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Charlotte pov
My eyes flash open to see a light flashing in my eyes. I try to sit up but my head hurts like hell. I feel light headed... what happened?
"Ugh... what happened?"
I say as I hold my head. Roman then walks up to me.
"Hey... how are you doing?"
Roman asks.
I ask as  his eyes furrow.
"Since when did you look so.... tiny.... and why is your hair orange?"
I ask to the small man with ginger red hair, who I presume is Roman.
"Char.... are you okay? I swear my hair is long and black."
Roman says, running his fingers through his hair.
But I squint my eyes.

Roman pov
Did charlotte really just call me a small ginger man? Something must be going on.
"Char, maybe you need to take some meds."
I say but she shrugs.
"I don't want to, I'm fine."
She says, but I put a hand full of pills onto her hand anyways.
"Roman I said "no""
She says, putting her handful of pills to me.
"Char, you aren't thinking right. Please take it."
I say but she shakes her head.
"Take the pills."
I say in a stronger accent but she refuses to even look at the pills.
"Take the pills!"
I say in a loud tone, startling charlotte.

Then a nurse walks in.
"What's going on!"
She says in an angry tone.
I just look at her in guilt.
"Charlotte flair, I see you've woken up."
She says and charlotte nods.
I then walk over to the nurse and whisper into her ear so charlotte wouldn't hear.
"Something is wrong, she thinks I'm a short ginger man."
I say  and the nurses eyebrows furrow.
"Give her pills"
She says but I shake my head.
"She doesn't want to take them, that's why you heard yelling through the door."
I say, she nods.
"I'll give them to her, call my friends please."
I say and she nods before leaving.
I then turn back to charlotte.
"Please take the pills."
I say, Charlotte closes her eyes and shakes her head.
"Why don't you want to take them?"
I ask and she shrugs.
"I don't need them."
"Yes you do."
I say. She doesn't even look at me.
Then the group walks in.
Becky whispers before running up to her and hugging her.
But on the look of charlottes face... she seems so confused.
Charlotte says and becky stares at her and nods.
"Why do you look like sasha?"
Charlotte asks. Beckys face turns to confusion.
"Becky... come over here."
I say. And Becky and the gang walk up to me.
"Roman... what's going on?"
Sasha asks and I shake my head.
"She thinks we look different."
I say and they shrug.
"The nurse told me to give her pills but she doesn't want to take them."
I say.
"Well, she has to take them."
Seth says and I nod.
"Let's force it into her."
Sasha says and I chuckle.
"You're kidding right?"
Sasha says cutting me off. And my eyes widen at the thought of that.
"Let's just do it."
Becky says and everyone nods but me.
We then turn back to Charlotte, who is fidgeting with wires.

Becky pov
I really don't like forcing things onto people, but if they really need it then I have to.
Me, sasha, and bayley walk up to charlotte.
But then Roman pulls us back.
"What if she chokes."
Roman whispers.
"We could possibly mush the pills."
Finn says and I smile at his comment.
"Let's do it."
Dean says. And I nod.
"wait.. so we mush the pills, put it into some water and have her drink it?"
Seth questions and I nod.
"Let's do this."
I say and they nod.
I grab two pills from the jar and mushed it into powder. Then Bayley filled a glass full of water and I dumped the powdered pills into it and stirred.
"This doesn't look appetizing."
Roman says pointing to the purple coloured water.
"We could say it's grape juice."
"Isnt grape juice transparent?"
Bayley says cutting me off. I sigh and nod.
"It's okay, she has problem recognizing things, lets just do it."
Sasha whispers and I nod.
We then turn around to charlotte who looks half asleep.
We walk up to her.
"Hey char.... want some grape juice?"
I ask her, holding onto the glass. She sighs and nods.
"I'm really thirsty, thanks sasha."
She says and I sigh.
She then chugs the entire drink.
"You know sasha, you sound a lot like becky. Or Becky you look a lot like Sasha."
Charlotte says in a groany tone.
And I sigh at the sight of it.
"I think it's working."
Roman whispers before charlotte goes to sleep.
"Good job you guys."
Says a nurse walking in.
"Just wait until tomorrow, once she wakes up her memory will be better... a bit."
The nurse says before exiting the room.
"Well, that's one problem solved."
Seth says and I nod.
"Now we find out who did this."
Roman says in an intense voice.

