star below to vote xx.

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