Chapter Fifteen

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        I follow her to the lunchroom and sit on the floor away from everyone else. "Why are we over here?" I ask, she takes a bite of (f/f). "I don't feel like sitting with a bunch of people today. It causes... Problems..." Her expression darkens for a split second before going back to cheery.

        "About that..." I start, she looks at me, her head tilted. "I've been meaning to ask-"


Are you kidding me?!

        My (idiot) brother runs over to us, a trail of his fangirls behind. "Hey, Alfred." (Y/n) greets. "Dudette, you should totally join my fan club!" I sigh, of course she's going to join. Almost all the girls join. I start to gather my stuff.

        "Why?" She asks, confused. We all freeze. 

Did... Did I hear her right?

        Alfred laughs. "Good one, dudette! Now are you gonna tell me your answer now?" He grins, I look over to (Y/n), she blinks slowly. "No thanks." She says, taking a bite of her lunch. "What!?" The girls say simultaneously.

        She swallows her food. "No offense but I don't want to fawn over you, dude. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to enjoy my lunch with Matthew please." I hear a couple girls whisper "who?"

        Alfred stays silent for a minute before bursting into laughter. "Playing hard to get, I see. Alright! See you later, dudette!" Alfred walks away with the girls in tow. "He's so irritating..." I mutter, (Y/n) flashes me an amused glance. "Never boring though." She comments, I hum.

Definitely not, aye.

        "What were you going to say?" I blink.


        "Before your brother interrupted." I finally put two and two together. "Ah. Right. Why was that girl glaring at you in history?" (Y/n) bites the bottom of her lip. If this was a different scenario I would say that she looks cute-

Gah! What's wrong with you!? Now's not the time!

        "What girl? I don't remember a girl glaring at me. I don't remember anyone looking at me in history, or at all for that matter!" She says quickly, a shadow casts over us. We look up to see a girl with platinum blonde hair and a bow in her hair looking at (Y/n). I've seen her following Ivan around a lot.

Great, another person who doesn't know I exist.

        I jump when her gaze turns to me. "I'm sitting here. If you have a problem I'll chop your balls off." I tremble as a blush creeps onto my face.

        (Y/n) giggles softly. "So blunt. Don't worry, Mattie. I'm sure she doesn't mean it." She reassures. "I-I don't know... She looks like she means it!"

Time skip and Author's POV ^^;

        You walk to a bus stop so you can get a ride to the hospital. You jump when you feel a hand on your shoulder. "Francis... What are you doing here?" You question, he winks and pulls a rose out of thin air and hands it to you.

        "You are too beautiful to be waiting for a bus. Come, Matthew and I will take you to your destination." You open your mouth to protest but Francis holds up a finger to silence you. "I will not take no for an answer." He says, you smile softly and follow him to his car. 

        "Your driver didn't take you to school?" You ask, he smiles. "Non. I like to drive sometimes. Get in." He ushers you into the car. Matthew sits in the front and turns to smile at you. "Where to?" Francis asks as he starts the car.

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن