Chapter Six

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        "Oh! Look at this!" He says, looking at (Y/n) and then to me. "If you did anything to friend (Y/n) in her time of grief," he smiles but his eyes are glaring daggers into my soul, "I don't think I could forgive you..."

        I take a step back, this guy was intimidating! And scary. I could feel sweat beading on my forehead. A nurse with brown hair and blue eyes looks over and sees (Y/n), his face twists in shock. "Goodness! What happened to her...?!" He asks, taking her out of my hands. "Well... She passed out in front of the class. I don't think she knew her brother died until then." I explain, the nurse nods as he checks her pulse.

        He mumbles something under his breath and turns to me. "Thank you for bringing her here. You boys can go back to your class now." He turns back to (Y/n), there was something in his eyes that was somewhat... Unnerving... But I brushed it off and walked out. The boy with the scarf follows after me. I hear him heave a sigh. I glance back to see him looking back at the door of the nurse's office.

        "Poor, (Y/n)... She's quite the delicate sunflower, isn't she friend Matthew?" Hearing him say my name causes me to nearly jump out of my skin, he turns and smiles at me. I can almost see the creepy aura around him. "She just lost her brother and she didn't even know about it." He shakes his head sadly.

        I suddenly remember something from earlier today. Something (Y/n) said to me. Something she said when I first met her. 

         "It's okay if you don't remember me. But uh... If you don't mind me asking, are you okay?" I repeat my question and she wipe her tears and sniffs. "Yeah... I just had this really bad thought of my brother getting into a car accident and not being able to survive." She explains, I feel my face twist into horror for a moment, but then I sit next to her  and smile softly. 

        "You shouldn't think about that kind of stuff," I start, looking out into the garden, "it'll only make you worry for no reason." I say, looking back to her. A smile forms on her face. "I'll keep that in mind." She muses, nodding. I felt happy that I could make someone feel better about themselves, even if I didn't know that person. But something about her seemed melancholy. Like she was still upset but was trying to be positive.

        I almost choked. Was she trying to tell me what happened? "Are you okay?" The boy asks, I swallow hard, trying to force down the guilt that crept up within me. "Yeah... I just feel bad for her." I murmur, he stops me by grabbing my shoulder forcefully. "If I find out that you had something to do with her fainting, or touched her inappropriately in any way... You will not like it." He threated while keeping his cheery demeanor.

Who is this guy?

        I nodded and gulped. We eventually made it to our respective classrooms and I felt like I could breathe easier with him out of sight. The blonde boy kept glancing at me the entire class. And when class was finally over, we went out to the hall and he approached me. "Did she get to nurse safely?" He asks. Oh, he must be talking about (Y/n).

        "Yeah, she got there fine... If you don't mind me asking, what is your relationship with her?" I ask, somewhat timidly. "She's meine childhood friend. Why?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I take a step back and smile nervously. "N-no reason! I just wanted to know, you were yelling her name when she passed out..." I explained, he seemed to blush at that. "Was I...?" He asked, I nodded and he walked away.

Weird guy...

        I go to my next class, wondering when (Y/n)'s gonna wake up. How long would she be asleep for? As I ponder about the possibilities, I hear people whispering around me.

Time skip

        It was the end of the day and I walked by the nurses office to check on (Y/n). A woman was in there with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. She looked like (Y/n). I wonder if that's her mom? She thanks the nurse and walks out of my view. I let out a sigh of relief when I see (Y/n) hugging her. I walk away back towards the front doors and wait for Francis so we can go home.

        However, much to my distaste, Alfred walks over to me with Arthur trailing behind. He looks worried. "Is it true that (Y/n) fainted!? And that she didn't know her brother was dead until right before she fainted!?" 

Wow. Word travels fast.

        I look away, not wanting to make eye contact with him. "Yeah, it's true, aye. I carried her to the nurse." I say shyly, afraid that he was going to laugh at me. I was right. He started laughing hysterically and wiped a fake tear from his eyes. "That's hilarious, bro! You aren't the hero type. You wouldn't just save a damsel in distress. No offense." He adds, I ball my hands into fists.

Not the.... Hero type...?

        Before I could get a word out, Francis comes out of nowhere and pats my back. "He took her down to the nurse by himself. Even when Antonio wanted to take her himself." Francis explained, Alfred raised and eyebrow at me and I looked down. I could feel the heat rush to my face. "Come on, Matthew. We should get home." Francis says, urging me to the car.

Alfred's POV

        I watch as Francis and Matthew get into Francis' car and drive away. I smirk and shake my head. 

He's finally manning up.

        I turn around a notice Arthur with a perplexed expression on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed and he is frowning. "Arthur, dude. You look like me when I've ran out of fries." I say, chuckling. He looks at me and I frown. He seems serious. (More serious than usual) "Alfred, this isn't time for jokes," he insists, pacing back and forth.

        "Someone just died." He states, I roll my eyes at him.

If that wasn't obvious already

        "And as the Student Council President, I should make (Y/n) feel more comfortable." He declared, I groaned. "Dude, I realize that her brother died. But you barely know her, do you really have to go out of your way and stress yourself out on her behalf?" I ask, he stops pacing and crosses his arms.

        "Maybe if you stopped eating all the time and being a self-centered git you'd understand that helping out random people is a good thing." He huffed, I flash him a sheepish grin and shrug. "Maybe. But that's a lot of work. Too much work." I turn around on my heels and head for the car.

Feliciano's POV

        I just got off the bus with Lovino and walk into my house. Grandpa Roma is waiting for us and he smiles when we walk in. "Hello, boys. How was school today?" He asks, Lovino and I look away. "Grandpa Roma, you remember the girl that was over yesterday, (Y/n)? Her brother.... He passed away this morning." I murmur, Grandpa Roma gasps.

        "That poor girl... Once you finish your homework we can go over her house, if her mother allows it." He declares, I smile and rush to the table and take out my homework. In the middle of it, my phone rings. I grab it to see who's calling me. "Get off your phone, you still have homework to do!"

It's (Y/n)....!

       Ignoring my Grandpa, I pick it up. "Bella~! Are you okay? I heard you fainted!" I say, worriedly. "Is this... Feli?" A man's voice says, he sounds super serious. "Yup! But uh... Who's this?" I ask, the man pauses. He's talking to someone in background, I gulp. "I'm sorry to inform you, but your friend has been in a terrible accident."

Time <reverse< and Author's POV

        You sit in the car in tense silence. Your mom is driving, gripping the wheel so tight it's making her knuckles turn white. You didn't say a word. Not when you noticed the car speed up. Not when you heard your mother's breath hitch. Not when the car crashed into the tree. Not when you felt the pain in your legs. Not when you felt the blood run down your skin. Not when you heard cars stop. Not when you slowly faded into unconsciousness. You couldn't utter a word.

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