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Yoongi POV

"Can I be the judge?" I ask, looking up, "I don't really have an appetite."

"I'll give you one," Alexis says, "The food is good, trust me. You wont want to miss out, well, if you get the good dishes. Plus, there's nothing to judge anyhow, it's either you're in or."

"Or what?" I say softly, "Y-you paused. Or what Alexis?"

"Or you're in," she says, smiling at me, more like a wide grin though, "There's no way out of this, sorry to say."

"Yoongs, you must be hungry after the flight," Jin says, "And after s-"

"Boys!" Alexis says, as we're walked over to a long table, sitting in front of assigned seats, our names printed nicely on the chairs. Aw

We all close our eyes, as we hear our dishes being placed in front of us. 'Why do I have to eat now??? Or ever? They're going to be watching my stomach grow. I cant even count the calories in these things! Wait..I can try and loose! Yes! I can just pretend to be sick and get grossed out my all the food!'

'I have back luck anyway, i wont get a good dish.'

I open my eyes, to a single cookie on my plate. It smells fresh. Ugh i hate food...

"Lucky Yoongs!" Jimin says, "You got the best dish!"

I smile, "No i didnt! It's...a raw fish cookie! bleh!" I plug my nose, pretending to hate the smell. I hate the size, not the smell.

"Yah! Yoongi, i can smell it from here, it smells delightful! Eat it, you can win, share the prize with me, hyung," Jimin says.

That broke my heart. We're together....why does he do this to me.

I start to eat it, pretending to be grossed out. But fuck, it's tasty, but huge. I don't want it. It's too much food, at once.

I finish it quickly, "Ew, uhhh. I'll be right back."

I run off to the washroom, barely even noticing someone followed me. I kneel in front of the toilet and let it out. Two fingers down the throat, and down the cookie came. Along with water, and stomach acid.

"Baby, you're perfect the way you are. Don't torture yourself," Jimin says, as I hear him crying outside the washroom door.

"I'm sorry."

_ _ _

This is a bit short, sorrryyy

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now