Its too much

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Dolph pov
I was in the middle of breaking bayleys leg, I cracked her knee... good enough I guess. I heard bayleys heartbreaking scream and then I heard someone yell "BAYLEY NOOOOO"
I recognize that scream, it's sasha banks. She tackles me, and sliced my abs with the knife three times. I was bleeding like hell, my head felt light. So I ran. I ran into the woods. I was so tired, I called ruby.
Dolph: ruby?
Ruby: Dolph, you sound horrible. What happened?
Dolph: i... come to the bushes beside the warehouse, and bring a medical kit.... please
Ruby: I'm on my way.

I wait, it's been 10 minutes since I called her. My head felt so light. I passed out. And when I woke up, I was in the warehouse, my abs felt like hell. I tried to sit up but I just couldn't. I groaned in pain. Then someone slowly pushed me back down onto the bed.
"Stay in bed."
Ruby says.
"What. What happened?"
I ask in a crocky voice.
"You must of pass out from blood loss. I'm gonna kill whoever did that-"
I cut her off.
"No, it was sasha. She was so mad that I hurt bayley."
I say.
"She. She really doesn't love me anymore. What did I ever do to her?"
I ask ruby.
"Nothing, but you will get her back. I promise."
She says and I crack a little smirk before falling back asleep.

Bayley pov
I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm a hospital room. The light was so bright. I try to sit up but I just couldn't. I feel someone's arm holding me back onto the bed.
"Hey, calm down."
Sasha says in a calm tone.
"Sasha? Where am I?"
I ask.
"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you're safe now, lad."
Says becky as she gets onto her knees and gives me a nice hug.
"What happened?"
I ask as I rub my head.
"Well, Dolph kidnapped you and abused you so that he could get sasha."
Charlotte says. Her stomach is pretty big from the baby.
"Oh, sasha you didn't have to-"
I was cut off from sasha.
"No bayls, I did have to. You're the closest thing I'll ever get to a little sister. You know that I'm an only child. And I'm lonely a lot. I can't lose you."
Sasha says as she rubs my leg making me wince.
"Oh, sorry-"
She says because of my leg.
"It's okay, what happened to dolph?"
I ask.
"He's gone for now."
Says becky with a smile.
Then Finn comes running through the door and jumps on me.
"Ooww! Finn get off!"
I yell making him laugh.
"Sorry bayls, I'm so happy to see you!"
He says making me chuckle.
"I missed you too mr. balor."
And he blushes.
A doctor comes in.
"You're gonna have to wear those crutches for a year, that was a long of damage sustained on your leg. And no surgery and fix it."
The doctor says and I feel someone hugging me from behind, it's sasha. It's one of those guilty and sorry hugs.
"Okay, thanks doc."
I say and he walks out.
Then a random police officer comes walking in.
"Hello there, my name is officer Cena. I've heard that you've been kidnapped by a so called man named dolph ziggler?"
He says
"Yes, he's the reason why I look like this."
I say motioning my hands onto my bruised face.
"Okay, so let me get this straight."
Mr. cena says as he pulls out a notepad.
"Age: 17 1/2, height: 6'0, name: Dolph Ziggler, weight: 99kg, and he has blond hair and blue eyes?"
Cena says.
"Yeah, that's right officer cena."
Says finn balor as he was massaging my arm.
"Please, call me john."
John says with a smile.
"So, why did he kidnap you? Out of all people. Why you?"
John says.
"I can answer this one, my name is sasha banks. And I've been in a relationship with dolph for 2 years. We were known as the power couple in our school. But we broke up a couple months ago. He said that he was okay that we were not gonna be together anymore. But a couple weeks ago he starts Corning me, saying that I have no choice but to go back with him. And he says he's gonna stop at nothing to get me back. First he tried breaking me and dean ambrose who is my boyfriend apart. Now he stole me best friend bayley, and almost killed her just to get me. I don't know what to do John. Please help."
Sasha says making me sad a little.
"Don't worry sasha, I am a professional. I've been doing this job for around twenty years now. We are gonna catch dolph ziggler. Can you tell us the last time he was seen?"
John asks.
"Yeah, in the warehouse."
Becky says.
"Did he run out or something?"
John asks.
I stare at sasha to check if she wants to answer or not. She sliced dolph, she could get arrested for that. So i decided to lie so she wouldn't get caught.
"Yes, he was scared of us."
I say, sasha looks at me confused, then she smiles because she knows what I'm thinking.
"He ran, for the better. Had he stayed? I would've ripped his arms off."
Sasha says.
"Thank you, now is there any other specific details you want to tell us?"
John asks.
"Well, he has a couple of aquintences."
Charlotte says.
"Ya, ruby riott, she has red hair that's shaved off at the side, she's 5'4
Liv Morgan, she has pink hair and she's 5'4 as well. And Sarah logan, she has brown hair and she's 5'6."
Becky says.
"Thank you for this information. Now I'm asking that all of you, including Seth, Roman, and dean who I just met outside. To stay in hiding, make sure you're all in the same house. Do not go out until we catch dolph. And tell ur parents that you're just going on a school field trip, is that okay?"
John says.
And we all nod.
"Thank you."
John says and he leaves the hospital room.

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