Chapter 19

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No matter where we go, whether it be a different country or town—there will always be crooked cops that are simply just money hungry and that's the sad truth.

Although, all I wanted was to die, I certainly did not want to go out without a fight. I managed to put up a young fight with my bruised up body but my efforts weren't acknowledged at all. It just resulted in them increasing the speed of the car followed by a few words under their breath. Overwhelmed with frustration and fear I started kicking and screaming until they pulled the car over somewhere in the woods where no one could hear or see me in my distress.

One of the cops opened my door and I made a run for it, I ran as fast as my legs could take me and to my surprise he didn't even chase me. All he did was shoot at me and one of the bullets grazed my skin causing me to fall to the ground and cry as the pain was unbearable.

As I laid helplessly on the ground, both of the men in blue walked up to me and it's as if I could see a tad bit of humanity in their eyes but that disappeared almost immediately as one cop who according to his name tag goes by Peter, took out a bottle followed by a handkerchief and hesitantly handed it to the other guy, Jeff, who couldn't care less about me and put it over my mouth but as much as I tried to fight him off it just took most of my energy.

My eyes felt heavy, my breathing slowed down, I felt weak and then it went dark.


Woken up by a kick to my rib, the sharp smell of something that smelt like gasoline and strong bickering between the cops and one voice I'll never forget—Charlie.

"Peter don't you dare start acting all holy when you were the first one that jumped at the opportunity to get a million dollars. You don't care about anyone but yourself and thats a fucking fact!" Charlie yelled but Peter looked like no push over. He firmly held his ground and moved closer to Charlie, there was barely any space between them but Charlie wasn't phased. He didn't even break a sweat.

"No where in the deal did you talk about a fucking kid Charlie!" Peter spat, "She's just a kid. You're telling me you couldn't get yourself someone your age? You're a pedophile! You're full of shit Charlie. I can't believe people cannot see behind your facade. Men like you are the reason why we're seen as tras--" but before he could finish his rant Jeff threw out the toothpick from his mouth, took out the gun from his holster and shot Peter right between his eyes and just like that Jeff turned around as if nothing happened, wiped his face clean and lit a cigarette, awaiting instructions from Charlie but there was no response.

Charlie's full attention was on me and he graced me with his signature crackhead grin. "Reunited at long last my sweet angel," he caresses my cheek then moves his hand to my neck and tightens his grip and continued, "you thought I forgot what you did? You cost me a lot of money do you know that? These cops aren't fucking cheap and yet they keep dying left, right and centre all because of you!"

"Charlie, I can't... I can't breathe" but he didn't stop, instead he tightened his hold further. My face started looking lifeless and it seemed as if that turned him on. He released me and I immediately grasped for air and tried to sit on my side but he forcefully pushed me down banging my head on the concrete floor, causing me to yelp in pain. He got up and dragged me by my hair until my body was up against the wall, where there was metal chains on either side of my body and anyone with two braincells could see what was going to happen next.

"Jefferson, leave us", he barks his order and Jeff does as he's told but a part of me wanted him to stay. I wanted him to show me some sympathy. I needed him to help me but who am I kidding, he just shot his partner in cold blood. He doesn't care, no one does.

Jeff left and the room was filled with a silence so loud. It was just Charlie and I, right where we left off a few months ago with him on top of me. He studied my body and new features then he just laughed. He laughed at me and I just sat there confused as ever.

"My, my, my, I dig the new look but did you really think that I wouldn't recognise you?" foolishly I did, "I'll take your silence as a yes. You don't have the brains but you sure as hell have the looks" he says as he runs his hands on my arm passed my bullet graze and I grimaced in pain and its as if he becomes happy when he sees me in pain because he stopped, looked me in the eye, smiled then added pressure until he heard me scream, seeing that I'll never give him the satisfaction of an orgasm perhaps thats his sick twisted way of getting off. I hate him. I hate him so much.

Charlie shackled my hands to the wall and practically ripped my top open as well disposing my sweatpants, leaving me bare in my underwear. The way he looked at me made my stomach twirl. His filthy lips trailed from the nape of my neck all the way down to my bellybutton but stopped. The old me would've thought that he had a conscious but as of now I wouldn't want to taint the last bit of sanity I have left with disappointment.

He seems as if he was deep in thought and thats when I had a lightbulb moment. I snaked my legs around his neck, brought his head between my thighs and smiled at him. "Oh Gabriella, I've always knew you wanted me to eat you up", that was it, I smothered his head with my thighs and the colour of his face changes as I slowly removed the life out of him--or so I thought.

Instead of begging for his life, he flat out laughed at me and said in between breaths, "you foolish girl, if you kill me... how will you remove the shackles?" Looks like my lightbulb moment wasn't so bright after all.

So I exhaled my defeat and released my hold on Charlie. He stood up almost immediately, dusted his suit, grabbed my face and brought it closer to him, gave me a sloppy kiss and put me to sleep with a right uppercut. That'll leave a mark.

A/N: Is there any hope for Gabriella after the stunt she pulled? Don't forget to vote down below (the little star) as well as share the story xx.

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