Chapter 12 Nightmares

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(A/N Please don't make fun of the book Spencer is reading in this chapter it's a book that I'm trying to write but don't think it's that good so I'm trying it out on this chapter. Hope you enjoy it)

Spencers' POV

I found the first book of a series called 'The Shifter' and turned it to the first chapter and this is what it read

I've been running all my life from the wolves because of a fude that's dated back to the dawn of time when Shifters and Werewolves roamed free. Until one day when a Alpha of each pack decided to let there hatred towards each other get the better of them and started a war between all of us.

The Wolves go around and kill of packs of shifters because they became jealous and greedy because the Shifters could turn when ever where the Wolves had to turn every full moon.

One day my group got attacked by a pack of Wolves and my brother and I where the only ones who survived. My brother got killed ten years later when I turned eighteen. He was only twelve. I was the one who grabbed him a made a run for it because that's what my father said to do and it was to be my number one priority no matter what I heard or what I saw I was to take care of my brother.

Once in a while we would cross paths with a wolf but only when another shifter had them or they where babys and where raised differantly with out the hatred. How many shifters are there alive today you ask? Well I'll tell you. There are fifty alive today, and if they're more alive they're to scared to come out and help.

I have a group of my own. It's a small close net group of ten. I'm the leader of the group. I found one person from my fathers group that had survived and it was Justin, my dads brother. Justin is 6 foot 4 and a half his lean and his muscellar but not one of those really big body builders type. He also had sandy blond hair that looks like it's never been brused, dark green eyes that look like pine. When he found me it was after my brother died. His name was Andrew, and he was named after my father because he was a boy and would be group leader. He also looked a lot like my dad, Justin looked like Grandma whereas dad got Grandpa's looks, and so did I. My dad had dark chocolate brown hair that somtimes got mistaken for black, dark brown eyes that help mystery. My dad was also well built but was 6 foot 5 even.

I got my dad and grandpa's looks. I had my dads dark chocolate brown hair and eye that help mystery and could charm anyone into what ever I want. I was also built like my mom. I was curvy in all the right places and had what you would call a 'killer' rack. But I don't I'm me and i break hands of people who try anything with me. I wear biker jeans because they fit and I can fight in them. I also wear tee shirts and crop tops and ride a motorcycle that was my dads. I hope that one day I can find the pack that killed my family and shot first ask questions later because I know they'll try to finish what they began.

This is my story and how I'll either advenge my family or die trying

I look at the cover and the auther was 'ann Netherfield' I put the book down because I didn't want to stay up to late reading the books because we had workinthe morning. I was about to fall asleep when I heard screaming coming from my room. I grabbed my gun and ran to the room to see Karyn thrashing around the bed screaming for help. I ran over to Karyn's side and started waking her up. When she opened her eyes she jumped then hugged me and started crying.


Karyns' POV

I woke up and I knew where I was. I was in the abandoned were house that Cole took me too when he kidnapped me and tortured me for hours on end. I struggled to get out of the cuff I had on and loosen the rope tied around my legs and torso.

I heard the door opened and I knew what was going to happen next. Cole grabbed a knife and started twirling it around like he was the boss and I was puny.

"You Karyn. You are going to be mine forever." Cole got that evil smirk he always gave me before doing horrible things to me. "Now. So you don't forget who you belong too I'm going to cut it into you so you'll forever know whom you'll always belong to." And with that Cole started to cut into my hip and I started screaming.

"Spencer! Help me!" I screamed more as the knife cut into my skin. I could feel the blade and the warm blood coming from my cut as I scream for him to stop and for anyone to save me. 

I awoke with a start. I forgot where I was for a second, but before I could thing I jumped and wrapped my arms around Spencer in a bear hug and cried.

I cried because I haven't had the nightmare since I was twenty-two. I also cried because I was releaved that I had someone there to comfort me again and I was happy about that. I could still feel where the blade left it's mark and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wollow in self pity because I had a constant reminder that I wasn't safe until someone shot Cole. I still don't know who killed him but whomever did I'm forever thankful.

No one knows what happened to the female Unsub and there still looking for her.

I calmed down and stopped my crying. 'I must look pathetic'. I say. I could hear soft calming whispers that made me melt into Spencer's arms more. He was also rubbing soft small circles on my back that felt wonderful and I felt like I was in heaven.

I must've fallen asleep sometime during my thoughts of bliss and calming because I felt the bed shifting and me being picked up and laid back down on a pillow that smelled like colgue and mint shampoo. I also heard foot steps slowly moving away. I reached out with hand and grabbed Spencer's. I opened my eyes a bit and looked at Spencer who was looking worried.

"Please stay. I don't want to be scared. I want to feel safe like I did when I passed out from the migraine at the hotel and you need up sleeping in my bed." My voice was small and cracking from exhibition. "I didn't have a nitghmare and I felt safe. Please Spencer?" I could hear Spencer give a small sigh and he walked around and got on the other side of the bed.

Spencer wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I snuggled closer to him and put my head on his chest.

"I love you Spence." I said. Before I fell asleep feeling safe in Spencer's arms he replied

"I love you too Ren." And with that I drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Spencer on my minds.

(A/N hey profilers how's it going? I hope it's been better for you than it has for me.

My uncle died from cancer two weeks ago so it's been hard on me.

Anyway. I hope you liked the part of 'The Shifter Chronicles' that Spencer read. If you did please comment I cane up with that part and wrote it so some feedback would be awesome.

This was kinda of a filler chapter then a real chapter.

Bye Profilers!

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