Chapter Two

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It was your first day of school, and you decided to wake up extra early so you could walk and get to school on time. After you finished getting ready, you walk outside to see three people you absolutely didn't expect to see. Ludwig is the first to spot you, he flashes you a smile as you walk over to them, a perplexed expression on your face. "What are you guys doing here?" You ask, but before you can answer Francis grabs your hand and kisses it. Then he looks into your eyes.

"Do you have a map? For I am lost in your gorgeous eyes." He says flirtatiously, you take a step back and pull your hand away. "Uh huh.... Does that pick up line always work for you?" You ask, Francis hunches his shoulders and looks distraught. You clear your throat and everyone looks at you, if they weren't already. "We better start walking if we want to make it on time."

Time skip

By the time you got to the school, you ended up carrying Francis on your back half of the way because his feet hurt. You sighed and out him down at the school gate and he thanked you. When you got inside, Gilbert pointed you in the direction of the office, where all the freshman would get a schedule and a guide. You and Ludwig walk into the office and see a couple of students helping out the freshman and others sitting around.

There was a boy with blonde hair and green eyes who was looking down at a clip board he was holding. No one seemed to be with him so you decided to go over to him. "Name?" He asks, not looking at you. "Uh... (Y/n) (L/n)..." You say, he looks through papers, mumbling your name as he looks at each one. He pulls one out and hands it to you. "Alfred, can you...." He trailed off after looking to the side and not seeing this said "Alfred."

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "Stupid git... Always disappearing." He muttered, you jump when you feel a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, mi amigo. I can show this chica to her homeroom." You look to see Antonio, who smiles at you. "Hm... Yes. Okay." The blonde says, and the both of you leave the office. "Who was that?" You ask, and Antonio sighs. "That's Arthur Kirkland, the student council president. He's always so uptight, and can be a little intimidating."

"He seemed annoyed with someone named 'Alfred'? Who's that?" You ask. "Alfred is Arthur's brother. He's supposed to be a guide but I guess he has other plans." Antonio explains, you nod. "So is that what you are? A guide?" You ask, he chuckles and pats your head. "You asked too many questions. Why don't we talk about you?" He asks, catching you off guard. "Me?" You ask, Antonio smiles and nods.

"Alright... Well.... I live right next to Luddy and Gilbert, if you didn't know that already... I live with my mom and my sister. My brother moved away 4 years ago and uh... That's it." You say, Antonio is quiet for a moment. "That's it? You don't have any interests? Hobbies?" He asks and you let out a small 'hmmm' as you were thinking. You've only ever studied and read books since 6th grade.

"Well... I like... Reading?" You say, well it came out like a question. "Reading? Is that it?" Antonio asks, confused. "Yeah... I don't really get out much. So I don't really know my... Interests?" You say again, your words coming out as a question. "Well, you're lucky chica because club orientation will help you discover new parts of yourself. Parts you didn't know existed." He says, smiling. You blink and looks straight ahead.

Parts I didn't know existed?

You look down at your hands when Antonio stops. "Here we are!" He says, smiling. "This is your homeroom, and just letting you know, there will be guides around the school to help you if your lost. Though I recommend you come find me." He says, winking. "Adios!" With that, he sprints off. You sigh and walk into the class. The teacher smiles at you and tells you to sit next to a boy with blonde hair, almost a grayish brownish white, maybe? He wears a scarf around his neck and has big purple eyes. He looks nice enough. You take a seat next to him and smile and wave.

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now