Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day you walk into school with your head down. "Yo! (Y/n)!" You pick up your pace when you hear your boisterous American friend calling after you. He grabs your arm and yanks you back to face him. "Jesus, what happened to your face!?" He asks, you tug your arm away from him. "Nothing. I just fell down- I ran into a door." You look away, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You sure? Those bruises don't look like-"

"(Y/n)!!!! How dare you not wait for Ludwig and I!" Gilbert shouts from the end of the hall. "Look- I have to go." You say quickly, turning around and jogging down the hall, only to collide with Antonio. "Hola- (Y/n) are you okay? What happened?" You push past him, looking for your locker.

You find it and put in your combination. You get what you need to get and go to homeroom. "Sunflower, what happened to your pretty face?" Ivan asks, a worried look spread across his face. "I'm fine I just ran into a door." You mumble, and he tsks. "Poor Sunflower, I wish I could help." He says, holding his head up with a hand on his cheek.

"You don't have to worry about me, you know." You say, Ivan sits up straight and frowns. "Of course I must worry about you! You are very special to me, (Y/n)."

"What do you mean by special?" You ask, your heart beginning to race. Ivan blinks. "You are one of the only people who did not judge me, or made me feel bad about myself. You make my day brighter by being here." He pauses. "I think the American term would be "Best Friend," correct?"

A small smile tugs at your lips. "Aw Ivan, that's really sweet. And yeah, that's the right term." You let out a breath as the bell rings. "I'll see you in art." You say, collecting your things and walking out of the classroom.

You pretended not to hear their whispers.

See their stares.

You wished you could become invisible.

Nobody knows what happened exactly.

Except for Natalia. Ludwig and Lovino had a few guesses but nothing solid or concrete. And you were not going to tell anyone about it.

You walk into your algebra class, only to stop when you notice all the desks were pushed together into groups of four. Your teacher walked over to you. "What happened to your face? Never mind- I need you to sit with Lovino and Alfred. These seating arrangements will last for the rest of the year."

"What..?!" You ask, and you teacher pat your shoulder. "I'm sorry but you seem like you're a good influence on those two. Don't worry, Arthur will also be sitting with you."


You make your way over to where Lovino was sitting and sit down next to him. "What happened to you?" He asked, and you glare at him. "I already told you." You hissed.

"Who's bullying you?" He asked, you ignore him and pull out your notebook and start doing the work on the board. Arthur walks in and gasps when he sees your eye. "Are you okay? What happened to you?"

"I ran into a door." You muttered and continue doing the Do Now. Alfred walks in and puts his stuff down at the table. "That must've been some door." He commented, gaining your attention. "Huh? Oh- yeah, it was."

"Too bad I wasn't there! I would've swooped in to save you! Like a hero, I might add." He smirks, you force out a small laugh. "Yeah... I'm glad you weren't..." You mumble. "Huh?" Alfred asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "It was really embarrassing, so..." He makes a noise of understanding before going back to work.

Time skip

You see Amy in the hallway, she marched up to you and slapped you across the face for everyone to see. It was like time froze. Nobody moved for a few moments. Those few moments felt like hours when this girl was glaring at you.

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now