I prefer my blades

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Jungkook POV
"Okay okay," I mutter as I pull my sleeves over my hands nervously. Thank god this oversized hoodie is black.
"Kookie," Hoseok says, "Why so nervous? Why so tense?" Stop trying, I don't want anyone to learn the hard way. As I did.
I squeeze my nails into my hands in a fist, and feel the pain as small bits of blood drop down my hands. As if my arms could get anymore broken, and bloodier. It isn't impossible, Jungkook. You burden, a scab to life. Maybe stick the razor in your he-
"Ready for dinner?" Jim says, grabbing my hand in his warming soft grasp.
I fake a smile, but I know it seems real, "Ready. let's go."
Hoseok sighs, as the three of us walk out into the limousine waiting for us. Damn, I thought we'd get a regular Uber. Hah, I feel special.
"Awe, your smile!" Jin says, poking my cheek, "You're such a perfection..." he mutters the last bit to himself softly, but I heard him. Clearly.
I blush a rash shade of red, "You are too," I say, clearing my throat, "Ahem...but I bet you already knew that." How would it feel to have such a perfect figure looking at you, gazing into a mirror and thinking 'I'm lucky.'
Well...I know I am lucky. Im a member of BTS, but I'm sad. Now especially. I don't have Yoongi...I tried so hard. But he's Jimin's Yoongi. Not mine. Fuck, it hurts. But maybe...I could have Jin. I-I loved him after all in the first place, even when I was with Jimin. Even when I loved my heart out to Yoongi, without him noticing because I was scared. Jin is always there. Always. Always, always, always.
~ ~ ~
I'm posting every time I write a bit so it'll be more often unless I'm very busy, but I'm on vacation so

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