Chapter Fourteen

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        "Who told you that?"

       You tilt your head to the side. "What? Is it bad?" You ask, Antonio laughs and starts pushing you towards your class. "Of course not chica, but the bell is about to ring, si? I'll see you later!" He runs off, leaving confused in front of the class door.

        You shrug it off and walk into class and take your usual seat. No one was there so you pulled out your drawing and started working on it. All you had to do was finish drawing Gilbert so you can draw the background.

        You paused in the middle of drawing him. So far, he's standing with his hands on his hips and a victorious expression on his face. You look up from your work. It was strange, Ivan nor Gilbert were there. Ludwig, Kiku, and Feliciano were sitting at the table behind you. You were alone.

        You finished drawing Gilbert for the most part and pulled out your sketch book and began drawing. All your anger, sadness, and confusion all get put down in the drawing. You smile grimly down at your work. How is it that you could be proud of something that expressed her words?

        You look up when you hear the door open. Gilbert and Ivan walk in, they're both bandaged up. You close your sketch book before they sit down. "What did you two do?" You ask, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose.

        "Nothing important." Gilbert snips, sending a glare to Ivan that does not go unnoticed by you. "Uh-huh. 'Nothing important.'" You muse, raising an eyebrow and drawing the details in the drawing of Gilbert.

        "Exactly, now let's finish this project so I never have to look at his sorry face again!" Gilbert announces, you hum. "Something wrong, sunflower?" Ivan asks, tilting his head. "Nope. I'm great. Juuust peachy." You drawl sarcastically, not looking at either of them.

        Ivan puts his hand next to yours on the table, in a somewhat comfort attempt. "You know you can talk to me, d-"

        "She said she's fine, now shut up and leave her alone!" You tense up at Gilbert's harsh tone, but brush it off as the bell rings. "Here," you say, standing up and pushing the paper to the middle of the table, "I'm done with my part."

        You collect your things and walk out the door. But you don't realize one very important thing you forgot. Your sketch book.

Time skip and Matthew's POV *o*

        I slouch in my chair as students pile in the class. (Y/n) probably hates me now. I clench my fists. Kyle just loves to ruin my life! I sigh, I thought that maybe (Y/n) was different. The door opens and I look up to see (Y/n) walk in the class. 

Speak of the angel...

        I blush and shake that thought out of my head. She looks around the class room until our eyes meet. I almost jump out of my skin as she walks over to me and sits down. She seems so calm and relaxed, I must look stupid next to her with me being all jittery!

        "You okay, Mattie?" She asks, I feel my face heat up. "Y-yeah! I'm fine!" I stammer, mentally kicking myself. "You sure?" She tilts her head and I nod vigorously. "You don't hate me?" I ask, she furrows her eyebrows. "What are you talking about? Why would I hate you?"

        "Because of what Kyle said." I mutter, looking down. "Just because he was right about some things doesn't mean he was right about everything! You're too sweet to hurt people. At least that's what I believe. You shouldn't judge people on what others say. You should form your own opinions on them before jumping to conclusions. Does that make sense?" She smiles, and damn is it contagious.

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