I love you too much

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Dean pov
Honestly, I can't believe they wouldn't want to get sasha out. I mean sure she's in a lot of pain and I don't want her to suffer, but it's like she's suffering to stop her suffering. I was planning to keep her away from dolph until she finally forgets about him. But everywhere we go, dolph is there. He won't just leave us alone. He's the reason why sasha is in pain and I'm tired of it. I'm going to get sasha out wether the gang likes it or not.

Sasha pov
AJ keeps asking me super uneccesarry questions. I just want out, I regret coming here, it's way worse than I expected, I just want a hug or I just want to see someone from our group. Anyone is fine.
"Did you used to have sex with him?"
Aj asks which totally crossed the line.
"Alright that's enough for today."
I say and Aj sighs.
"I know it feels uncomfortable, but it's for your own good."
Aj says making me roll my eyes.
"So did you have sex with him before yes or no? And was it protected?"
He says making my blood boil.
I sigh.
"Yes and yes it was protected."
"Thank you."
Aj says politely.
Just as I answer, a receptionist enters the room.
"Uhm doctor Aj?"
She asks and Aj nods.
"Yes? Ms. Brooke?"
He asks the lady.
"We have a visitor for Sasha Banks."
She says and my eyes widen.
Aj says as he speed walks to Ms. Brooke.
He then whispers something to her which I can't hear, Ms. Brooke then walks out and Aj turns his attention back to me.
"Sorry bout that."
Aj says taking his seat.
"Do I have a visitor?"
I ask and Aj shakes his head
"Nope, just a mishap."
He says making my eyes roll.
I was so excited, but then again, I'm not allowed visitors.

Dean pov
"Sorry mr. Ambrose, Sasha Banks is not wanting to see a visitor."
The receptionist says as she sits back in her seat.
"Are you kidding me?"
I say and she nods.
I read her name tag.
"Listen Dana Brooke, I am the boyfriend of Sasha Banks and I demand to be inside."
I say and her eyes widen by my attitude.
"We don't allow that attitude here, and no you may not see her."
Dana says which makes my eyes roll.
I then turn around, walk away, and start thinking of my next plan.

Charlotte pov
"Where do you think Dean is?"
I ask the group as we put in our seat belts.
"Oh gee I totally know."
Seth says making my eyes roll, then Becky playfully hits his arm.
"Ow, sorry."
He says making becky laugh.
"Nows not the time for funny business, char do you know how to drive this or do you want me too?"
Roman asks and I smile at him.
"No thanks, I got this."
I say and he gives me a nod.

Finn pov
I strap in my seat belt and look over to bayley who is sitting beside me. She looks sad and broken, but that's what I'm here for, I'm here to cheer her up.
I say putting my hand on her shoulder but she shrugs and stares to the floor.
"We are going to get her back eventually."
I say and bayley looks up to me, shocked by my answer.
"No we aren't Finn, she's gonna for two years. If we try to break her out, then there's a 80% chance of us going to prison."
She says and my eyes widen by her answer.
"Stay hopeful bayls, that's what sasha would've wanted."
I say and bayley smiles at me and ruffles my hair, making me laugh too.

Dean pov
I was sitting in the wait room until... it got to me! I'm gonna break in! So I drove back home and grabbed my axe, sure this was a bad idea, but it isn't a bad idea for a good cause. I grab my gun and drive back to the facility. Where I walked back up to the receptionist.
"Mr. Ambrose, I already told you, you can't come in-"
"I go wherever I want to."
I say walking past her. I then hear a siren, showing that she has called for security.
I quickly grab my taser and tase all of the security.
"You have really bad security."
I say turning to Dana. And she sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Room 593."
She says and I give her a charming smile.
I then break the door open with my axe and I'm surprised to see sasha and a random doctor sitting facing each other.