Randy pov
"You know John, your sandwiches taste amazing."
I say, while taking another bite of the sandwich that John made for me.
John sighs, smirks, then shakes his head.
"I'm not joking."
I say and he chuckles.
Then his phone rings.

John: hello?
Roman: hey, me and the gang need you and randy... another situation.
John: on our way.

"What was that?"
I ask John who just hung up.
"The kids."
He says and I sigh.
"We really need to get our game up."
He says and I nod.
"K, lets go."
He says and I get up from my chair.

Seth pov
"Here they are."
Bayley says pointing to the police car that just stopped infront of us.
"Hey guys."
Randy says and I wave.
"So what's the situation?"
John asks, I take a deep breath.
"Charlotte got... uhm... she kinda-"
"She got drink poisoned."
Roman says cutting me off.
I close my eyes and nod.
"Well... you guys set up those security cameras in your house right?"
John asks and we nod.
"Let's check the footage."
Randy says before walking back into his car.
Me and the gang follow.

At the house

"Okay so what time did you kids have a pizza party?"
Randy asks while pressing the buttons on the camera. Randy is currently trying to set up the camera to project it onto a bigger screen.
"Around 6:37 ish."
Bayley says squinting while thinking.
"That's really specific."
Randy says and bayley chuckles.
"Ok, so here is 6:37 ish."
Randy says.
We look up to the screen to see Nia picking the lock on our door.
My eyes widened at the fact the Nia was there... I thought becky said she got caught. I look over to becky with a shocked face. She seems guilty.
I then see Nia pouring some strange liquid into a cup before leaving.
My blood boils.
I walk over to becky and nudge her shoulder.
I say in a soft tone, she sighs and looks at me. Everyone looks at me.
"I thought you said she got caught."
I say and becky fidgets with her fingers, not even looking at me.
"Look at me becky."
I say while grabbing her jacket, making her look at me.
Just then, Sasha stomps infront of Me.
"Don't touch becky like that."
She says and I roll my eyes.
I then shove her onto the ground.
Dean says and I stare at him with my eyes blood shot.
"She lied to me... to us dean."
I say and dean sighs and takes a step back. I look over to sasha who looks broken and shocked, by the fact that dean didn't save her this time.
Becky says and my eyes shoot up to her.
"What if you got hurt becky."
I say and she looks to the ground.
"Why can't you see that I care about you."
I say and her eyes fill with tears.
I look around the room to see randy and John looking with entertainment of what's going on.
I then look over to bayley who is being held back by finn. She looks upset with me, maybe because I pushed becky and sasha.
"Let's get out of here."
I say, dean then follows. Although dean was hesitant.
Roman says and we both look back at him.
"What, Roman."
I say and he sighs.
"Are we gonna keep fighting? Or are we gonna make some progress."
He says and I chuckle.
"Same old same old. Roman, you need to man up."
I say and he sighs.
"Yeah, I'm maning up by caring for my girl In a proper way."
He says and I roll my eyes.
"Let's get out of here."
I say nudging dean In the shoulder.
"You coming finn? Or are you gonna make the stupid choice by staying with a couple of liars."
I say turning back to finn.
He then looks to bayley with soft eyes. And holds her chin to look up to him.
He then looks at me and shakes his head no.
"I guess that's it then."
I say and just as I'm about to leave....
Becky says in a broken voice.
I look over to her with hurt eyes. I see her at the brisk of crying.
But I turn over and leave without saying a thing.
Did I overreact?
No, I couldn't have.
I love Becky......

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