Little, little.

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Taehyung POV

"Tae?" Jungkook repeats, wrapping his arms around me, "You're shaking TaeTae."

I shake my head, "I'm fine."

"Did you have breakfast?" he asks, wrapping his fingers around my hip softly, "Don't lie, okay? You're not fine."

I shake, more. I put my head down, "Kookie, I didn't. I'm sorry..I disappointed you. I'm a burden, just forget about it."

He shakes his head, "You're not a burden, everything is okay Tae. You didn't do anything wrong, but, you just need to tell me what's up. What's really been bothering you?"

"I told you, all of you," I say, raising my shaky voice, "I don't fucking know!" I pull my hood over my head, and stare down. I let thick waves of tears pour down my face, as my body shakes.

Kill me.

Kill me.

Kill me.

Kill me.

Kill me.


'Tae you deserve to die'

"No, no, no," I say, "NO, NO!"

"Tae," Jungkook says, raising the arm rests that were dividing the two of us. He pulls me close, and into his arms, "Calm down. What is going on? What's flowing around your head? What are you think about, baby?"

"Death," I shiver out, "Dying. Deserving t-too.."

"Tae..." He says, as everyone starts to cry.

Because of me. Of course! Haha...

"Taehyung," Jin says, "You don't deserve to die. You are, so so so, amazing. You help us all so much. Just let us help you now."

"O-okay..." I say, looking at Jungkook for approval, and he nods, "How can anyone help me, really."

"Trust me," Yoongi sighs, "We can. I was helped, wasn't I? And Jimin is working through it now. Aren't you Jimin?"

"Yes," Jimin says, "TaeTae, it's okay not to be okay. But it's not okay to do nothing about it. Doing nothing won't help you, at all."

"I wish I knew that before a blade became my best friend," I chuckle.
—- —- —- —- —-
I'm so
And totally
Okay :)

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now