Sasha pov
Aj was in the middle of asking me a question when a siren goes off. Aj quickly runs to the door and locks it.
"What's going on?"
I ask Aj but he just sits down and asks me more questions.
Then the door breaks open... Dean?
I ask him and he gives me a charming smile.
"Miss me?"
He says making me feel hopeful with the sound of his voice.
"How did you get passed security?"
Aj asks and dean smiles.
"You've got very bad security here."
Dean says making me feel bad.
Then I hear a gun cock, Dean turns around and coming in the door, was John and Randy.
"Cena, Orton, nice to see ya again."
Dean says with his hands in the air.
"John, randy, please don't, I know deep down you two are good people, don't take dean away from me."
I say and their eyes soften, but they grip their hands tighter onto their guns.
"I know you guys aren't gonna shoot me."
Dean says.
"Why so?"
John asks.
"Because that's not what cops do."
Dean says in a cocky voice.
They then out Their guns out and take out an electric baton.
"Ok ok... you actually use that on people."
Dean said stepping back.
"I warned you ambrose, I told you not to come."
Randy says staring into deans eyes.
"Well, I want sasha back."
Dean says and Randy hits him with the baton.
I yell and randy moves his stick.
"Please, I want to go home."
I say and John narrows his eyes at me.
"No can do."
John says putting his baton away and bringing out his cuffs.
"Please! The only thing that makes my mind get rid of dolph is dean and the group! This whole facility thing, I just thought I could speed up the process but no! It's making it worse. Let me go home, and I'll be happier, I'll be protected, and I'll be more hopeful than I ever was in this goddamn facility!"
I yell startling everyone. Dean then turns his head as his body is on the ground and smiles at me. And I smile back.
Then John puts his cuffs away.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Randy asks John and John sighs.
"I'm doing what's right."
John says as he walks up to me and uncuffs me, but randy turns him around as they are now face to face.
"When I finally thought that we were doing fine as a team, you turn your back on not only me but our entire team!"
Randy yells at John who closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Kid, sometimes when you're an expierienced cop, you need to make hard decisions. Obviously the facility thing didn't work for sasha. She needs to be with the people she loves. And if that doesn't work? Then at least she's passing with the people she loves."
John says but Randy's eyes are still mad.
"When I'm more expierienced John, I'm gonna be the best cop ever."
Randy says making John chuckle.
"We'll see about that."
John says making randy smirk a bit. Randy then turns and leaves the room.
"Thanks john."
I say making him wink at me.
"No problem, I hope we meet again in the near future. And hey, you've got guts lemme tell you that."
John says with a smile, he then leaves.
"I... uhm, I'm just gonna go..."
Aj says making me smile.
"Thank you for your time and services."
I tell Aj and he quickly nods and runs away.
I laugh, and then turn my attention to dean who is still on the floor, his eyes are still opened but he can't move.
I quickly walk over to him and pick him up.
"You okay?"
I ask as he dusts himself off.
He says staring into my eyes.
"Thank you for coming for me, and I'm so sorry for acting like a total jerk."
I tell him and he smiles.
"I'm sorry too for not caring enough."
He says while putting his hand on my face. He then brings me closer and gives me a nice long kiss, oh how I missed the feeling of deans soft lips on mine. It felt so magical.
Then I hear a bunch of footsteps running into our room.
I turn around to see....
I ask bayley who looks confused, then the rest of the gang run in.
She exclaims as she runs, I pick her up into a huge hug... even though I'm smaller than her.
"I missed you so much!"
Bayley exclaims and I hug her even tighter, not wanting to let go.
"Hey sash."
Becky says hitting my arm.
"Hey, becky, hey charlotte."
I say and charlotte gives me a hug.
"Let's get outta here."
Bayley says pointing at all the mess that was made and I smile and walk out the door.

Dean pov
"Yo dean."
Seth says as he and the boys walk up to me.
I say.
"We missed ya."
Roman says making me smile.
"I miss you guys too."
I say making them laugh.
"Let's go home now."
Finn says pointing at all the mess that was made. I then laugh and we all walk out the door.

Sasha pov
As I'm in the car, I decided to take a nice long nap. And dream a happy good dream, as I am finally home.....

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