Chapter 38

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Sasha pov
Since me and the girls were banged up from the car accident, we didn't really get the chance to do wrestling. I decided to suprise them with a special place.
We currently are coming out of the car.
I walk out then help bayley come out with her crutches.
"Where is this place sasha?"
Becky asks and the rest nod.
"You'll see."
I say as I open up the doors to reveal an indoor amusement park.
Bayley exclaims.
"What a nice suprise."
Dean says putting his arm around me.
"Where should we go first?"
Charlotte asks and I point towards a small ride.
"How about we go from small ride to big ride?"
Dean suggest and I nod.
After riding all of the small rides, it was finally time for the big ride.
"You got this?"
I question bayley pointing at her leg.
Bayley closes her eyes, sighs, clenches her jaw, and then motions her head towards the ride.
"I'll take that as a yes."
I say and bayley looks to me with a small smirk.
"Happy birthday you two."
Everyone says (except me and Becky)
And me and Becky smile.
Needless to say, I felt sick that entire ride.
I almost vomited, I felt super lightheaded so we decided it was best to go home. The boys left and it was just me and the girls in the car.
"Char, can you drive? I feel really dizzy after those rides."
I say and charlottes eyes fill with concern.
"You alright?"
Charlotte asks and I nod.
"That ride had loads of loops, it's alright to feel lightheaded."
Becky says and I nod in agreement.
"Alright then, I guess I'm taking the wheel. Sash how about you sit beside bayley in the back and becky come to the front."
Charlotte says.
I go to the back and sit beside bayley who fell asleep (it was a long ride.)
I decided to fall asleep too.

I look outside the window to see dolph...
I quickly roll down my window, my heart froze at the sight of dolph.
"Dolph... what are you doing here?"
I ask and the car stops.
"Just came to say hi."
Dolph says in a creepy stalker voice.
"No... GO AWAY!"
I yell and dolph keeps smirking at me.
I quickly turn to notify bayley but she isn't waking up.
"Bayls... wake up!"
I yell, no response.
So I quickly crawl to the front and shake becky and charlotte, but they were unconcious?
What was going on.

I shoot up, panting and sweating.
Becky asks, I can see that charlotte and becky were still in the front talking and bayley was still sleeping beside me. Maybe it was just another nightmare.
"You alright?"
Charlotte asks in concern.
"Just another nightmare."
I say and they nod.
"Sasha, John said that he's working on a case right now, he's sending a different police to help us."
Becky says and I nod.
We finally make it to the house.
But the bayley seems sad.
"What's up bayls?"
Charlotte asks and me and Becky nod.
"I was really excited for wrestling, but hey the amusement park was amazing."
Bayley says and my eyes soften.
"Bayley Martinez, your passion for wrestling is like no other. I promise that when we make it into the real ring infront of the real crowd, we are going to make history."
I say and they all smile.

Becky pov
Monday 6:30 am
School time.... yay.
I am currently getting dressed, I look over to my side and I see charlotte. She can't seem to find anything to wear. So I toss her a pair of camo jeans and a black tank top.

"Thanks bex.... wait, I don't think I can wear this."


"It's against school policy."

"Come on, it ain't that bad lad."

She sighs then nods her head. She comes out of the dressing room looking like an absolute queen that fights back.

I say and charlotte looks at me and gives me a smile.

We then walk out to bayley and sasha.

"Dang char, you sure you can wear that?"
Bayley asks and charlotte shakes her head no.

"Then why are you wearing it?"
Sasha asks.

"I feel like it, whats the worst that could happened to Ric flairs daughter?"
Charlotte says and we start chuckling.
"Your loss."
Sasha says.

We walk into the school and principal Stephanie McMahon instantly walks up to us with her arms crossed and her eyes narrowing at us.

"My office, all four of you. Now!"
She exclaims and we walk over to her office.

"You four have missed two months of school!"
She says and we sigh.
"Winter break."
I say and Stephanie rolls her eyes.

"And before that! You four missed tons of work! I'm gonna need the four of you to stay in detention and work on all the work that you've missed."
Stephanie says.

"It was serious though."
Sasha says and we nod.

"It can't be that serious. It's not like there was a killer trying to get you."
She says and we all look at each other.
I lean over the girls and whispered.
"We can't tell her, or else our parents will get involved."
I whispered to the them.
And they nodded.

Charlotte says and we shake our heads.
"That's what I thought. Your coming to detention on Sunday and Saturday."
Stephanie says and we nod our heads.

"What about the boys?"
Bayley asks and Stephanie sighs.
"They already did their work."
She says and bayleys head tilts in confusion.
"What? But they were with us-"
"In my computer it says that they have been here and that they did all of their homework. I don't know what's gotten into your heads but those boys were here at school."
She says and my eyes widen.
What's going on? I swear the boys were with us.
The four of us look to each other in confusion....

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