The truth

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Bayley pov:
I'm walking up to my seat, by the look on bex, sash, and char's faces, I can tell that my wounds are noticeable. I quickly make it to my seat, trying to not make contact. When sasha broke the silence.
"Where the hell have you been?"
Sasha said.
"Hospital emergency, my dad is gone."
I said trying to hold in my tears.
"Oh" Sasha said
"Bayley, I'm so sorry" Becky said.
"It's okay, I only have my mom now."
I said.
"Bayley, I'm really sorry but that doesn't explain the black eye, and the bruised head." Char said.
"Look, char. I'm going through a lot right now, and I don't want to talk about it okay?"
I said.
All of they're facial expressions changed by my attitude.
We stayed quiet for the entire class.
After the bell rang, me and becky were walking to our next class.
"Hey bayley, I'm sorry about earlier, and I'm sure sasha and charlotte are too. We were just concerned for you, that's all." Becky said.
I pulled her into a hug.
"Thank you for understanding. I promise that I will tell you when I am ready to—"
I was cut off from a trip.

Becky pov:
I was walking with bayley to our next class, this one is for 10s only. Honestly, I hate seeing my friends in such horrible states. Beaten, or sad.
I apologized to bayley, she was answering but she was inturupted. Someone tripped her.
"Out of my way, you ponytailed looser. And who are you? Why would you be friends with a looser like bayley Martinez?"
The girls laughed and walked away.
I helped bayley up.
"Those girls are real bitches"
I said while helping bayley up.
"Yeah, they've been like that for most of my time in high school. Luckily Sasha and Charlotte were there for me. But that cause Ruby and her other two to bully Sasha and Charlotte for that. And now, I don't know if I can forgive myself for that."
Bayley said.
"Don't worry bayls, if you're safe, then we are safe!"
I said and me and bayley hugged.

Lunch time
Me, and bayley were at the cafeteria waiting for sasha and charlotte to show up.
"Oh, I think I see them bayls."
Sasha and Charlotte walk up to us.
Sasha with an ice pack.
"Why'd you guys take so long? And sasha, did you get into another fight?"
I asked.
"Calm down bex, we just went to the office and yes, ruby and her goons were messing around and sasha got pissed off."
Said Charlotte.
"I'm so tired of them, thinking that they can mess around with us, The Four Horsewomen."
Sasha said.
Wow, "The Four Horsewomen? I like it.

Seth pov:
Me and Roman met were waiting for Finn and Dean. My eye gets caught onto Becky Lynch. Wow, she is beautiful. And her Irish Accent is so hot.
I focused back onto the real world because roman called my name.
"Seth listen, we need to talk about you, and you're feeling with Becky Lynch."
Roman said.
"Alright, oh I see Dean and Finn."
I say, as we walk up to Finn and Dean.
Me and Roman sit.
"Alright, now we talk about Seth going all crazy over the new girl."
Dean said laughing.
"Dude, it's not funny. It's just she seems really cool and caring. And I need someone like that in my life."
I said.
"Get closer to her, become her friend. I'm pretty sure she has feelings for you too"
Said finn.
"Alright, here goes nothing."
I said.
I'm walking over there right now, who knows what will go right or what will go wrong.
I tap her shoulder.
"Hey becky, can I talk to you in private."
I said.
She looks at my with confusion written on her face. God she is cute.

Becky pov
Seth just asked my if he can talk to me in private. Butterflies I'm telling ya. The butterflies are everywhere! I try to look confused so I could hide the blushing.
"Yeah, I'll be there in 5."
I said
Seth nodded, as if he couldn't be any cuter.
"Guys, Seth wants to talk with me. I'll be back in a bit alright?"
They said in unison.
I start walking to Seth, but I'm hesitant.
I'm really nervous with what he has to say.
Finally I made it to him, and the butterflies come back.

"Hey bex, uhm theres this thing I have to talk with you about."
He said..
Wow he just called me bex, I think I'm blushing. I better hide that blush.
"Oh uh ya, ya what is it?"
I said.
"You're a girl, can you tell me what girls like. I'm trying to get close to this specific girl."
He said.
My heart. Broke into millions of pieces when he said that. My eyes started to water. But i hid it so that Seth Wouldnt see.
"Well, uhm. Can you describe the girl to me?"
I said.
"She's, really beautiful, she's caring, her voice, her voice just makes me calm, her beautiful hair, her style. Almost everything about her, I like. I feel calm around her, I feel safe around her. And I just wish she felt the same way about me."
Seth said.
Wow... sounds like everything I'm not.
"Well, could you tell me her name? Maybe I could help ya get closer."
I said.
"Her name, is Becky Lynch."
Seth said.
I felt my heart jump out of my chest!
I feel really funny, I can not lose my cool.
"I... uh... there... theres another becky at the school??"
I ask awkwardly.
"No, it's you."
Seth says laughing.
"I... uh.."
I pull Seth into a kiss.
"Becky I.."
Seth says.
"I.. i have to use the washroom."
I say.
"Becky wait-"
I walked fast enough to hear him.
Gosh I am akward.. did i just lose my cool infront of my crush?

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