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Bayley pov
Flash back
I walked into the bar with Finn. It was super weird, everyone had tattoos and they were saying weird things, some people were kissing and having sex in the corner. I felt super uncomfortable here. You need to be 17 to drink, but since Finns dad owns the bar, he lets finn drink sometimes which is pretty messed up.
"Finn, I don't know about this."
I say and finn stares at me with a small smile.
"Come one bayls, everyone in the group has had their first drink but you."
He says while putting his arm around me.
"I know, but I feel really uncomfortable in this place. Why do you want me to drink anyways?"
I ask finn.
He sighs.
"I want you to know what it's like bayls. Drinking, it helps me feel calm, it's like all my pain goes away. I want your pain to go away."
Finn says and I slowly nod, knowing what I'm about to do, is gonna change me.
I grab the glass which there is sunset rum. Finn told me that this was the strongest way to get rid of the pain. And honestly, I did want to get rid of it.
I took one sip, and after that I couldn't stop. I kept drinking and drinking.
"Woah, calm down there."
Finn says with a small chuckle.
He's starting to get drunk too. After that everything went black.
Thursday 6:40 am
I wake up to sasha shaking and whispering at me again.
"You feeling good to go to school? You did drink sunset rum yesterday, and that is 84% alcohol."
Sasha says and I just nod without giving eye contact. She then gives me a hug.
"You're gonna be okay, just tell him that it was wrong. I'm pretty sure if Finn really loved you, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice."
Sasha says and I smile.
"Thanks sash."
I say will hugging her.
Then Becky and charlotte walk in.
"Cmon, I'm driving today."
Charlotte says. And we nod.

At school
It's already 7:20 that means 10 minutes till the bell rings, I haven't seen finn yet. And I'm starting to get super worried.
I walk into class with Becky, it's just me and her in this class. But a new girl catches our eye. She's a bit big for a 15 year old girl. She has brown hair with some blond streaks. Me and Becky decided to walk up to her, and maybe become her friend.
Becky exclaims but the new girl just rolls her eyes.
"What's your name?"
Becky asks and I nod
But she rolls her eyes again.
"You gonna say anything or-"
Becky gets cut off from a shove.
I yell catching everyone in the classes attention.
I kneel down to becky and then stare at the girl.
"Who are you?"
"None of your business."
She says. She then walks over to an empty seat, beside her is the riott squad (excluding ruby) why am I not surprised.

Me and Becky walk out of class and to the cafeteria, we sit beside the gang and I finally see finn walking up to us.
"Hey bayley."
He says making it not awkward.
"Bayley, I need to talk to you. In private."
He says, I nod and follow him outside.
"Look, I'm sorry for bringing you to that bar yesterday. I should've known better than to bring an underaged girl to the bar."
He says in guilt. I squint my eyes.
"Finn, you gave me sunset rum. One of the most alcoholic drinks."
I say and finn looks down at his feet.
"I feel so guilty. And I don't want to drink the pain away this time."
He says still looking at his feet. I then shoot him a small smile.
"Next time, can we do something else like watch a movie?"
I say. Finn then looks up at me and gives me a shining, cute smile.
"I'll take that as a yes."
I say. He then laughs. We hold hands and walk back into the building. And sit down at the table.
"Well, that's one problem solved."
Dean says and we all chuckle.
"Bayley, we should tell them about the new girl."
Becky says. My expression changes to seriousness and I nod.
I take a deep breath in.
"There's this new girl in our grade. And she's an absolute bully."
I say and becky nods.
"What did she do?"
Sasha questions.
"Well, me and bayley thought that maybe she wanted to be our friend. We walked up and she just shoved me outta nowhere."
Becky says as she takes another bite of her salad.
"Some asshole."
Seth says and becky nods. Then the new girl comes stomping at us.
"Why the hell you two talking about me? Huh."
She says in an angry tone.
I look over to sasha, and I can sense that she is gonna shoot back. Sasha then stands up.
"You shut your mouth okay?"
Sasha says in an angry tone. Then the new girls eyes narrow at sasha.
"What's your name?"
Charlotte says while still sitting down.
"Why does that matter so much?"
She says in an angry tone.
Becky says. The new girl then rolls her eyes.
"I'm Nia Jax. And I'm only telling that because I want that name to strike fear into you. Nia Jax will be at the top of this school, you just wait."
Nia says. She then storms away.
Sasha starts breaking into laughter and then all of us do.
"NiA jAX wiLL bE aT tHE tOp oF tHiS sChOoL."
Seth says imitating her voice and we all laugh even more.
Then stephanie mcmahon walks up to us.
"What's going on here?"
Stephanie asks.
"I... uh... nothing."
Sasha says and we all nod and take a bite out of our food.
Stephanie then nods and walks away.
We then start laughing even more.....

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