Chapter Eight

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        I tightened my grip on her hand as we pulled into the hospital. I also see Francis's car pull into the parking lot along with a few other cars. Antonio and Francis exit his car, their cousins and grandfather exit another car, Ludwig and (Sister's name) get out of another car, and then I see those two rich kids Alfred and Arthur exit their car and hurry inside. I can't help but scowl.

Why are all of  them here?!

        I look at the paramedics with pleading eyes. "Can I stay with her a little longer?" I ask, the two paramedics exchange looks. "Sorry, but she is going into an operating room right away. We have to make sure there is no internal bleeding." One says, I furrow my eyebrows.

        "Internal bleeding? Isn't that were the blood is supposed to be?" I question, they both look at me with amused smirks. "You can wait outside the room if you want." The lady paramedic says, I sigh and nod. "Alright fine." I say, defeated. I  get out of the ambulance after they take (Y/n) out and follow them outside the room. I sit on a bench and heave a sigh. 

        Suddenly, Ludwig, Francis, Antonio, their cousins, their grandpa, and (S/n) rushes towards me. I stand up when I spot them. "Where is she?" Feliciano asks before anyone could say anything. "She's in surgery, I think?" I say, (S/n) rolls her eyes at me and scoffs. "Typical Gil. Never knows anything." She scoffs, angrily. 

        "Only my friends call me Gil." I snap, crossing my arms over my chest. She mimics my movement. "Yeah, and that's why (Y/n) stopped calling you that, huh?" She retorted, I glare at her. "And I'm sure you've been the best sister ever, huh?" I ask, mimicking her tone. "Well at least I don't flat out ignore her like someone." She said, obviously hinting towards the fact on what I did, but it's not like I did it on purpose! I didn't want her to get hurt!

        "Why don't we all calm down!? Do you really think (Y/n) would appreciate you two going at each other's throats!?" Ludwig snapped, we both look at him and (S/n) smiles at him. "Ah, Ludwig. Always the voice of reason. Why haven't you asked (Y/n) out yet?" (S/n) asks, catching everyone off guard. Ludwig blushes and looks away. "I-I don't think this is a topic we should be discussi-"

        "It's none of your business what my bruder does! And besides, he loves (Y/n) like a sister! Don't you, bruder?" I ask, looking to Ludwig expectantly. There's silence for a little while. My eyes widen. "Ludwig?" I ask, he snaps out of whatever trance he's in. "Yeah... Sorry, I spaced out..." He mumbled, I smiled triumphantly at (S/n) and she scoffs. 

        "See? I told you!" I shout, (S/n) sits on a bench and turns her back to me. But I don't care. (S/n) has always been a stuck up brat. Ever since we were kids, she thought (Y/n) was stupid for hanging out with us. (Y/n) never took that very well.

Time skip and Author's POV

        You sat in your bed, looking at everyone who just walked in. Some of them you didn't recognize. But there were two people you were more concerned about. "Where's (S/n)?" You rasped, keeping a straight face. "And my mom? Is she okay?" No one says anything, you slump back. "She's still in surgery, we don't know how she is." Francis says, you look outside. It's getting dark.

        "Thank you all for coming," you start, looking at everyone with a forced smile on your face. "But...?" Gilbert says expectantly. "But I would appreciate if you all go home and rest. I'm going to be fine and I just want to be alone right now." You say, everyone goes to leave, mumbling their 'goodbyes' and 'hope you feel betters.'

        Only Ludwig and Gilbert remained. You looked at them both stoically. "Do you really think we're just going to leave you here?" Gilbert asks, breaking the silence. "Well you're going to have to." You say, folding your hands neatly over your lap. "What are those bruises on your wrists?" Ludwig asks, you look down at the black and blue marks on your wrists in the shape of hands.

        "It's nothing. Probably from the accident or something." You say, hiding you hands under the blanket. Gilbert marches over to you and grabs you arm, yanking it and examining your wrists. "Are these... Hand marks!?" Gilbert asks, you yank your arm away. Before you can say anything, the door swings open and two familiar guys walk in.

        "What are you doing here?" Gilbert snarls, Arthur stares at him level-headedly. "I am the student council president. I just came to see how (Y/n) was doing." Arthur replies calmly while Alfred munches on some Wac Donalds. "Let's get out of here, bruder. These guys annoy me." Gilbert muttered, dragging Ludwig out.

        "Don't worry about your mother. She'll be fine. And we're covering your medical bills." Arthur says, your eyes widen in surprise. "Why? Why me?" You ask, Arthur shrugs. "You just lost your brother. It's the least I could do." He says, you feel a pang in your chest. You didn't notice the boisterous male examining your wrist.

        "Why do you have bruises in the shape of hands around your wrists?" He asks, causing you to jump. "I don't know." You lied. "Maybe because my hands were crushed in the accident?" You say, Arthur shakes his head. "No, the paramedics said that your hands weren't crushed in any shape or form."

        Alfred tilts his head and looks at you curiously. "So, how did you get those marks on your wrists?"

Ludwig's POV

        Gilbert drags me out of the room and down to his car. I hand him the keys and we start driving. He seems tense. He isn't taking the usual way home. "Where are you going? This isn't the way to the house." I point out, he glances at me, then back to the road. "I'm going to Francis' house." He says in a serious tone that is putting me on edge because he's never serious.

        "And why are we going there?" I ask, fearing for the answer. "I need to talk to his brother... Matthew, I think his name is? I need to know what nurse was there." Gilbert says, pulling into his driveway. "Why does it matter what nurse is there?" I ask, he looks at me and his expression makes me pale. 

        "Because if it was the male nurse with brown hair and blue eyes," he starts, getting out of the car, "he may have done something bad to (Y/n)." He says, shutting his door, after hearing that, I scramble out of the car as quick as possible.

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