Chapter Twelve

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        But you don't. You collect your things and leave. Amy yells at Kyle and everyone watches. Everyone except Kiku. He watches as a certain long haired brunette waiter follows you out of the café.

        Once you're away from the prying eyes of the people in the café, you round the corner into the alleyway and break down right there. "What did I do to deserve this!?" You hiccupped, burying your face in your knees. "Are you okay, aru?" You sniff and look up quickly at the voice. "Y-Yao?" You gasp, standing up. "I was just working in the café when I saw you throw a fit... And that girl slapped you." He explained, you turn away and put your hands over your face.

        "God... This is so embarrassing!" You wailed, Yao walked closer to you, his heart pounding in his chest as he pulls you into a hug from behind, resting his chin on your head. "Aiyah... That girl is kinda a bitch." You laugh weakly and turn around to look at him. "Thank you... For coming out here to comfort me." You say, he smiles down at you.

        "No problem..." He says softly, you both stand there in silence, Yao's arms still around you. Then you remember that Amy is inside. You push him away, a blush forming on your face. "You should probably get back to your shift." You mumble, not looking at him.

        He had to admit, he was a little disappointed. The absence of your warmth hurt him a little. But you were right, he'd get in trouble for being out to long. "I'll see you Monday!" You shout, watching as he leaves. You sigh and sit back down.

Meanwhile, in the café and Third Person POV >;)

        Natalia clenched her fists. She loved her big brother, and no doubt she was jealous that he had taken an interest in the (h/c) haired female, but when she saw that blonde bitch slap her, something stirred within her. She stood up, her chair scrapping loudly against the floor.

        Lili grabbed her hand. "Natalia, what are you doing?" She asks, Natalia doesn't respond and marches up to Amy. "Hey." She snapped, Amy looks at her, seething with disgust. "Who are you supposed to be?" She asks. "That's the psycho's little sister." Kyle says, earning a glare from the two girls. "Shut up! I'm not done with you yet." Amy snapped.

       "My big brother is not a psycho! But if you want, I can show you what a psycho looks like." She hisses threateningly before looking back at Amy. "Why are you over here? Go play with blocks or something." Amy says, Natalia just keeps glaring at her. 

        "Say, how would you like it if I broke every last one of your fingers?" 

        Amy laughs, but she does seem nervous. "You wouldn't put your hands on me." Amy says, Natalia leans closer to her, grinning evilly and grabbing the collar of her shirt. "Run." She hisses into her ear, the blonde screams and runs out of the café, bumping into Yao on the way out. Natalia goes to "follow" her, pushing said guy out of the way harshly. 

        Before she leaves, she turns and glares daggers at Kyle. "Let me hear you call my big brother a psycho again and I'll make your gums bleed." She hisses, walking out. She walks over to the alleyway and sees (Y/n) there. "Get up." She says, (Y/n) looks up at her curiously and does as she says. "You're Ivan's little sister." She muses, Natalia says nothing and looks at the hand print on her face. "Did Ivan scare Amy off like that?" She asks, Natalia laughs.

        "No. That was me." (Y/n)'s eyes widen in surprise. "Really? But you're so... Cute!" Natalia jumps in surprise and blushes. "Cute!? Do you want me to pummel you!?" She spits, (Y/n) smiles and shakes her head. "You don't mean that. You wouldn't have scared off Amy if you wanted to hurt me." 

        Natalia blinks in surprise. Why did she jump to her defense? Was it because she knew that her big brother had passed? Was it because Ivan thought the world of her? Or was it something else? Natalia couldn't quite place it. She blinks as (Y/n) holds out her hand. "Hi! I'm (Y/n) (L/n)! What's your name?"

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