Just let me i n

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Jimin POV

"I couldn't remember the last time he smiled.

The last time he laughed.

The last time he was okay.

The last time he was happy.

The last time I could make him smile.

The last time I could make him laugh.

The last time I could make him okay.

The last time I made him happy," Spoke the undeniably shaky speakers of the jet.

"Damn, isn't that deep," Namjoon says, "Sounds like something Yoongi would write about Jimin, if he, ahem, didn't eat his fucking meals again. Ahem, ahem."

"Shut up..." I mutter underneath my breath, "You know it's hard for me hyung." I pout at him, knowing how cute he finds it. Pouting is my superpower, I guess.

"Don't pout~" he says, "Just watch the movie."

"It's not a movie!" Jungkook says, "In Taehyung's' defense, this is a K-Drama."

Taehyung rolls his eyes, "Just cut it out Kook. I'm not in the mood." Tae leans on Jungkook, his sleeves rolling up all the way. Showing his past pain. Why is he so cruel to himself?


"TaeTae," I say, bringing out a bowl of popcorn, a cheery look on my face, "Did you decide on a movie yet?"

He shook his head, "No, hyung. I-i think we shouldn't watch anything." He rubbed his arm wincing a bit, "W-we should go to the hospital..." Tears alined his cheeks, as Taehyung broke down.

"What happened?" I ask the younger, worried sick about him now, "What happened to your arm?"

"My father," he said, wincing again, "He hurt me again, hyung. And I'm scared..."

"Yo-you should've told me," I say, as I carried his light weight to the car. Buckling myself in fast, and Taehyung buckling himself as well. I sped to the hospital, not caring about any red light.


I entered the blank hospital room, my face stained with tears. My cheeks puffy, but I didn't care about that. I care about Taehyung, right now, more then ever.

He was all fixed up on the outside, although his face spoke differently. He looked like he had been crying, much less then me somehow, but he had been crying. 'Tae has been hurt'

"Hyung..." he mutters, as I put my hand in his, "Come closer, you're too far."

I sit on the chair next to his hospital bed, hardly making an indent in it. I clasp my other hand over his hand on mine, "I've got you Tae."

"Did yo-" he starts, but I nod.

"Yes, I informed the principal, and the teachers you won't be attending tomorrow. And Tae?" I say, speaking at a pace so he can both hear, and understand me well.


"I'm going to stay with you here, tomorrow," I say, "I have the schools permission, and my parents permission. You won't be alone."

He forces a smile, although it's a real one. "Thank you, hyung," he whispers, "I love you."

"I love you too, Tae."

End of Flashback

"Tae," I say, "Your sleeve."

Taehyung's eyes dagger to me, nodding, and pulling his sleeve up, "Thank you, hyung."

"Don't be ashamed," I mouth, "It's okay."

He nods, and makes a heart with his hand. He lays against Jungkook, and falls asleep. Once again, I'm jealous?

"Jimin-ssi," Yoongi says, raising his voice, after calling my name continuously. I'd been staring at Taehyung sleep that long? Why am I so goddamn worried, what is my issue? What's up with this, god..

"Ah..." I say, clenching my stomach with my hand, "I'm sorry, Yoongi-ssi."

He smiles, "Give me some attention~"

"I always am," I say, hugging him softly.

"You give," he starts, but then cuts himself off. He buries his head into the wall of the jet, "forget it."

"No..." I say, holding him tight, "Please? Have you been trying to loose weight again? I can feel your ribs again."

He shakes his head, "Just fast metabolism, and the fact that I'm still recovering, and have never been a heavy eater. Let's just not talk about me, I'm fine and I don't need help with anything right now. Stop bringing the subject on me, when we should be talking about you. And your health."

"Yoongi," I say, raising my voice, "We're talking about you now."

He sighs, "Just stop! Let me be."

I get up, and go over to J-hope, Namjoonie and Jin. "Hyungs," I say, "Can I sit with you guys? Yoongi is be stubborn.."


oh no :(

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