Chapter Ten

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<<Time reverse<< :o Wowza

         "I'm sorry kid..." His voice was soft, you could hear the wind blowing in the background. "It was wrong of me to leave you guys. I regretted that decision as soon as I made it." You swallowed hard, listening silently. "It was stupid of me, I'm stupid. It wasn't the only stupid thing I've done, but I hope it's the last."

        "I don't think you're stupid," you said, your voice cracking, "I never did."

        "Listen, I just want you to know that I'm coming down now. I'm driving all the way to (your city/town name) from (city/town that is at least an hour away from yours). I'm gonna make things better."

        "Problems always seem to be fixed when you're around," you murmured.

        "I have enough evidence that your mom is unfit to take care of you girls. I'm going to take you away from that hellhole," he paused, "you could meet my fiancé." You smiled sadly at his words. "And if you're worried about seeing your friends, I'll drive you down whenever you want so you can see them."

        "I wish you could."

        "I care about you girls, and I love you. I wish you answered this call but I just want you to call me back when you get this message. I'm 20 minutes away now, I can't wait to see you again. We can grab some ice cream at (your favorite ice cream place) when I get there. I love you, (Y/n)." And that was it. The message ended. You hung up and threw your phone, hiding your face in your pillow as you cried. 

        You felt the guilt rise up within you. You should've picked up the phone. You knew you should've. You screamed and cried, slamming your fists against your pillow. You were emotionally exhausted. Drained. Worn out. Ever tear that you've ever bottled up inside you was let out at that moment, until you couldn't bare to stay up any longer. You fell into a terrible, nightmarish, sleep.

Back to the present ;o

        You were walking to lunch when you hear someone (quietly) call your name. You turn to see Matthew jogging up to you. "Haa... I'm so glad I caught up to you... Puff... I wanted to know if you could... Come to my hockey game tomorrow? We're not professional... It's just for fun, really. And I know hockey season starts in October but I just wante-"

        "Matthew." You say, interrupting his rambling. He looks at you nervously. "Yes...?" You smile and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Of course I'll go." You said, chuckling when Matthew beams at you. "Hey! Dudette!" You turn to see the boisterous American walking towards you with his classic goofy smile (that could make any girl swoon, honestly) on his face.

        "Hello, Alfred." You say as he reaches non-shouting distance. "You should totally sit with me and my friends at lunch today! I'm sure you've met them all at lest once... So it won't be too awkward!" Alfred grins, looking down at you. "Sure! But can Matthew and Ivan sit with us? If that's okay." You ask, Alfred furrows his brows. "Who's Ivan-"

        "I'm right here, you did not notice me behind you, da?" Ivan says cheerily, Alfred shrieks like a little girl and leaps behind you. "Yeah, sure thing, they can sit with us! But don't do that ever again!" Alfred says, shaking. "Cool beans!" You say, Alfred gets over his scared attitude and laughs. "What's so funny?" You ask, furrowing your eye brows and blinking up at him.

        "It's just... 'Cool beans?' Ahahahaha!" Alfred laughs loudly, holding his stomach. You feel your face heat up and you look down at your feet. Alfred notices this and panics. "Huh? N-no! I didn't mean it as an insult! I was just saying that it makes you sound cute!" Alfred says quickly, now you're blushing for an entirely different reason. 

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