It isnt worth it

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"Why?" Jungkook says, his eyes traveling along my body.
I shiver, and notice what I've done. I pull my hoodie back on, "Get out. And tell no one. No one can know."
He shakes as he stands up, "Are you sick? Yoongi, what's going on."
I stutter out, "G-get out. Now...or I swear."
"Yoongi, please," he pleads, "Please."
"Too late. Too little now. Mhm? Out," I say, shoving him out and slamming the door. I lock it shut.

~ Skip time to one week later ~
Jimin POV
"Yoongi, please come out of your've been there for a week," I say, banging on his door.
For the past week, he's been in there. I haven't been able to get him to talk. He won't talk to anyone. All I hear is either silence, faint music playing, or the sound of him working out. I've heard crying, too. Late at night. I wanted to be in there, to help him. He's anorexic, and he knows it. I know he knows it. Jungkook knows he knows it. Jin knows he knows it. Everyone knows he knows it, fuck. He wants to be like this. He wants to be the smallest. He wants to be dead.
"Fine!" He says, his voice weak even in a yell.
I watch the doorknob being opened, "Come in."
I open it and close it behind me, locking it once again.
I stare at the small frame. He's gotten even smaller then before. Holy shit...he hasn't eaten for a week! "Yoongi," I say, as I start to cry.
His eyes go blank, as his soulless body hugs me. I can feel every single bone in his body. "I'm hungry," he says, flashing his smile at me, "Starving, even."

"Let's go out for dinner, then," I say, wiping my tears, but his hand cuts through and wipes them for me. "Thanks..."'

He sits up, but falls back. His collarbone is so visible. He looks so sick, and hurt. "I'm going to fix you," I whisper, as I carry him bridal style down to the car. I drive, as we sit in silence. But I don't mind the silence, it's calming. 

~ ~ ~

"You can fix me," he says, swallowing, "but I won't like it." His fingers fidgeting under the table. He gulps as the food is set up on the table.

"You're eating that," I say, "You haven't eaten in days."

"I had gum," he mutters, poking the rice, "I am hungry, you don't need to force me. Just for tonight, though.."

I hold his fingers softly, "I know, I'm willing to force you. For the sake of your life. Yoongi, you're perfect. I just wish you could just see, what I see. What the whole group sees."

"But, all my imperfections, they're-" He starts, before I cut them off.

"They're what makes you, you. What makes you perfect. What makes you beautiful. What makes you, Yoongi."

He blushes, staring down as he gulps down his rice, "Thank you.."

I smile, "Don't thank me. I'm doing this because you deserve it. And you know it. Besides, I need to help you with filling yourself up with months of being starved."

"Hah, you kid with me," he says.

"But you know I'm being serious," I say, smiling at him. I eat my rice slowly, as he munches on his, savoring it. I should order him another bowl, he's starved. 

'He'll be mad'

'He'll hate you'

'Maybe you want it, you're a fat pig yourself, Jimin.'


I think I may turn this into something less about just Yoongi, but about all of them. Idk yet though, probably gonna do that. Thanks to the few people who are reading! ♥️

♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now