Chapter One

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(Just posting old chapters don't mind me)

You sighed and stared out of the car window at the setting sun. Tomorrow was your first day of high school and your mom was driving you home after getting last-minute supplies. "My bank kept me on hold for two hours yesterday." Your mom complained, annoyed. "They said that since my router wasn't the same they have to send my refund check by mail." Whatever that meant. 

"When are you getting your refund check?" You asked, not meaning to sound rude. "I don't know, (Y/n)! Instead of asking stupid questions, why don't you sort through your shit." Your mother snapped, reaching for a cigarette and lighting it while driving. She rolled down the window, and you looked over at her from the corner of your eye. 

The smell of smoke burned your nose and tears sprouted in the corners of your eyes. Whether it was from the smell or that fact that you just got yelled at, you didn't know. You were both silent for the rest of the ride, the only sounds made were from you going through the bags to "sort your shit."

As the car slowed down at the stop sign you wondered what it would be like if you just jumped out of the car.

When your mother parked the car in your driveway, she looked at you. "I'm driving your sister to school tomorrow. That means you either walk or take the bus." She explained, you nodded and exited the car. 

It's not like you minded walking to school, though it was across town. You hated being on a noisy bus. Too many stupid people. As you were about to walk inside the house, you heard someone call your name. You turn to see your childhood friend, Ludwig standing on his porch. He waved to you and you walked over to his house, a small smile on your face. 

"Hey, Luddy." You greeted, he smiled at you. "Hey, (Y/n). What were you doing?" He asks in his thick German accent. You simply shrugged. "Just getting some last-minute school stuff." You said simply, trying not to sound upset but Ludwig furrows his brows at your tone. "Are you okay? You know you can talk to me. I'm always here to help." He says, his efforts of comforting you make you smile. He always tries to help you but never lets you help him. 

"You know how my mom is. So I'm fine, I guess." You murmur the last two words and Ludwig opens the door to his house. "Wanna come in and talk about it?" He asks, you nod gratefully and step inside. He closes the door and you two head to his room. 

You take your usual spots, him sitting on his bed and you sitting in his swivel chair backward. "I almost forgot to mention, my brother is home with a couple of friends. They can be quite... Noisy." He said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine, really." You try to smile, but you couldn't help but feel the pang in your chest at the mention of your old friend. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned hi–"

The door slams open to reveal Gilbert Beilschmidt in all his "awesomeness." You wondered if he still said things like that. You hadn't seen him since the beginning of middle school, and he's changed a lot. His shoulders were broad and he was tall, not as tall as Ludwig but he was pretty comparable to him in height.

"Bruder, it sounds like you have a girl in here!" Your breath caught in your throat when his eyes fell on yours. He flashed you a toothy grin. "Frau! It's been a while, huh?" You look down at the floor and awkwardly nod, missing the hurt expression on his face. Suddenly, someone tries to run in the room but slips on the carpet in the hall and crashes into something. Someone else rushes to their aid. You hear a "sacre bleu" echo in the hall before a boy with shoulder-length blonde hair and indigo eyes darts in, closely followed by a tan boy with pretty green eyes and chocolate brown hair.

The blonde rushes over to you and gets down on one knee after grabbing your hand. "Mon chérie, you look absolutely magnifique~," He says flirtatiously and winking, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it. "Uhm..." You said, looking at the other guys for help. 

"Cut it out, Francis. You don't want to scare the poor chica." The Spaniard said, the French boy who you are assuming is "Francis" moves away from you, but his eyes never left your form. The brunette walks over to you and holds out his hand to you with a charming smile. "Hola, my name is Antonio. But my friends call me Toni." He says, you take his hand and shake it. "(Y/n)." You said politely. 

"(Y/n), what a beautiful name~" Francis says, walking back over to you. "How old are you? You must be a high schooler. Considering your... Assets." He says, his eyes trailing to your chest. You feel the heat rush to your face as you cover your chest with both arms. Antonio slaps him on the back of the head. "That was extremely rude! You can't just say that to a lady! Have some respect!" He snaps. 

"N-no... Don't sweat it. And uh... I am starting my first day of high school tomorrow. World Academy." The two boys in front of you grin. "No kidding! We go there too!" Antonio says, you felt like he was practically radiating light. "Oui, if you need anything just let me– us know~"

You definitely were not going to let him know anything.

In the corner of tour eye, you see Ludwig sitting there awkwardly and turns back to the two boys in front of you. "Thanks for the offer... But i-if you don't mind I was uh... Trying to talk to Luddy about something personal." You stutter, both boys look at Ludwig in shock. "'Luddy?!'" Gilbert whispers, but you couldn't quite catch what he said.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't realize you two were dating." Antonio says quickly, chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh my god, no!" You shout before you even knew what you were saying. "It's not like that! We're just friends! We've known each other since we were little!" You said quickly, your face extremely red. 

"Oh," Antonio says. "So this tomate is still on the market? I'll keep that in mind." He says to himself. You blink. 

Did he just call me a tomato...? Wait... IS MY FACE THAT RED?! 

You put your hands over your face in an attempt to hide your blush. Antonio chuckles and grabs Francis by the collar of his shirt and drags him out to Gilbert's room, much to the blonde's dismay. "Well... That happened..." Ludwig muttered. "You... You mentioned talking about something personal? Is there something bothering you frau?" Gilbert asks. Not wanting to talk anymore, you quickly check the time. 

"Oh, look at the time! 8:00, I better get home and go to bed! I gotta get up early if I'm gonna walk to school tomorrow. Bye Luddy! Bye, Gilbert!" You say and quickly squeeze past him in the doorway and leave the house.

Gilbert looks at Ludwig, who checks the time. "It's only 6:37." He mumbled, a little disappointed seeing you leave so quickly. "Did she say anything to you about that 'personal' thing?" He asks, Ludwig sighs and rests his chin in his hand. "She didn't get to go into detail, but she did say something about her mother?" Gilbert nodded and left the room to go hang out with his friends. 

"Wait, so I can't flirt with her but you can?" Francis asks, offended. "You're creepy when you flirt. And also if she were to fall for you, which isn't likely, you would just play with the chica's emotions." Antonio accused, causing Francis to pout. 

They're talking about (Y/n) 

Gilbert had to admit, it has been a while since he's seen you up close. You were really pretty and he knew that you've had trouble in your home ever since your brother moved away. He hated himself for not being there for you. Maybe that's why he was so adamant on keeping an eye on you. Even when you didn't know it.

Part of him was really happy when you said you weren't dating his brother.

He walked into the room and Antonio gave him a look. "What?" Gilbert asked, confused. "Why didn't you tell us about (Y/n)? If she knows Ludwig since they were kids, you must've at least hung out with her." Antonio asks Gilbert shrugs. "We stopped talking as much when I started middle school. Then it got to the point where we didn't see each other at all." Gilbert said, shrugging again, sitting on his bed. "Wow... That is sad, amigo." Antonio says shaking his head.

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now