The Words of True Love

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Taehyung POV

I wake up to the sound of Jungkook breathing softly down my neck. His warm hand stroking down my hair, lingering down my neck, and down my shirt. It feels good, it feels comforting. I roll closer to him, "You awake baby?" he whispers softly, as I realize we're in our hotel room bed.

I nod, opening a single eye at him, "Yeah, just to make sure, is my weight hurting you?" I don't want him to be uncomfortable. Ever.

"No, it's perfect," he says, as he kisses my cheek, "You're beautiful in every way babe, you know that, right? From your your hair....your body. Your heart, mind....soul."

The corners of my mouth tilt up slightly as I speak, "When you say it, I believe it."

"Aw..." he says softly, and I can practically hear him smiling and blushing hard. "I love you, baby..."

"I love you too, bunny," I mumble, feeling the agonizing pain in my body.

"I was so worried, that I'd loose you," he says, fingers traveling down my back. His warm hands relaxing my ice cold back.

"You'll never loose me, bun."

"I know, I tell myself that. I know you think you're different. Which you are, we all are. We're all different. You, you're very special. Your not weird, and even if you were. It's cute how you act, nothing to be ashamed or insecure of. I love you for you, and even if you changes. I'll love that new you, or learn to. I can teach myself. I know, get suicidal sometimes.I-i'm sorry I'm not always very there, but I want to be more, okay? I'll try harder for yo-you baby," he says. There it is, I can hear him smiling again. A light smile, filled with both worry and joy. Like the one Jin gave me earlier on, before I passed out.

I wrap my arms around him, and squeeze him tight, "It's okay, you're perfectly fine the way you are. let's just....lay like this. Okay? Talk about anything you'd like."

"How perfect you are?"

I blush, and bite my lip, "Stop it baby."

"I can't stop myself from speaking the truth. You know how honest I am to you," he breaths, twirling hair in his finger, "It's gotten long, it suits you well."

"Thanks, boss says I should dye it again," I say, "He said I can choose the color, but....I'm really indecisive. Will you pick it for me?"

"Me? Aw, c'mon, you're the fashionista here, baby."

I blush, "Gosh, I know but...not the hair stylist! Fine, I'll give three options; Baby blue, mint green, or rose."

"Definitely rose," he says, with slight hesitation, "You'd look like a rose."

"How descriptive," I giggle, kissing his shoulder, "Gah, why are you always so warm? Like a fire, yeesh."

he rolls his eyes at me, "You're just so cold, baby. Not my fault!~"

I nod, "I know that, you're not god."

"Maybe I am?"

"I would believe you if you told me you were, to be honest...."

"Gullible little baby."

I stick my tongue out at him, and lick his shoulder. He wipes it off, "Babe!"

"You mess with me, you get the tongue!"

He leans in and kisses me, "Good."

"Yeah, good."

"I crave you so bad...." he mutters, as we pull the blanket over us. I turn the lights off, and smile at him. He smiles right back at me.

"Aren't you a cute little baby?" I say, as we remain in our body locked position together. His arms around me, my arms around him. Foreheads touching. Lips so close, his breath is continuously sending shivers down my spine coldly.

"But aren't you cuter?" he replies, sounding quite feisty. I like it, it's adorable.


He pouts at me, but I can hardly see much through the thick darkness in the room. "Are you doubting yourself?"

"No, I just had a bad thought. Any who," I say, poking his cheek, almost poking his eye. Glad I didn't though, that shit hurts like a bitch, right?

"No, you're not getting out that easily baby," he says, propping us higher up on the pillows, "What was going on in your head?"

"Nothing," I grumble again, "nothing, nothing, nothing. Baby, it was nothing."


"What does the group think of me?" i blurt, sighing slightly at my own words, "It's stupid! I know they love me, but I just can't fucking love me."

And here I go, loosing my cool again. Nope, I've lost two things, the second one being. My shit.



that's all for now.

bye bye.

ly <3 gn/gm

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