Chapter 16

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Red Envelope [continuation]

Great. Just great.

The letter from Chester just increased the amount of fear deep within me and made me come to a realization that he really is out there, watching and plotting his next move.

Unable to get any sleep I get out of bed and make my way downstairs to make myself some hot coco to keep me calm and help get some sleep but to my surprise I spot a docket and a laptop that Toby must have forgotten on the kitchen counter when he left. As I walk towards the kitchen counter, I read the name of the file without touching it, leaving any fingerprints that could incriminate me. To my favour it's Chester's criminal file.

Curious as ever forgetting the fact that what I'm about to do is against the law, I picked up the docket followed by the laptop and tip toed my way back to my room without making my hot coco. As I rushing into my room, I locked my door to prevent any interruptions and switched on my side lamp and began my investigation of trying to understand this dangerous demonic man, Chester.

Shocking! The things I've discovered about Chester, whereby he doesn't a great relationship with his parents and only sibling, Charlie. It is said that Chester is always fighting and beating his mom which resulted in murdering both his parents out of frustration and hatred which lastly caused him being admitted to a asylum but that tiny voice within me told me that what I just read wasn't it, it wasn't enough. I needed to know more, more than what was given in the docket. I needed to know the exact details of what we're dealing with so I opened Toby's laptop hoping to just search the web but it turns out it is his work laptop which means it has more details than the docket 'cause like you know he is apart of the FBI after all.

You know for a federal agent, Toby really was a simple man. I mean his password really wasn't that difficult to crack, TobyHale1234, really my guy...

Being the Nancy Drew that I am it took me less than 5 minutes to find what the fuss was about the Smith family. Their Parents Christopher and Christina Smith—wow they really had a thing with names starting with the the letter C—were the it couple. Christopher was a filthy rich businessman and according to sources close to the family, that Chris beat his wife and son, Chester, to the pulp and would often let Charlie watch and sometimes even join in but nobody ever said a thing.

According to the townspeople who have heard the claims of Christofer abusing his wife and son, recalled it as being a dirty rumor because he has blinded them with this well-respected facade and so-called nobility and rather saw it as jealous people trying to ruin his name, oh... but if only they knew.

"Charlie is a spitting image of his father, it all makes sense now!"I practically yell to myself after putting all the pieces together. Charlie was Chris' prodigal son.

What is written in the docket and on Toby's laptop are two different things because there are various sources and information given in each, one of them could just be a lie. Anyone that knows how crooked Charlie is will know that he could've paid off the cops to leave out bits and pieces in the docket. The only person that could clarify which is true, is the one and only psycho known to all, Chester Smith.

I need to find him but how do you find someone that doesn't want to be found?

All I know is that he's always watching. He's always there in plain sight, waiting for you to be alone and strike. This is a huge risk I'm willing to take. I could try find him and get the all the information I need to bring Charlie down or Chester could get to me first and simply kill me without second guessing anything.

One thing I know for sure is that I cannot do this on my own but at the same time I cannot bring this up to mother dearest and Toby because one, they wont listen to me and two, if they do they will shut down what I have planned and double the security around me to ensure I won't do something that'll risk my life.

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