Chapter Twenty

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It is now December and so far you'd say that you've enjoyed your time at the World Academy.

However, you may have




some sort of a uh...


on Logan Smithinson.

You tried to ignore these feelings by getting more involved with your clubs and schoolwork, but you always saw him in your corner.

While preoccupied with your own confusing feelings, you hadn't realized that a few of your friends had fallen for you and were prying for your attention.

"Do you want to walk home together...?"

"(Y/n)! Why aren't you grateful for my awesome presence!?"

"W-well I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my hockey game..."

"What are you smiling about, sunflower?"

You blink out of your trance to see Ivan smiling at you. You realized you slowed to a stop in the middle of the hallway while walking to history with Ludwig, Gilbert, and of course, Ivan. "Huh? Oh... I was just thinking." You say vaguely. "Thinking about what?" Ivan raises an eyebrow but his smile never fades.

"Well uh... I was kinda thinking about Lo-"

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Your heart skips a beat when you see Logan jogging over to you. "Logan! Hi? Why- what's up?" You say, not noticing the look Ivan is giving him. "Well I was just wondering if you wanted me to walk you to your next class." You were about to accept when you remembered your friends.

"I would love too!" Logan brightens up and the three guys behind you flash each other mixed looks. "But," you back up and stand in between Ivan and Gilbert, "these guys are walking me already, we all have the same class this period. Maybe next time?" You flash him an awkward smile and he chuckles.

"You're so adorable." He says, patting your head as he walks past. "I guess I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, sure!" You blushed and looked away as he disappeared around the corner. "Ooohhh, somebody's in lo~ove!" Gilbert teases, earning one of your famous "death glares" in return.

He had to admit, he was furiously, horribly, jealous. But he couldn't let you know that. Like hell he'd make a fool of himself. "You don't... Actually like him, do you Sunflower?" Ivan asked, you were so preoccupied that you had just noticed the hold he had on your arm.

You forced out a chuckle and wove your hand in the air dismissively. "Whaaat? No! That would be... Really... Weird." You mumbled, not even convincing yourself. "We should probably get to class before the bell rings. Mr. Thomson gives out 500 word essays to the kids that arrive to class late, remember?" Ludwig cuts in, you straighten your posture and pat his shoulder.

"Right! You are absolutely correct. We should get going now!" You say, marching towards the stairs.

"(Y/n). History is on this floor." You turn around and give them a sheepish smile. "I knew that! I was just... I wanted to- ah, leave me alone!" You sputter, jogging in front of them and mentally face palming at your stupidity.

Time skip ;O

"...then the dude with the pink hair kinda like forced me to eat a cupcake aaaand then I woke up." You click your tongue. "It was a really weird dream." You look up at Alfred, who was staring at you intently. "Really?" He asked, a smirk spreading across his face. "That sounds like a pretty normal dream compared to some of the ones I've had. Also, you're sitting with us at lunch today right?"

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now