Chapter 11 Dancing

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There will be drinking in this chapter and swearing. Sorry if the books getting to much for you.

Spencers' POV

Karyn asked me to help her take off her shirt so she could go take a shower. I reluctantly help out and not look.

"Oh, shit. Sorry guys." I turn around and there stood Garcia covering her eyes.

"It's okay Garcia. Spencer was helping me take off my shirt so I could go shower." Karyn said

"Uh, huh. I'll help her shower and get ready. Junior G-Man you go and meet us at the club." Garcia ordered. I grabbed a black button up shirt and dark blue slim fit jeans that Garcia bought me so I would look 'nicer' and went to Hotches.

Karyns' POV

After Spencer left I was alone with Garcia and I was pretty sure I was as red as a fire truck.

"So. I knew you loved each other but really?"

"I couldn't get my shirt off with out trying to re-open my chest. I asked Spencer to help me take off my shirt because it hurt to much so he helped me out, and that's when you entered." I explained trying to convince Garcia that's all that was happening.

Garcia let out a laugh.

"I know I was just trying to pick on you." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Garcia helped me undress and shower.

I got into my outfit I bought for when ever I wanted to go out dancing. It was a black dress that went mid thigh and did a small wrap around my right shoulder and the left shoulder was embodied. It hugged all the right curves and hid the wrong places. I put on my four inche heels that made my legs and butt look good. I grabbed a red bow handbag that fit my ID, badge, phone and lipstick. I put on a pair of black lacey looking earings and a ring that had a black opel in the middle. I curled my hair and pined a few pieces into that back and left a few infront of my face. I put on black eye liner and a red lipstick that lasts hours.

We got into Garcia's car and Justin Timberlakes "Sexy Back" Came on and I laughed.

"Two beautiful girls driving to a club and this song comes on? The irony is amazing." I couldn't help but dance in my seat as we drove. We got to the club and pulled into a parking spot right as Hotch and Spencer pulled up. I got out and saw Spencer wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rooled up to his elbows. He was also wearing slim fit jeans that made him look amazing. I walked over when he wasn't looking and tapped his shoulder

"Hi. I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink with me?" Spencer turned around and saw me. I could see his IQ drop again. "Like the view?" I asked with a smile. Spencer shook his head and studdered his answer

"Yo-You Loo-Look Amazing Ka-Karyn." Spencer swallowed "Would you like to go in?" Spencer asked holding out his elbow. I hooked my arm through his and we walked towards the door.

"You look very handsome tonight Dr. Reid." I said very happy.

"Well than you Dr. Netherfield." I looked at Spencer who had a cheeky grin.

"I don't like being called Doctor. I go by Ms. Agent, Netherfield or Karyn not Doctor." I said the last two words in a british accent. Spencer laughed a laugh I've never heard before. It made arms get goose dumps and my heart beat faster. It was full of glee and I was happy I was the one who made him laugh like that.

"Hey Karyn! Spencer! Over here." I turn and saw Morgan at a table. I lost track of what we where doing that I didn't notice that we where in the VIP area.

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