Chapter 16 Halloween

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(A/N it's been two months since the 'Jack The Ripper' case and Karyn and Spencer have been out on a few dates already.)

Spencer's POV

It was Halloween and Karyn and I where out looking for a costume for the Halloween party Garcia and Morgan where making us (me) go to.

"How about a doctors costume?" Karyn asks holding out zombie doctor costume.


"You need to pick something." Karyn says looking at me. "Or I may pick for you Dr. Reid." We continued walking around the story when we came across a sexy vampire costume.

"How about no." Karyn giggles as she pulls me across the store and outside to a coffee shop that's across the street from my apartment.

We order ourselves hot chocolate and we're sitting down drink when one of Karyn's favorite songs come on.

I stand up and hold out my hand to her. "May I have this dance?"

"Yes you may Doctor." I smile at her nickname for me.

We swayed in place. Karyn had her arms around my neck and I had my arms around her waist.

"I love you Ryn." Karyn blushed at her nickname from me.

"I love you to Doctor." I leaned in and kissed her. I pulled away when there where clapping. I felt my face getting warm and I could see Karyn blushing red.

"How about the tenth doctor and Rose?" Karyn asked. I nodded my head yes and she jump up and down joyously.

Karyn told me how Halloween was her favorite holiday ever and she was excited and so was I because it's also my favorite holiday.

We go back to my apartment and start getting ready.


We arived at the BAU and got into the bullpen and everywhere was decorated for Halloween.

I think Morgan lost a bet with Garcia because he was dressed in normal clothing and than she walked over with a dress bag and Morgan rolled his eyes and groaned.

The party soon started after that and we where having fun dancing to music talking and eating food.

Morgan had on a Mad-Hatter costume to go with Garcia's Alice costume.

JJ and Will where here in Matrix costumes.

I look around and am shocked to see Hotch  and Emily kissing. I tap Karyn on the shoulder and point to Hotch and Emily and she squeals while yelling

"Good job boss man!" I saw Emily turn bright red and Hotch started laughing.

Rossi was wearing a 40's styled suite and his hair was all done as it was in the 40's.

Karyn walked over to her dad and laughed.

"Why hello Mr. Godfather. Looking sharp."

"And this is why you're my daughter." Rossi said kissing Karyn on both of her cheeks.

The night continued on for a while and while Karyn and I where dancing I dipped her down and while she was laughing when I lifted her up I connected our lips together. Karyn pressed herself into the kiss and it seamed like everyone in the room dissappeared and it was just Karyn and I together.

"I love you." I whisper into her when we break apart.

"I love you too Reid for as long as I may live I will love you still from the depths of my soul and it's beyond my control. I've waited forever for a man like you to say that to and if you ask me if I love you this much. I do."

(A/N okay I was listening to 'Mark Wills I Do' and I thought one of the lines went well with what Karyn said.

You guys are AMAZING!!! I'm at 1,18k reads and counting. This means so much to me.

This was the Halloween chapter. I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving full of amazing food and even better people.

Bye Profilers

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