Chapter Seventeen

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        "Right... You're right." You mutter, walking out of their house and walking to your own. Before you could get to the door, someone runs into you and hugs you from behind.


        "Feli? What are you doing here?" You ask, Feliciano grins at the name you gave him. "Grandpa Roma wanted to know if you could come over for dinner again! But you don't remember the first time you were at my house though... But that's okay!" He grins at you, giving you a look that's hard to say no to.

        "Alright, lead the way." Feliciano cheers and grabs your hand, dragging you towards a semi-familiar house. "Here we are? Do you remember this?" He asks, you nod slowly. "Vaguely. But it does look familiar."

        "Come on, let's go inside!" He pulls you inside and you almost trip over the carpet. You see a very familiar looking man who looks like Feliciano and Lovino combined. "(Y/n)! It's great to see you again-" The man cuts off as he looks down at your hand, which Feliciano was holding and an amused smirk formed on his face.

        "Feli, why didn't you tell me she was going to my new granddaughter?" He asks, you immediately yank your hand away as Lovino pops his head out of the kitchen, eyes wide. Feliciano blushes and stutters, you wave your hands in the air and shake your head.

        "You got it all wrong! W-we're just friends!" 

        If you could shrink and run away, you would've done it five minutes ago. The man laughs and pats your back. "Don't worry, I was just joking. We're making pizza tonight, do you want to help?" Roma asked, and if you asked Feliciano or Lovino, they'd say your eyes sparkled at that.

        "Yes!" You say enthusiastically, Roma chuckles and leads you to the kitchen where Lovino was already kneading pizza dough. Roma walks over to him and pats his back. "Little Lovi here is the best pizza maker in the house!" He announces proudly, while Lovino blushes and scoots away from his grandfather.

          "No I'm not really that good. Grandpa just likes to over-exaggerate things." He mumbles. "No! It's true! Lovino's pizza is really good!" Feliciano says, nodding vigorously. You grin and walk over to Lovino. "Care to show me how to make pizza?"

          He blushes and looks away, taking a deep breath then pointing to the sink. "Wash your hands first." He grumbles, you flash him a goofy grin. "Right, right. I knew that!" You do as he says and wash your hands before standing next to him. 

           "Alright, knead the dough." Lovino instructs, you smile awkwardly. "Knead...?" He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Like this." He pushes the heels of his hands in the middle of the dough and pushes away from him. He then turns it and folds it over and repeats the process. 

           You hum. "I wanna try." Lovino awkwardly steps to the side as you put some flour on your hands. "So I just..." You desperately try to mimic his movements but end up failing miserably. Your shoulders hunch and you sigh in defeat. 

           Lovino comes up behind you and places your hands on the dough. "It's like this." His breath tickles your neck. He guides your hands until you get it right. He steps away and nods, satisfied. "Good." It was just that one word that made you beam.

           "Yes!" You cheer, grinning. You were glowing, honestly and truly glowing. It was strange. For the first time in the past few months you didn't think about any of your problems. You felt free, oh so free.

Time skip </3

But all good things come to an end.

              Feliciano and Lovino were walking you home and when you see the familiar car in the driveway, everything hit you like a speeding truck hits a small, defenseless deer. 

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now