I cant handle this

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Sasha pov
I'm currently in the waiting room with bayley. The rest of the gang are still with Charlotte. I can't forgive myself for what happened to dean. I'm gonna talk to bayley about it since she allows me to truly say how I feel.
"Hey bayley."
I say in a sad tone.
She answers.
"Why do I feel so guilty."
I say and she gives me sad eyes. She then puts her hand on my shoulder and gives me a pat.
"Sasha, none of this is your fault-"
"Yes it is! Do you know how I felt when I saw dolph crack your knee bone?!!!!? I was absolutely horrified! I didn't want to see you like that! And I don't want to see dean like this! When I saw you in that warehouse.... I hated myself. Knowing that you had to go though that pain, suffering, all because of me."
I say and I start crying.
"Sasha, you're an amazing person. Don't let dolph bring you down. Don't go to dolph. This is his fault for being too selfish, this is his fault for being too violent. When I was in that warehouse, it was dark, I was scared. But when I heard your voice? I was instantly filled with hope. Knowing that my best friend is coming to save me, as always. And by staying by my side, you're saving me. So please don't let something stupid like dolph bring you down."
Bayley says and I crack a small smile.
Then I hug her super tight, not wanting to let go. When I hug bayley, I feel safe, I feel all the darkness has left my mind, I feel like the whole dolph think is lifted off my mind.
"Thank you so much bayley, I don't know how I would live, how I would be happy, how I would smile, or even how I would exist if it weren't for you."
I say and bayley smiles
Then the doctor comes out of deans room.
"He's conscious and he's in room 205"
He says, me and bayley then nod. I help bayley stand up and we go to his room.
I knock and enter.
I ask then bayley walks in the room. He then stares at both of us.
"Hey banks, hey bayls."
He says in a broken voice.
"Dean, how are ya feeling?"
Asks Becky who just entered the room.
"I'm okay I guess, bex."
He says. I can tell something is wrong with him.
"Bayley, becky, could you give me and dean some time?"
I ask. They nod and leave the room.
"Dean, something is wrong, I can sense it."
I say and dean stares at me with a blank expression.
"Sasha, I just got shot in the leg. I'm mad at dolph and ruby and I am going to find them."
He says in a sharp tone.
"Dean, we can't go looking for them rememeber? I'm gonna contact John-"
"Oh screw John!"
Dean yells and I'm shocked my his attitude.
"Dean please-"
"He isn't doing anything!"
Dean yells.
I start crying because of the way dean is acting.
"Quit crying banks. If you always cry, you ain't gonna get anywhere."
He says and that's when he got me mad.
"This isn't you dean."
I sniff and stomp out the door and slam it.
I walk over to bayley and becky who are still in the waiting room. They're staring at me because I'm crying.
"You alright sash?"
Becky asks and I shake my head.
"Deans acting like an asshole."
I say
"Well he just got shot, I don't blame him."
Becky says and bayley nods.
"That doesn't give him the right to say those things to me, especially when dolph is on the loose."
I say.
"Maybe we should call John."
Bayley says and I nod.
Five minutes after
"Okay, John says that he's got a lead on dolph. He found a gun outside of the hospital and said that the fingerprint matched dolphs."
Bayley says and I get concerned but excited at the same time.
I say in a sharp tone. Bayley looks at me with concerned eyes.
"Don't worry, we're gonna get him."
Bayley says and I crack a small smile.
Then my phone rings.
"It's John."
I say and bayley nods for me to answer the phone.
Sasha: hello John?
John: hey sasha, I have some great news for you.
Sasha: oh my gosh, what is it.
John: I have tracked down the finger print for identification. You see, the technology we have here is amazing. So we got the identification and we used that to track down exactly where dolph ziggler is.
Sasha: wait, you can do that?
John: yes, he is located at San Jose hospital.
Sasha: oh my gosh, we're there right now!
John: Sasha! Get out of there! I'm on my way!
He hangs up
I put my hands to my face and bayley and becky look at me with concerned eyes.
"What did he say?"
Becky says.
My eyes start to water.
"Dolph is at the hospital."
I say and their eyes widen.
"We need to get the group, then get out of here."
Bayley says and we run.
"We need to tell the doctors that we are going first."
Becky says and we nod.
We run to the doctor.
"Doctor, thanks for your services, but we have to head out now. Here's the money."
I say and I hand the doctor the money.
We run to dean who just got out of surgery, he can walk now.
"Dean, listen, Dolph is in the building and we have to go."
I say and dean nods, we then walk over to charlottes room.... but we were too late....

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