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Third Person POV

They arrived at the hotel shortly, the traffic not being as mortifying and time consuming as they had assumed it would be. Jungkook and Yoongi were still clutched together.

Jimin was still pissed off. Even with Taehyung beside him as they walked. He still felt somewhat alone.

"So, rooms are as follows," Namjoon stars after clearing his throat, "Hoseok, Jin and I. Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin and Yoongi. We have today to adjust a bit, rest up, enjoy ourselves. Tomorrow we have a shooting for Run BTS, which we don't know what we're doing but they said dress cozy but not too cozy? and an interview the day after I think, and some shootings within that time frame as well. It seems to be, so use these few hours we have left of today wisely!" He grabbed ahold of Jin and Hoseok, and they dashed cutely to their designated room. Jungkook and Taehyung did the same. Although, Jimin just paced to Yoongi and his room, and laid his suitcase out and open.

"Someone's in a pissy mood, it seems," Yoongi pouted, as Jimin entered the bedroom after unloading his toiletries into the washroom. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, and sat in his bed with a sigh, "you couldn't tell until now, Yoongi?"

"I'm sorry," Yoongi breathed, "I wasn't trying to make you jealous, I never mean to, baby." Jimin shrugged, pretending as if he had let it go. He thought he did a good job of hiding it but Yoongi was definitely more observant then that.

Yoongi clicked his tongue, as he tried to fill the heavy load of silence, "are you okay?" He edged closer, and wrapped his arms around his baby, kissing his cheek softly, "what's on your mind? Anything you'd like to tell me?" Jimin sat silently, letting thought overtake him as he ahrugged once again.

"I'm sorry too," he exhaled at last, turning to Yoongi who was now seated beside him, "I'm overprotective, obsessive, clingy, an-"

"No you're not," he said, kissing his cheek once again, "I love you okay? Jungkook and I, we'll me, I used to kinda hate him and all. But now, him and I are okay. That's all that happened. Don't let it get to your head. It's never good for anyone when that happens, and surely not for you. Am I right?" Jimin nodded, knowing that his boyfriend was right. He nodded, and poked his boyfriend's stomach. "Hey, stop that," he grunted, leaning forwards and putting jimin under him. The younger chuckled happily, pulling Yoongi down on him by the collar of his sweater.

He left a trail of kisses all along his neck and face. Making Yoongi feel the love that has been burning in him, along with the jealousy, as he wasn't with him. Yoongi felt like a drug to him sometimes. He couldn't get enough of him, ever.

Once pulled back quickly, "hey could we talk about something?" Jimin asked hesitantly. He'd just given up on the kissing, and knew that it was enough for now. He needed to talk about something much more important.

The relapsing of his boyfriend.

"Of course," Yoongi replied joyously, a smile in his face. He brought Jimin closer to him, "what about?"

"You," he said quietly, knowing that Yoongi would hear him anyway. What was the point in hiding his own voice? Really, there was no point to it. "I was going to put this on slowly. But geez, I can't take it anymore...."

Out of his own nervousness, he gulped, turning to his side a little. "You're relapsing."

The light in Yoongi's eyes dimmed.

But he knew he had to talk about it with Jimin sooner or later. But it just hurt the most with Jimin. He didn't want to break him anymore then he already had that day.

"Alright, let's talk about it then," he said, plastering on a gentle smile.

Jimin's heart fluttered,

And thus,

There was hope.

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now