Chapter 15 - Voices

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 I let out a sigh and closed my eyes for a second, there was nothing there… thank god. I rolled out of bed and stretched, still in my underwear I walked over to the window. The moon full and pale blue ‘Poetic’ I mused to myself, it did look lovely tonight…fair play. Realising I was still in my undies I grabbed my dressing gown that was on the side of my bed and wrapped around my cold and glistening body… this was a bloody nightmare.

You didn’t think I would be there did you…” the voice chuckled, it sounded dry and almost sinister as it spoke and I could not comprehend where I had heard it before… it sounded so familiar and yet does distant.

“Who are you…?” I questioned it

You do not know? Well that is most amusing Princess...” I scowled under my breathe as it labelled me, which only seemed to amuse it more.

“No I don’t… so why don’t you enlighten me on that tiny detail” sarcasm flowed on my words as I scowled; I felt invaded almost… it was in my head as well as my house...

Walk outside and you shall see me…”  Was this thing for real? Hell would freeze over before I went outside dressed like this.

“Urmm… I think I’ll pass on that” I smiled wryly not knowing if it was looking at me…. Or if I was crazy… but it added to the effect. “So why don’t you just tell me” I swear I heard it sigh

Very well… I am the shadow that haunts you… I am the wind that slices your skin...”  I cut it off, it was boring me

“Enough riddles, either show me… or get out...” I even pointed out the window, only making it more amused as it laughed at my childish gesture

All in good time… all in good time… but for now… I think you have a visitor… do not worry princess I won’t reveal my identity yet…” It laughed one more time before it faded away and hopefully for the last time too. A tap came at my window, spinning around I was frozen on spot… there he was… Leo I mean, leaning on the edge of my window

“A...Little…Help…here…” he mumbled, I raced over to the window and pulled it up, allowing Leo full access to my room… I gulped

“What are you doing here?” I questioned him as he climbed through, almost hitting the floor in the process

“I came to see you” He laughed as he wiped the dust from his jeans

“W-what?” I was dumbfounded and shocked, not to mention terrified… this was the first time I had ever let any guy into my room…

“I came to see you” he traced his thumb along my chin before slumping on my bed ‘Make yourself at home why don’t you’ My mind scowled at him “I missed you sweetie” he gave me a slanted smile that made me cringe

“You saw me about 30 minutes ago…” I raised a brow mocking him “Now get your shoes off my bed” He laughed but bent down, undid the laces on his black boots, tossed them off and the black socks he wore went with them

“There… all done, now be a doll and kiss me like you did earlier” his tongue poked out from his lips, he was mocking me... but all I could do in return was laugh

“Cocky much?” his smile widened, I walked over to the chair in the corner and slumped down, making sure that my dressing gown did not rise up my legs in the process

“Awww no fair” he pouted, making me beam at him… he was acting like a child, but it did lighten the tense atmosphere that shrouded this room “Please… pretty please..” he sighed “Do I get a hug then?” I sighed and gave in, rising from the chair I slowly walked towards him, his smile widened and I felt my heart skip a beat… why was I so nervous? Reaching over him I wrapped my arms around his neck before leaning my head on his shoulder, I felt his arms reach around my back making me relax… ‘this isn’t  so bad… it’s perfectly fine… you’ll be fine’ I kept telling myself, suddenly I felt his hand reach down towards my bum, I tensed… but he didn’t seem to notice and continued, before I knew it I was lying next to him bursting out with laughter and clutching at my dressing gown

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