Chapter 21

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A week. Its been a week since I've been taken from my home, a week since I've last seen Charlie and a week of constantly failing to break free.

Jeff, on the other hand, hasn't uttered another word about his family since the last time we spoke. However, he has become a little verbal to me, not in the way that I want but its better than nothing. He had told me that in the week that has gone by, Agent Toby Hale as well as a few of his colleagues, have taken action and once they couldn't find me on their own, they called for a press conference yesterday.

Long story short, an Amber Alert has been released in search for Gabriella Montez. Yes, you read correctly, that now means that Emily Torez is no more and everyone at home is now aware of my current situation and why we ran but more importantly they have exposed Charlie with the help of the one and only, Chester Smith.

If I must be completely honest, I'm not sure how much of a help he was, in terms of reliability. How many of Charlie's associates would believe Chester over Charlie? They didn't even believe my mom and I, and we had bruises to back our word, now imagine someone who was recently in a mental asylum. In my books thats just another dead-end, the first was Toby and co. who still have not found me as yet.

The slamming sound of the door brings me back to reality, reminding me of the shithole I'm in. By the sound of the door, it seems like Jeff is in a bad mood, "well, sorry there Princess, who put your panties in a twist?" I mentally slap my forehead, did I really just say that? Only the man above knows when I started getting comfortable with this man.

"Your panties won't be the only thing in a twist when I'm done with you" Charlie says as he walks down the old wooden stairs, bringing nothing other than chills and an abundant amount of fear in me. I'm trying my best to not show any emotion on my face but I'm failing miserably. Fear instantly presented itself on my face.

"I see you've gotten along with Jeff, huh?" he spits then suddenly yells out, "Jeff!"

Jeff comes down almost immediately, looking like Charlie's lap dog. The closer he gets, the more visual his bruises are--looks like he got a beating from hell. Is Charlie responsible for this? Of course he is Gabi, who else would've done it? My subconscious yells. I desperately want to ask Jeff, if he's okay but I decide against it. Charlie is a raving beast and could do something impulsive at any given moment, so I guess it would be wise to keep my witty answers to myself for now.

"How can one person cause so much chaos? What is so special about you, Gabriella? You're just another corner hoe with an opportunist as a mother. Do you realise how much damage you've caused? I have investors pulling out left, right and centre, apparently there's a warrant for my arrest in issue, all because of you!" he spits at me and just as we thought he was done venting he turns and faces Jeff, points and says "YOU! Are you dumb or stupid? How the hell do you let your partner leave his body cam on? Your face is all over the country! There is no clean way out for you--" he pauses and rubs his forehead, starts to pace between Jeff and I then stops right directly in front of Jeff and punches him with so much power causing him to tumble backwards.

"Look at this bloody situation you put us in! I think you'll only understand the seriousness of this situation, until something happens to your family due to your negligence. Perhaps something needs to happen to your unborn child, it doesn't need to see the evil of this world or maybe I could have a little fun with your wife... apparently pregnant women are always horn--" Charlie's vile, provocative words were cut short by the sudden impact of Jeff's fist making contact with Charlie's face, causing him to fall down and it didn't stop there... Jeff continued beating Charlie and all he did was laugh.

He just laughed. By the look in his eyes, the federal reports are true--he is the psychopath and not Chester. This man feels no remorse for causing others pain, in fact he gets off from the rush that comes from seeing others in agony. I don't even blame people for mistaking him for such a noble man, I mean its not easy to spot a psychopath. Just looking at him, he is well-educated, charming, clearly good at mimicking emotions and lets not forget stinking rich. People these days take one look at a rich person and place them on a high pedestal, as if they are these perfect angels with no faults whatsoever.

The sound of coughing, panting and the sharp smell of blood brings me back to the current situation playing out in front of me. Jeff looks possessed and it seems like he might actually kill Charlie. I, personally hope that he does because if he survives this, the things he said about his wife won't be just words anymore, Charlie will get his revenge and it won't be pretty.

With the almost unconscious Charlie at the mercy of Jeff's hand. Jeff can choose whether or not to knock him out, untie me and take me back home or just stop, beg for forgiveness and possible keep his growing family safe. Using his last ounce of energy, Charlie spits out the blood coming from his mouth, showing a bloody, toothy grin then says in between coughing fits "you're such a coward! Your wife needs a man, who knows how to make her scream" he then breaks into another fit of laughter, which only provokes Jeff further, making him take out a knife that up until now I didn't realise he had. This makes Charlie grin like a Cheshire cat.

This was his plan all along. He has been outed and this is his way out. He is doing this on purpose. He knows that if Jeff kills him now, Jeff will be arrested for multiple accounts: two counts of manslaughter and one count for kidnapping. Once again the Great Charlie has planned to ruin yet another life and take the easy way out.

As Jeff raises his hand about to fatally stab Charlie, after figuring out his not so spontaneous plan, I have to warn Jeff, not only for the sake of his family but for the sake of my well-being--I really need him on my side.

"Stop!" I yell, "you don't want to do this, Jeff. Can't you see, he's trying to set you up. Do you really think that he would allow you to hit him? This is a man that finds excitement in killing innocent lives. Did you not hear the story about the men before you? No? Well that is because they are dead! If you kill him now, do you think you will be free from him?

"Stop being dumb, a man like Charlie, always has a plan. You'll probably go down for your partners murder, the deaths of the agents outside my house and of course, my abduction," truth is although I'm in this predicament because Jeff played a major part in it, he only did it for his family and he has been keeping me alive all this time, so the least I could do is make sure his children grow up with a present father, "you'll go down for his sins. Just untie me and I can speak to Toby, we'll be okay. You will be okay, you'll be seen as a hero. Do the right thing Jeff, unlike Charlie, I can offer you a clean way out. So what do you say?" I conclude.

By the tears in his eyes, I can tell he didn't think about it. All he wanted to do was eliminate the problem but its never that easy. I know what he's thinking... how could ridding the world of such an evil man, ruin his entire being instead.

"Drop the knife, Jeff" he doesn't make a move.

"Jeff!" I plead, "please drop the knife and untie me." he looks between Charlie and I, and I can see he is internally fighting his demons.

He doesn't know what to do and its breaking my heart because it isn't a difficult decision--just untie me and we can all move on with our lives.

Jeff finally stands up and makes his way towards me then abruptly stops and in that moment the look in his eyes spoke louder than words. His eyes said "sorry". He then turned on his heel and made his way out.

No this cannot be happening. He's leaving me alone. He's leaving me alone with Charlie and I'm still tied up. I'm helpless, this cannot be.

"Jeff please, please don't do this. I can help you, I promise." I beg in between tears and to my luck he stops walking but doesn't turn around. "Jeff, please! You're leaving me with a monster! Please!" yet again, nothing from Jeff, which only angers me.

"Fine! Just leave! You're a fucken coward anyway! I hate you! Imagine if I was your daughter! I'd be so fucken embarrassed to have you as a father" and with that, he opened the door and left.

A/N: Don't forget to vote, comment and share this to your friends and family <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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