Chapter 2

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Disgrace to Humankind.

I've never felt so tiny in my whole entire life! I've been raised to always be independent and never depend on anyone to help me but now I need someone more than ever. At that moment I just closed my eyes and the first thing that came to mind was to escape. The only problem is that Charlie isn't like most intoxicated people, when he's wasted he turns into a monster, point of correction, a violent, vicious monster.

I looked to my left and thankfully I saw a sharp object, something similar to a knife.

I reached for it and to my advantage I got a hold of it without Charlie noticing it. The anger and hatred in me just couldn't wait to be set free, so I did what anyone would have done in my position.

I stabbed that son of a bitch!

"Ahhhh!" he screams in pain "what - what the hell Gabri-"
He stops as he hears a sound which sounds like a key unlocking a door and that could only be one person.

My mom.

At that moment I was glad she finally came home but at the same time she still won't believe what just happened and probably won't do anything... it won't be the first time this has happened and funny enough she always believes Charlie when he says that I try to seduce him and all that.

The door slams shut indicating its been a long day at work for momty. The sound of her footsteps get louder and louder just like my heartbeat

"Gabriella! " she yells from outside my bedroom door.
"If you dare make a sound I promise you, I will kill you!" he whispers in my ear.

I don't know what to do. My gutt instinct is telling me to scream my lungs out so that my mom can see Charlie for the ass he truly is but my head is telling me to shut the fuck up because this ass is drunk and is capable of just about anything...

"Gabriella!! Don't make me come into your room"

Oh no, here they come again, the tears. I'm trying so hard to keep my crying on the down low but I knew my mom could hear me cry. As the tears fill up my eyes causing me to close my eyes for a split second which seemed like a whole minute, my bedroom door flew open and my mom had witnessed it. She had finally seen Charlie for the disgrace to mankind he is.

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