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Sasha pov
Winter break is about to end in one day aka January 15. My birthday is in two weeks and I'm turning 17 Just the thought of turning 17 makes me cringe of how old I am. I walk over to beckys house to meet the girls. I walk in and I give them a huge hug.
"Are you excited sasha? Your birthday is in 11 days!"
Bayley exclaims making me chuckle.
"Yeah, I'm just so nervous."
"What are ya nervous about lad?"
Becky asks.
"Seventeen is super old."
I say, I'm also the oldest in our group.
"Don't worry sasha, even if you were 80 I'd still love you."
Bayley says with a cheesy smile. And I smile back.
"You have any plans sasha?"
Charlotte asks. Charlotte has been pretty well after she left Ashley, it's nice to know that she's not stressed anymore.
"Well, I was thinking wrestling ring."
I say but I was cut off from bayleys giggling.
"Something funny martinez?"
I say in a jokingly accent.
"No, it's just. I love wrestling so much."
Bayley says and I smirk.
"How about we have charlynch vs the bossnhug connection."
Becky says while pointing to us. And me and bayley nod in agreement.
"Oh it's on."
I say and bayley nods.

Night time 9:30 pm
It's night time, I'm getting ready for bed with charlotte, and becky. Bayley is already asleep although she is a light sleeper, so that means me, char, and bex need to be super quiet.
I'm now lying in bed beside bayley, I can't sleep without thinking about dolph. I have a feeling he is going to hurt me, or do something to ruin my birthday.
As I fall asleep I hear someone opening my door. It's dolph, he has a knife. I try to scream but I'm pretrified.
"Good morning banks."
He says with an evil smirk.
"How did you get out?"
I question him. Bayley is still asleep beside me.
"None of your business banks."
He says. I look behind him and I see becky and charlotte on the floor with a puddle of blood under them.
I then scream super loud, waking up bayley.
"What? Sasha you okay?"
Bayley asks in a groany tone, she then looks up to dolph and her mouth widens.
Dolph then grabs bayley into a choke hold.
"I told you I was going to make your life a living hell if you didn't come with me."
Dolph says and I start crying. He then grabs a knife and puts it into bayleys abs. Bayleys mouth widens and her eyes widen. She collapses and starts hyperventilating. I start crying like hell, I'm shaking, I don't know what to do.
I yell.....

"Sasha, you okay?"
A familiar voice asks. I jump up and start breathing heavily. I'm super sweating and I'm crying quietly. I look over and see that bayley is still lying down, but she's staring at me in concern. She looks super tired.
"Sasha, you okay?"
She asks in a groany tone.
I check the time and it's 2:35 am
I stare at her in shock.
Bayley asks and I nod.
She then pulls me into a hug. A super tight hug, the type of hug that makes you feel warm and safe.
"Was it dolph?"
Bayley asks me and I nod. I'm still super shaken after what I saw.
"I won't let him hurt you sash. No one is going to hurt you. You've saved me millions of times, I'm now going to save you."
Bayley says with a small smile and I nod again.
"Thank you."
I say with my voice cracking at the end.
Then we both fall into a nice sleep

January 15, Monday morning 5:30 am.
"Bayley, bayley wake up!"
I whisper yell at bayley and her eyes flutter open as I'm shaking her.
She says in a groany tone as she rubs her eyes open and yawns.
"Wake up, or you're gonna oversleep."
I say with a small smirk.
"How is it that I always sleep before you but you wake up way before me?"
Bayley asks.
"Maybe because you're a baby."
I say in a jokingly accent and bayley playfully roles her eyes.
We then get changed and I drive us to school. We were able to go back due to the fact that dolph was now in prison.
As we walk in, many eyes lock onto me, Becky, bayley, and Charlotte. The boys were still getting dressed for school because they had woken up late.

Finn pov
These past few months have been absolute hell. Especially for bayley. When I heard and saw all that she's been through, I felt like a coward for not doing anything. Today I'm going to ask her out on a date, just me and her. And no one is going to interfere it. I feel like she deserves some happiness after all she's been through, I'm going to show her that happiness. I quickly change and hop into the van with dean and the boys.
"Finn, whats in your pocket?"
Roman asks. Clearly he can see a giant box in my pants pocket.
I pull out a ring box, a smooth box and inside, a ring of gold with the date 4/10/19.
"The date October 4th was the day me and bayley started dating. I thought it would be special to ask her out on a date, she's been through a lot these past few months, and I'm gonna show her some happiness."
I say with a smirk at the end.
"Well, you can't ask her out while wearing that, and your hair is a mess."
Seth says while staring at my ripped pants, black sweater, and sneakers.
"You want me to change dont ya?"
I ask and they all nod.
Me and seth walk in, he then changes me into a black leather jacket, some black jeans, and black shoes.
"This is all black."
I say and Seth chuckles.
"You see finn, that's the point. You look badass."
Seth says, we walk back into the van.
Roman and dean say in unison and I playfully roll my eyes.
"Let's head to class before we're late."
I say and they nod.
Once we get dropped off, I notice that bayley is there talking to the girls. Her hair down as beautiful as always, her outfit, her smile, makes me feel so happy.
I walk up to her.
"Would you girls give us a minute?"
I ask sasha, becky, and charlotte and they nod.
I look over the the boys and Seth mouths "good luck."
And I smile. I then turn to bayley who looks confused with what's going on.
"You look, amazing."
Bayley says to me and I smile.
"So do you."
I say and bayley and she slightly chuckles.
"Why are you dressed up so you know, badassy?"
Bayley says and I laugh at her comment.
"I wanted to make an impression"
I say and wink at bayley. Bayley looks shocked.
"You know finn, you don't need to change your style to impress me. I like you just the way you are."
Bayley says making me blush.
I say to bayley and she blushes as well.
"I want to ask you something."
I say in a nervous voice and bayley tilts her head in confusion. I then get to my knees and bayleys eyes widen.
"Bayley... will you go out with me?"......

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