Chapter 15 - Chester's Story

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A/N: Chester's Story is going to be about his past which will help us understand him and his actions. We'll call this a bonus chapter, in that case we will have quite a few bonus chapters mainly about The Smith Brothers.

PS don't forget to play the video above to create the perfect mood for this chapter.

Enjoy xx.

Chester's POV.

Have you ever felt the need to impress someone so badly that you'll do absolutely anything, just about anything to prove your loyalty?

Well that's how I got here, in this mental asylum because according to some I'm a psycho, to others I'm misunderstood and lastly my favourite, according to the Nuns I have demons inside of me. 

Maybe I'm a little bit of all three.

Growing up, my father was a well-respected man, kind of like how Charlie is now. My father having an image to fulfill immediately meant that we had to be the honorable family in the public's eye.

I for one am not good at being something I'm not.

So I started going out, breaking the rules, being  a rebel. I was the cause of our families bad name. My father hated me. He started drinking which brought out something so big that I as his son didn't recognise, so much anger and hatred. Lets not forget about the power that he was receiving from the outside world.

He let it get to him.

All those emotions escaped as soon as he had a little bit of alcohol in his system, at times it even seemed as if he was a different person because he'd let out his frustrations out on me, later even on my mother for trying to protect me whereas Charlie would just sit and watch, as if it was one of his favourite movies. Father would never raise a finger on Charlie and that made me think to myself - what did Charlie have that I didn't?

Was I missing something or was Charlie really good at pretending, pretending to be the perfect son or was it just to be in the limelight? All these thoughts made me do more things to ruin my fathers reputation and each time I got out of line it caused Father to drink, resulting in him changing to his true monstrous state and beat me until I was blue and purple.

Mother would always help clean my wounds. I loved that woman with all heart even if she was foolish for ever being with Father. I've begged her numerous times to leave him but would she listen?

 The answer you're looking for is NO

She'd say the same thing over and over again "Chester, I love him. Our Lord Almighty will make this pass and in Him, I trust."

I've waited for the day that this torture would go away but that day never came. It never came and from that day onwards, I questioned this so-called Lord and his everlasting love. If he loved us then why has He not saved us yet, saved us from the evil doings of Father? Not even Big Brother came to our rescue!

Being beaten up has become a habit for both Mother and I. Anger and depression have become my two best friends. You know the difference between Father and I is that I'd never let my anger out on FAMILY well thats what I thought until one day he hit Mother unconscious. I did what any man in my position would have done. I fought for my moms dignity, I punched Father and in return he took steps towards me and looked me dead in the eye and said "Listen here boy, you are no son of mine. You have have brought nothing but shame to the Smith family. You call yourself a man, what kind of a man sticks to his mother like a newborn child instead of investing his time in showing me what kind of position you will hold once you take over the company but guess what - you chose your path, which is to be the little bitch you've grown up to be. Get out my face." he finishes as he takes a sip of his whiskey and walks away, leaving what he had said playing over and over in my head like a broken record.

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