Chapter 6

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At this point I'm completely sick and tired of my mom and her secret conversations with this unknown character she's constantly speaking to on the phone. Usually I wouldn't give a damn but you've got to cut me some slack since they are talking about me for Pete sake!!

"Mom!" I half scream. "Yes my love?" she says with a straight yet chilled voice as if she didn't witness her daughter almost get raped, as if she wasn't almost killed by her so called Love. I just can't and I won't let this 'incident' slide or not until we talk about it, knowing my mom she wouldn't want to talk about especially to me.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! Are you really gonna act like nothing happened?-" just the thought of Charlie made the tears come again "- Mom you clearly don't get it? I still hear his voice ringing in my ears and can still feel his touch around my body! I feel filthy." I said as I sobbed away.

Just when I was about to call her out for being a coward, she pulls the car over and gets out. Whatever I said to her must of really sinked in or something really bad happened because she's cussing.

"Gabriella get out of the car! NOW!" she half shouts and cries. I don't know whats gotten into her... whatever it is, its really scaring the shit out of me.

Right now she's currently pacing up and down pulling her hair like a mad man and constantly mumbling, "He's going to find us, oh Lord he's going to find us!"

There is only one person she could possibly be talking about and its that damned bastard, Charlie.

"What now?" she doesn't answer my question, I doubt she even heard me because she keeps mumbling the same thing over and over again which is a clear indicator that she is now paranoid. Seeing her pace up and down is just irritating me on another level, so I did what anyone else would do in my position. I slapped her and she came back to her rightful self and finally told me what was causing her paranoia.

"Gabriella you know that he is very wealthy right? So you would know that he most probably knows where we are-" she pauses and I notice the look in her eye, its not the look of anger or hurt, the look in her eye shows that she is scared and its the first time I've ever seen that look. "-if you'd just think about it, all his cars have trackers" she continues

It doesn't make sense though... this car isn't Charlie's, its my moms.

"It doesn't make sense because you think its my car? Just because it is under my name doesn't mean I necessarily bought it." she says, answering my unasked question which was unexpected but I guess you can call it the bond between a mother and a daughter.

Making her way to the car to take out her little trap phone that she's been using and dials a number, supposedly the number of that unknown person she's been talking to ever since we left that hell hole.

She tells the person on the other side of the line about the tracker then she suddenly hangs up, takes out all the bags in the car and throws them all on the sandy ground. She then gets a brick but doesn't exactly go into the car. She puts the car on drive, making it move by itself slowly then throws the brick on the accelerator. With just a blink of an eye the car starts speeding and crashes into an old oak tree.

At this point I'm just completely shook. I don't know what to say. Actually I have all my questions in check but I know deep down she won't answer them no matter how much I ask her. She pulls out her trap phone again and says "It's done" sounding as if she were in one of those mafia gangs.

Wow this is just great! This day couldn't get any worse. We're stuck in the middle of nowhere, my phone was left in the house so there's no way of contacting my friends and what about school? I've never missed a day and I certainly wasn't going to start now. Wow it's over!

Is it really over or is it just the paranoia speaking?

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