Chapter Sixteen

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(For now this is all the old chapters ill post)

        "Y-you're kidding... Right? This is just another one of your stupid jokes."

        I blink slowly at Ludwig as I begin to process what's happening. "Wait, don't tell me... You like (Y/n) too!?" I shout, his face turns redder than a tomato. "O-of course not! Why would I?! She doesn't see me that way! And I... I said something I shouldn't have to her." I almost didn't catch that last part.

        "What did you say?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "I said something about her brother and you. I-I'd rather not repeat it," he looks away guiltily, "she probably hates me now though."

        "Bruder, get a hold of yourself. This is (Y/n) we're talking about. That girl is incapable to hate. The closest she's come to hating something is when I forced her to play Getting Over It." We both chuckled at the memory.

        "So all I have to do is climb this stuff?" (Y/n) asks, blinking confusedly. I nod and grin. "Yup! I'll be right back, I'll go grab some snacks." I walk out of the house and walk to the corner store down the street. 

        When I get back, I hear yelling in the house and run inside. "(Y/n), calm do-"

        "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! THIS STUPID GAME IS A..." She screams again. I walk into the room and almost burst into laughter. The computer chair is across the room and pretty much everything is knocked off the desk. 

        But that's not the best part... (Y/n) somehow managed to wrestle Ludwig to the ground and she was sitting on his back. She takes a few deep breaths. "I am calm. I'm totally relaxed." She laughs a bit and starts climbing. She messes up and falls all the way to the beginning.

        "no... no. nO! NO YOU STALE CHICKEN NUGGET WITH BURNT ICE CREAM ON THE SIDE!" She stands up and suplexes Ludwig then shakes the desk and pacing around. After a few minutes of that, she sits in the corner and hits her head against the wall muttering to herself.

        "Maybe you're right." Ludwig mutters, I grin. "That's the spirit! But uh, I just want you to know bruder..." The atmosphere grows serious. "Just because you're my adorable little bruder does not mean I am going to let you have (Y/n)." His eyes widen slightly before staring up at me in defiance.

        "You do not want to declare war on me, bruder."

Back to you and ???'s POV

        I watched her move around the room. Pacing, rubbing her hands together, running her hand through her hair. It's hard to tell what she's thinking. "Cheeseburger for your thoughts?" I look over at Alfred who's holding a cheeseburger to me. I scoff.

        "I refuse to eat that." I sigh. "But it's obvious she's stressed out. I'm sure she didn't cause the accident." Suddenly, there's screaming down the hall and it's coming closer. "I'M TELLING YOU! I WAS RUN OFF THE ROAD!"

        (Y/n) looks at the door and runs over to it. "Mom!?" She says, they make brief eye contact and (M/n) starts thrashing in the arms of the guards. "ASK (Y/N)! SHE KNOWS! SHE KNOWS!" (M/n) shrieks, (Y/n) tries opening the door in a panic. "Mom? Mom! Open the door! Let me out!"

        Allistor walks over to the door and opens the window. "No can do. You need to stay here lass." He says smoothly. It's amazing how calm he can be when he's not drinking.

        "Please! She needs me! I don't understand...! I didn't do anything wrong..." She whimpers, Allistor closes the window and walks away. (Y/n) sinks to the floor with her back pressed against the door. "I think that's your cue, Sherlock."

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now