Chapter Twenty-Two

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Natalia rolls her eyes and gazes out the window. There was a man standing outside. He looked very... Familiar. Ivan sees her staring and gazes out the window himself, but he sees nothing. "What are you looking at?" He asks, Natalia doesn't answer. She just hastily gets up and makes her way outside. "(B/n)?"

The man turns around and looks at her. "You said you'd take care of her." His voice sounded so quiet, which seemed unusual for him, even though Natalia has only met him once.

"I... Know. I am sorry." Her head hung slightly, her first real friendship with someone she could hold a conversation with without them freaking out and she messed up. She messed up. She couldn't help but feel angry with herself. What was wrong with her? She ruins everything.

She let him down. She let her down.

God... Why does it hurt so much?!

"Ah- don't cry...!"


Was she crying?

She lifted a hand to her face and felt the warm salty trails leading down her face.


"Hey, listen- you're- it's not your fault. (Y/n) doesn't think she's allowed to have problems, you understand? My mother fucked with all of our heads, whether she knew it or not. That's why I got the hell out of there."

- * * * -

"Once you turn 18, get the hell out of there." His voice was muffled by the wind coming through the window of his car. (Y/n)'s voice was caught in her throat as she held the phone close to her ear and curled herself up on her bed.

"(Y/n)? You there kiddo?"

Her throat was on fire but she managed to croak out a few words. "(B/n)... I-I y..ou." She was holding back tears. There was silence on the other side as the wind gradually stopped and the car turned off. (B/n) lets out a sigh. "I know kid. I know you do. I miss you too, I really do."

"D... Are you going to come visit soon...?" Her voice quivered with hope. She could hear (B/n) sigh and swallow. "I... Can't-" he inhaled quickly "-I'll try. Now go to bed. Your mother will be pissed to know I kept you up until 11."

"It's... Only 9? Where are you, (B/n)?"

(B/n) cursed under his breath. "Shit. I shoulda told you sooner, kiddo. I'm... Going across the states because of my job."

The lump in her throat grew. He wasn't coming. He wasn't coming for a long time. "(Y/n)! It's time for bed. Hang up right now." Her mother said from the doorway. "I have to go..." She said quietly into the phone. "(Y/n)!" Her mother snapped. "Okay! I'm hanging up."

"I love you kid."

"I know. I love you too." She whispered, her heart wrenching. She didn't want to stop talking yet. "Just remember what I told you about-"

"I said it's time for bed!" Her mother snatched the phone from her and marched out of the room, muttering to herself. (Y/n) let out a quiet whimper and looked over to the door to see (S/n) standing there, a pitying look on her face. She opened her mouth to say something but almost immediately shut it and sighed, looking down and gripping the doorway in her hands. "G... Goodnight, (N/n)."

"I told you not to call me..." Her voice got quieter. "Goodnight." But her sister had already left.

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[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara