Chapter 6 Things Don't Always Go as Planed

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Karyns' POV

Spencer and I arrived at the park I found that gave an advantage in my plan. After we parked Spencer turned to me.

"Are you sure you want to d-" I cut Spencer off by grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. He was surprised and tensed up at first but soon relaxed and kissed back with more force.

Spencers lips tasted of coffee and sour patch kids. After a minute of kissing we broke apart out of breath. Spencer had a smile on his face and was red as a tomato.

"I needed to do tha-" I was cut off by Spencer kissing me back into a more passionate kiss that made your toes tingle and your stomach burn with happiness and your thoughts jumbled.

We pulled away and it was my turn to blush a deep red that if you tried hard enough could roast a marshmallow on.

"I didn't know pretty boy could do that." Morgan said over the radio. I could see Spencer turning even more red. If that was even possible.

"Uh, we should catch this guy." I say grabbing my purse and smiling at my self getting out of the car. We walked in silence until Tony spoke up.

"Hey Karr?" Tony asked. "Are you really that good of a kisser? Oh, and we should go to a club where you can dance because I've heard of when you danced in Vagas." I felt my face drain of color and Spencer looked at me

"You use to dance in Vagas?" He asked I could see him trying to picture my curvy figure perfectly tan skin and slim body and legs that could make a girl envyous.

"Uh, Tony I'm going to kill you. Gibbs can you smack him for me?" I grinned when I heard a slap.

Spencer and I walked around in a comforting silence that was until I heard a voice that could make you blood run cold and you stop in your tracks.

"I thought you'd come by yourself coming to get me, and not have your boy toy come with." I turned around and met the very person who ruined my life, made me scared to even leave my room or sleep at night. He was as tall as Morgan. Black hair that was spiked up and oily, and green eyes that looked like mush.

"I'm here to arrest you on three counts of murder, stalking, threatening a FBI agent and another five counts of murder." I say trying to sound confident. It must've not been that convincing because all he did was laugh at me and I cringed at it.

I put my hand behind my back and slowly lifted my shirt because I know what he was going to do next. It happened so fast I didn't have time to process it.

I grabbed my gun and pulled it out and grabbed my buck knife with my other hand. I pointed my knife at Cole and my gun at the person holding Spencer. I couldn't see who it was but I knew it was a women.

"Let him go!" I said sternly. I could hear everyone grabbing guns in the vechicles and getting ready for a show down. In my periferal vision could see Coke pull a gun and point it at Spencer.

I look at Cole and tossed my knife onto the ground but kept my gun pointed at the figure holding Spencer at gun point.

"Did you think you could surprise me? Are you that stupid girl? I am the one that created you. Your my property remember? Property of Cole cut into your skin." I started getting mad.

(A/N I'm going to swith to third person view)

Cole knew he was striking a nerve with every word he spoke. He kept on thinking of how he'll keep going and get the right reaction out of her. He wanted her to become the murderer he knew she was since Vagas.

Karyn was getting angry and all the more scared. Scared for Spencer, scared for herself and anyone who's helping her. She didn't want the man who she fell in love with in two days to get hurt or worse, and Spencer felt the same way about Karyn.

Spencer forgives Karyn and understands why she lied and why she changed her name and apperance. Spencer wished he could help her but he felt useless. Weak. He also felt angry because the man who's tortured Karyn and put her through hell is standing right there and he can't do anything to make it better.

Karyn kept herself calm, making it look like non of this was affecting her at all. She felt her right leg twining with pain because the knife in her boot was cutting into her and her palms where sweating because she was scared of what was going to happen next.

FBI, NCIS and the Seattle PD where running into the park guns drawn and focased on the two people holding Reid at gun point.

(Back to Karyn's POV)

I stood there Peralized because Spencer was held at both knife and gun point and Cole always hit where he aimed. I tried to see who was the women hidden in a black hoodie and a ski mask. I also had a gun pointed at me from Cole but I didn't care if I ended up hurt I just need Spencer okay because for the first time in a long time I felt whole with someone and I felt like he was slowly being taken away from me and it made my heart feel like it was getting torn to shreds over, and over again, and leaving a hole in my stomach and in my chest eat where my breaking heart was.

I turned my head and gun towards Cole and growled

"Let. Him. Go. Or I'm going to end up introducing you brain to daylight. And it'll happen because my rounds are Hydro shock leaves a small hole in the front but leaves a hole size of a orenge I'm the back." No matter what I did Cole and the women snickered and laughed at me as if I where a child.

"Nope." Cole popped the 'p' and looked at me with a look that made ice run through my vains and make me freeze in horror.

"Don't. You. Touch. Me." I was now scared for my life of what would happen. Cole turned his whole body and pointed his gun at me


(A/N Evil end of chapter and evil authors note here! Hope you all had a very happy Halloween. I was a 20's Flapper Girl for Halloween and looked (shockingly) good. I hope your Halloween was fun and you costumes fun too.

Anyway. CLIFFHANGER! I know I'm evil. I'll work on the next chapter and get it up soon for you. Tell me what you tough of the kiss between them, and I'm sorry for this being a crappy chapter hope you still like it.


Still need you to pick a favorite either


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Bye fellow Profilers

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