I need to get him back

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Tuesday morning 6:45 am
Sasha pov
I wake up feeling super uncomfortable, sleeping without dean makes me feel cold. He should've let me explain. It's all dolphs fault.
I get up to text the girls

Sasha: guys

Bayley: yeah?

Becky: what's up lad?

Sasha: I slept bad and coldly last night. The one person who was gonna help protect me from them left me.

Bayley: I'll protect you sasha! 😁

Charlotte: not helping, bayley.

Bayley: aww

Sasha: thanks bayley! I love your help. I just need dean to help as well, the more the merrier anyways.

Bayley is offline.

Becky is offline

Charlotte: let's talk abut this At school okay?

Sasha: okay.

I need to get dean back. Because I don't know if I can go anymore longer if he isn't with me.

Dean pov
I walk back into my house after a long night with renee.
"Dean! Where have you been!"
Yells my mom in concern.
"I went out."
I say in a badass tone.
"But where did you go??!"
Yells my mom.
"I went out with Renee young, rememeber her from kindergarten?"
I say.
"Oh she goes to your school now? Wonderful!"
My mom exclaims.
"What about sasha? Does she know?"
Asks my mom.
"Yeah, she didn't care."
I say and my mom nods.
"Dean, want to stay at my house tonight?"
Asks Renee munching on her left over popcorn as we were walking to my van.
"Sure, why not-"
I was cut of because I saw dolph and ruby spying on us from the corner. I stare at them for a good 10 seconds then.
Yells Renee knocking me from my thoughts.
"Is that a yes or a no?"
Asks renee.
"Maybe not. I'll just stay at seths."
I say and Renees smile fades. I stare back to dolph and ruby and they look frustrated. "Was this a plan? To get me away from sasha so dolph could get her back?" I thought to myself.
I stare back at renee with a confused look.
"Uh, maybe it's best if we go now. I'll drop you off then I'll go to seth. We'll talk more tomorrow."
I say. And Renee sadly nods.
Flash back ends
I pack my bags and dress into a white t shirt, some long jeans, brown converse, and a brown leather jacket. I decided to cut my hair short so now I look like this

At schoolI walk in and everyone is staring at my new look, I'm trying to find sasha so I can apologize

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At school
I walk in and everyone is staring at my new look, I'm trying to find sasha so I can apologize. I can't believe I was such a fool to let her on her own. I realized I had next block with Sasha. I walk into the block and I see sasha sitting beside charlotte and charlotte is comforting sasha who looks broken and messed up. I walk over to her but charlotte puts her hand infront of me before I could say anything.
"Not now, Dean."
Charlotte says in a serious tone.
"Look, I just wanted to-"
I was cut off by charlotte.
"We can talk about this at lunch but not now."
Charlotte says I then shrug and walk over to a far seat from banks and flair. But I couldn't keep my eyes off of her the entire block. I can't believe how stupid I was.

Lunch break 11:45
I'm walking over to the table where everyone is sitting, bayley is hugging Sasha who seems to be crying. And charlotte is trying to comfort her with words. I walk over to them and charlotte gives me a hard firce glare.
"Will you let me talk now?"
I say.
"What is there to say-"
Charlotte says but I cut her off.
"Look flair! This is non of your business! Get away from banks and let me talk to her."
Charlotte rolls her eyes and everyone walks away except sasha.
I say but sasha stays quite.
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just so mad-"
She cut me off.
"Mad? Dean your anger broke our relationship."
"I know and I'm sorry-"
"Dean, that's okay. Just to with Renee you seem happier with her."
She says
"About that, I think she's working with dolph and ruby to get me away from you. Then when you're vulnerable they're gonna take you away from me."
I say.
"What makes you say that?"
She said
"I saw them, they were watching me and renee hang out. Everytime we did something that shows we are close friends, they would smirk as if their plan is working. And everytime i would push away from her. They would get frustrated"
I say.
"But don't worry, now that I'm here. No one will touch you."
I say.
"How can I know that I can trust you?"
She says
"By this."
I kiss her. She doesn't push back, it's a really long kiss.
"Okay then ambrose, you have my trust."
She says and I chuckle. Then the group comes back.
"Yay! They stopped fighting."
Says bayleys and we all laughed.

This chapter is a little bit shorter than the others because I have something big planned on the next chapter :)

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